Redundant Water Points

Today was the day for this year’s annual trip to Jackie’s mother’s plot at the Walkford Woodland Burial Ground taken by Jackie, her two sisters, and sometimes the three spouses.

Normally, Shelly, who lives nearby, buys a wreath which the sisters place on the site of their mother’s ashes. This year Jackie volunteered to make one.

She was rather amused at my insistence that she posed with this fully degradable work of art. The ribbon has Veronica Rivett’s initials embroidered on it and samples from each of Helen and Shelly’s gardens are woven into the circular structure.

We met at Shelly and Ron’s home; listened to the rain hammering down for a while, and, when this adopted a slightly lighter touch, the women and I decided to go for it.

Naturally the rain persisted. Stepping from our cars we negotiated the mud bath that led to

the pool laden winding gravel path leading to Pine Close where my late mother in law’s remains lie. Raindrops rippled the surfaces of the puddles.

Passing windfall apples I managed to resist scrumping any.

Jackie, Helen, and Shelly honoured their mother’s memory as they laid the wreath on the muddy ground.

The strategically placed watering stations complete with watering cans were rather redundant.

Back at Grenville Road Shelly produced what she called a light lunch consisting of plentiful cold meats and cheese salads followed by mince pies, fruit jelly and ice cream with which we drank red or white wine according to taste. Coffee and mints completed the meal after which we watched Ron’s video of Jane’s graduation ceremony, narrowly escaped another quiz, and enjoyed stimulating conversation until well into the afternoon.

As we left, Jackie photographed the house and front garden Christmas lights.

No further nourishment was required this evening.


  1. What a nice idea to incorporate bits of gardens from all three sisters into the wreath. It’s lovely. And nice to spend time together–even in the rain.

  2. The journey to the earthen urn is well documented both in words and pictures. I could almost hear the ceaseless pattering of rain and the scrunching on the gravel as the posse of pilgrims made its way to the appointed nook. I am sure Jackie’s (and her sisters’s) mother is smiling somewhere beyond the pearly gates.

  3. What a special day. The wreath is perfect and so meaningful…with each daughter giving of themselves to their mother’s wreath and memory.

    I envision their mom looking down on them and smiling. To see her daughters having a lovely day together and creating more good memories. πŸ™‚

    I would have another another quiz! But what you said made me laugh! πŸ˜€ Was it another Christmas quiz?

    I wish I could give each of you a hug in person…but since I can’t…I will leave some
    (((HUGS))) and <3

  4. Hello Derrick
    The crown that Jackie made is really pretty, she has a gift for that. The idea that it is made up of elements coming from the three “gardens” of the three sisters is very touching.
    And …. I notice that the dinner was “light”: D

  5. Wow Derrick what a beautiful wreath and loving tribute Jackie has expressed in honor of her mom! Her Mom is gleaming down on Jackie from heaven and so proud!

  6. Jackie’s heartfelt emotions are interwoven with her talent as she created that wreath. Excellent job!! I know her mother is resting in peace having 3 wonderful daughters!

  7. Jackie did a beautiful job on the wreath, so much more meaningful than store bought. You certainly are getting a lot of rain, it was even on the news here in the US.

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