The cold, overcast, weather continued throughout the day until we set off late in the afternoon for a forest drive, and someone turned on the light, so we headed for Hatchet Pond where we would likely see a cormorant on a post. In the event, the bird remained in deep shade and we were diverted anyway by a man and little girl walking down the slope with the intention of feeding the ducks.
Jackie photographed them and the swan, donkey, and a gull bidding for the food.
She also caught the cormorant on the far bank as she pictured another donkey.
This is my gallery of the scene. The fist brandished by the man in the fourth picture is an attempt to shoo off the donkey. These animals appeared from nowhere. The woman in the last picture used much more voraciously violent vehemence to banish them all.
Apart from chatting to one donkey seen in my gallery above, she
focussed on gulls in flight
and the swan on the water.
She also caught donkeys in silhouette against the sun.
After I photographed the lower sun tinting the thatched roof
and the pony on Furzey Lane,

we diverted to St. Leonard’s Road where we waited for a promising sunset; the first two images of which are mine, and the third, Jackie’s.
This evening we dined on succulent lemon chicken and wholesome savoury rice with which I drank more of the merlot.