Today I watched recordings of the Rugby World Cup matches between Georgia and Uruguay, and between Wales and Australia. Taking breaks from these matches I made crops of Jackie’s photographs, and took the nesting box one myself. It is so good to employ a most competent Assistant Photographer.
Jackie carried out planting, mostly in the Weeping Birch Bed – such as White Ladies asters, and grass panicum Warrior – hindered of course by Nugget who at one point nipped neatly onto her chair when she left it.
Those readers who have missed Nugget in the last couple of posts have nothing to fear, our little robin is here. The scale of this picture showing a flash of Jackie’s jeans and a glimpse of her arm, the trowel beside the tufa on which he stands, and the pair of gardening gloves demonstrates just how little he is.
The tufa on which he stands is, according to Wikipedia, ‘ a variety of limestone formed when carbonate minerals precipitate out of ambient temperature water.’ Plants grow on it.
He doesn’t take up much room on a trowel, but he can delay the Head Gardener using it.
When Jackie was sitting in the chair mentioned above, Nugget would dart from this stone under her seat in search of fodder.
The finely woven wicker-work of his plumage is most intricate.
Whilst at the south end of the garden Jackie also photographed the Back Drive;
its Japanese anemones against the white wall of No. 5 Downton Lane;
raindrops on its out of season poppy
and convolvulus:
sprigs of bright hawthorn berries;
a wood pigeon basking on the warm gravel;
a volunteer nicotiana sylvestris;
and a further clump of chrysanthemums against hot lips.
She photographed the garden as seen from the Heligan Path;
her stumpery;
and one of two pots of pansies in the Rose Garden.
Not satisfied with the third teapot she has offered Nugget through her estate agency,
when she popped out for more plants at Otter Nurseries she bought a purpose built robin nesting box to increase his choice.
Now, “Where’s Nugget?” (31)
This evening we dined on Jackie’s minced beef topped with Lyonnaise potatoes, crunchy carrots and broccoli with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Doom Bar.
I love that Nugget “helps” around the garden! Lovely photos, as always 🙂
Thanks very much, Nikki
Nugget is a dear Robin…
The garden is beautiful. Well done Jackie, Derrick and Nugget.
Thank you very much, Kavitha
I believe when a cat or dog nip into your vacated chair as soon as you leave it is for one of two reasons – or possibly both – warmth and/or because your scent is there and because they like you, they like your scent. I wonder if that applies to robins. Nugget looks like he may be checking out the latest choice in apartments on offer. Personally I want him to go for the quirkiest teapot Jackie can find – but that just might be what I would do if I were a robin. You’ve done rather splendidly with your choice of assistant photographer Derrick, well done! 🙂 Oh PS: the closeup of Nugget is stunning what beautiful colouring you captured. He’s a most handsome fellow!
Very many thanks, Pauline. An interesting thought about the senses. We are pleased you liked the close-up of that intricate web of such tiny plumage
Your photos of Nugget are gorgeous Derrick…
Thanks very much, Ivor
What a great team you make! Wonderful photos–I love all the close-ups of Nugget, and I managed to spot him in the Where’s Nugget section of your post. 😉
Well spotted, Merril. Many thanks
Lovely close ups of Nugget.
Thanks very much, Sheree
Beautiful photos, Jackie! Raindrops, berries, buds, the stumpery, etc.! All wonderful! 🙂
Derrick…good photo of the nesting box!
OH! I think the Assistant Photographer should be called THE Head Assistant Photographer as I can’t imagine anyone better! 🙂
I’m so glad to see Nugget! I’ve been missing him! His close-ups are so stunning! He is a gorgeous little guy! Those feathers! I love how you described them!
And he’s so intelligent and so interested in everything his “Mum” is doing. 😉 🙂 Wonder when he will pick a “pot”. He has some prime real estate to chose from! 😀
In the Where’s Nugget? photo I see him perched…but I will not say where or on what or by what, so others can find him, too. 🙂
HUGS!!! to both of you human-beans! 🙂 🙂
TWEETS!!! to Nugget! 🙂
Well spotted, Carolyn. Thanks for these lovely comments X
I laughed at your comment about Jackie’s photography skills! 😉 All of the photos are wonderful and Nugget!!!! I love him!❤️❤️😉❤️
Thank you very much, Jill 🙂 X
An excellent Nugget portfolio. Perhaps he should have his own Instagram account and become an influencer.
He might just be young enough to investigate Instagram. 🙂 Thanks very much, Tootlepedal.
That’s brightened up this dreary day. Thank you sir.
Thank you very much, Gary
The best of Nugget. He’s so handsome.
Thanks very much, Leslie.
Excellent photos, and I guess you’ve gone back to classic wp as now when I look on the iPad they are not overlapping the text and each other.
I have, indeed, Gwen. Thanks very much
All lovely photos but the closeup of Nugget’s plumage is hard to beat. What a gem.
That is actually quite a big crop – really amazing, we thought. Thanks very much, Oglach
Thanks for featuring Nugget again. Love your photos.
Thanks very much, Arlene
I found him! How clever to use a teapot for a nesting box. And so very British.
Thanks very much, Sue. I have a friend who was a dry stone waller in Wales. He put a teapot in one of his walls for that very reason
From your photos Derrick, I can see the beauties of each season 🙂 …wonderful flowers and I love how Nugget is always there to control every single movement of the gardener 🙂
The close ups are wonderful! He’s a model by now 🙂
This time he choose to stay a little bit higher so that he can have a better visual of his garden 🙂
Thanks very much, Ribana. Well spotted
Nugget seems to be very tame. Lovely photos, Derrick. I hope he likes his prospective home and finds a lady friend to share it with.
Thanks very much, Sylvia. Fingers crossed
The backdrive looks like I could have spent many an afternoon there tinkering with my bewildering childhood collection of playthings. Why is Mr Nugget bang in the middle of the Quiz Image?
Thanks very much, Uma. Because he is standing on the owl 🙂
Nugget is so cute. Loves hanging out in your beautiful gardens! There’s no place like home!
Thanks very much, Gary
Ah, hello Nugget! I “see” where you are 🙂
You and Jackie both make beautiful photographs. Wish you both a lovely week ahead.
And you, Takami. Well spotted. Many thanks
All that incredible plumage, the ability to fly. and he doesn’t weigh even three quarters of an ounce (c 20g)
Amazing. Many thanks, John
I’m so sad to share that our LordBeariOfBow (Brian) has died.
Please see the comment section of his last post for the details.
I’ll miss him.
Me, too. I’m so very sad. He was such a good, caring, kind friend. When I began my Cancer Journey (it started 4 years ago) he was such an encouragement and help to me and he continued to be. 🙂
Thank you for this sad news, Carolyn XX
Thank you, Derrick. I’m sorry I had to share it, but I knew so many of you would want to know.
The Japanese anemones are stunning! Also love the tufa with plant growth.
A most competent assistant indeed – Jackie’s shots of little Nugget are superb.
Your out of season poppy is such a beautiful colour – one i have not seen before.! 🙂
Nugget seems to be trying to blend in with the statues of his avian relatives in today’s Where’s Nugget, although i did need to biggify to spot him this time. 😉
Thanks very much, Bob. Well spotted
Lovely pictures as ever. We have got a squirrel in our garden storing nuts all over the place. I would rather have a robin.
Far preferable, Andrew. Thanks very much
The Head Gardener did a fantastic job as photographer. You better watch out Derrick – she’ll be taking your job soon!
As long as it gives me time to watch rugby I don’t mind 🙂 Thanks very much, GP
I was triumphant when I finally found Nugget! (Being able to magnifiy the photo even more than previously helped a lot!) I love his close ups!
Thanks very much, Sandra. Well spotted
what a delightful peak into the garden.. dinner sounds heavenly..
Thanks very much, Dymoon
Precious little Nugget! <3 Lovely photos, Jackie! 🙂
Thanks very much, Julie
Your garden is a beautiful place
Thank you very much, More
You’re welcome
Lovely pictures by Jackie and beautiful close ups of Nugget.
Thanks very much, Dee
Beautiful photos.
Thanks very much, Sherry
Lovely close ups of Nugget Derrick – lovely detail!
Many thanks, Stuart
A whole Nugget gallery – what fun! 😀
Thanks very much, Widders
I found Nugget!! I didn’t realize that he is so much. He casts such a large presence. Is the header a close-up of his intricate feathered glory?
Thanks very much, Liz. Yes, that is his close up. Well spotted
🙂 I thought it was a version of a peacock feather, at first glance.
You always nail it, Liz. I almost mentioned that myself. Thanks very much
Thanks, Derrick!
My compliments to the Head Gardener AKA the Culinary Queen, AKA Assistant Photographer! Your garden is splendid, and the photos are fabulous. Nugget is adorable , as always, but unfortunately I do not have time to look for him.
I apologize in advance for sporadic communication during the next two weeks, as we will be on the road and in the midst of holidays.
Thanks very much, Dolly. No apology required – I’m only pleased that you do comment so often. Enjoy yourself
Amazing close up shots! Especially the ones of Nugget! I’d frame ’em.
Thanks very much, JoAnne
Love the photos of Nugget and the garden of course. I eventually found him on the where is nugget picture, but it took some doing!
Wells spotted, Sue. Thanks very much
Lovely photos of Nugget. He must be quite used to having the camera pointed at him, perhaps even expecting it.
You may well be right, LL/PS. Thanks very much
Based on his pert photogenic poses, I would say that he expects the camera and likes it very much.
The closeups of Nugget are beautiful, Derrick! I am glad to hear the little fellow is still with you. Hopefully he will take to the new nest box.
Yesterday he was so keen to get into the hole Jackie had dug for a plant that he fell in and had to dust himself off. Thanks very much, Lavinia
That must have been a sight!
Your post made me curious so I ended up reading this:
Nugget might have alternative tastes too when it comes to finding a nesting place.
Thank you very much for this fascinating link, Susan