Nesting Teapots

Before visiting Otter Nurseries for compost this morning we took a drive into the forest.

We met two different large vans on Undershore. This was the widest, straightest, end of this narrow sinuous lane.

A solitary pony made its way past a row of old thatched cottages facing the green at Pilley.

On the outskirts of the village, a group of ponies on the road revealed the freshly cut tails clearly received during a recent Drift.

I don’t think any of them would have tossed this can onto the verge.

Overlooked by a pigeon atop a dying tree

fine islands of water lilies float on a section of Hatchet Pond,

where an eager moorhen went blackberrying.

A slender barefoot woman walked over the shingle at low tide on Tanners Lane beach; rolled up her jeans; and joined her frisky dog splashing and paddling.

I spent the afternoon listening to the second day of the fourth Ashes Test match.

Jackie presented two teapots for Nugget’s consideration.

One is hidden on the trunk of the copper beech;

another in the ivy against the south fence of the Rose Garden.

“Where’s Nugget?” (15)

The Head Gardener also photographed these views.

This evening we dined on a splendid meal at Faros in Milford on Sea. Jackie chose Zucchini fritters followed by lamb giouvetsi with plentiful fresh salad; my selection was baked meatballs and beef stilfado with chips. Mrs Knight drank half of a Toast while I drank Xinomavro.


  1. Internet is playing hide and seek today somewhat like Nugget who has of late though chosen to remain in the middle of the puzzle frames. So my iPad is having trouble downloading some of the photos. Horses look good with the trimmed fly swatters. The discarded can of Coke looks equally bad.

  2. I had to go to sleep at the tea break. All I really wanted to see was Paine make a decent score. He might not be to best batsman but his Captaincy has brought a new life to Australian cricket.

  3. I thought that might have been a partridge in a bare tree??

    I do hope Nugget is not as fussy about his residence as he seemed to be about Jackie’s ground turning yesterday? He seems to be cottoning on to the game and is trying to hide his bright eyes from the lens today? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope you enjoyed Mr Smith’s 7th hundred in 12 innings and his 3rd double against England yesterday? I’m predicting a draw and we’ll have a full stadium for the deciding 5th match.

  4. I spy Nugget!!! I do hope Nugget enjoys the nesting teapots! ๐Ÿ™‚ Might he move a mate in and start a family?!?!
    A sinuous lane might make a person dizzy! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€
    OH! That moorhen is so cute! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Jackie’s garden view-photos are spectacular! ๐Ÿ™‚
    The thatched cottages are lovely! And it looks a good-pony day! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I like water and puddles more than little Cooper! But, I’ve had doggies in the past that LOVED the water! ๐Ÿ™‚
    HUGS!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    PS… The Where is Nugget photos WOULD make a lovely book for children to enjoy!

  5. I also liked the series with the woman and her dog wading in the water. I wonder if Nugget will guide a mate to a teacup (perhaps he has his eye on one)? ๐Ÿ™‚
    That moorhen is quite stunning. I had to look it up, and we do have them in this area.

  6. I always enjoy these scenes from your forest drives. I love thatched cottages! The ponies look nice and fat going into the autumn.

    I wonder which teapot Nugget will choose? ๐Ÿ™‚

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