Respect The Water

Storm Ciara hit us during the night and continued throughout the day.

After lunch we drove to Milford on Sea. We seemed to have joined a weekday rush hour – except that it is Sunday. The coastal car parks were chock-a-block with other vehicles.

Families and other groups were out in earnest bent on watching

the raging grey-green waves with their milky spray battering breakwaters and churned to cream on contact with rocks.


Sometimes subjecting the spectators to a snow storm,ย the spray surged over the sea wall settling in pools on the shingle.

Many mobile cameras were employed.

A cheery ruddy faced gentleman rode a mobility scooter along the promenade bearing the slogan “Respect The Water”. ย This seemed particularly relevant today.

The gusting winds ensured that I didn’t spend much time on foot myself. I didn’t want be blown away.


Some of the children found the experience somewhat frighteningly exhilarating.

When we returned home I watched the Six Nations rugby match between France and Italy.

Later, we dined on Jackie’s tasty beef and mushroom pie; roast potatoes, onions, mushrooms and peppers; and crisp cauliflower and broccoli with tender runner beans, with which I drank Doom Bar and the Culinary Queen abstained.


  1. Pretty strong storm to be having children out in, eh? But they sure look like they’re having fun.

    The 6 Nations rugby has been being televised here, but I’m afraid I’ve been catching hockey and the XFL summer football.

  2. As I hear the wind wuthering outside on our hillside, I was just checking in to see how Ciara was making landfall in your southerly coastal region. Those foamy waves are just what I was expecting … though I didn’t expect to see as big a crowd at the seaside on such a day!

  3. Your photos remind me of the folk who rush down to the coast when a tsunami is predicted – to ‘see it come in’ Though I do find a walk in stormy weather exhilarating it seems the best place in a storm is safe inside for wimps like me.

      1. I just may do that, Derrick. The mother of one kid is from England. Iโ€™ll mention it to her, while noting the source, of course. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I would have loved to see those waves, I do enjoy watching a fierce sea.
    The frightening storm continues here. As a rule I enjoy stormy weather but not this time.
    The lounge (Victoria’s side of the house) has rain damage to carpets and curtains for the first time in 44 years. My balcony leaked water into the kitchen and into my upstairs sitting room. The septic tank that was recently emptied could not take the speed of the heavy flow of water that gushed off the fields like a river and continued around the house. My son stayed over last night and today attempted to go back to his house but the roads were closed due to flooding.
    Not a good day in my little bit of Yorkshire!
    And Snow is forecast for tomorrow!

      1. Phew! I find it interesting that you don’t lose your power during high wind. When the wind blows 45 m.p.h. or higher, we can count on it. Do you suppose it’s because we are more wooded than you are? Or, are your power lines buried?

          1. No, it’s not the cold. When the temps dip very low, we still have our power. It’s tree limbs crashing against wires that tend to knock out the power.

  5. The strength and beauty of a storm is definitely enticing. I’ve felt that lure before when a typhoon hits the shore. But that same terrible power can be dangerous. So sad to read the news story commented on above by Lavinia Ross.

    Excellent photos of waves and people.

  6. Wowza! What a storm! ๐Ÿ™ That can be so scary! Your photos are amazing! They make me feel like I was there…they got my senses involved as I looked at them!
    Glad you all are safe!
    Hope you all continue to be safe!
    PS…Is there any of Jackie’s beef and mushroom pie leftover? I’d love to eat some!

  7. I love these photos. We had a similar day not long ago, but that was a lake, not the mighty ocean. It did seem that little girl was going to be blown away~

    Delicious meal, I imagine. I have been learning pastry, which is not one of my best meals.I would like to learn to make a beef pie. That would be a triumph

  8. I had no idea that watching a storm and crashing waves was such “a thing.” Wonderful photos. I’m sure you were ready to go back inside to your cozy home though afterwards.

  9. I think itโ€™s a good idea to go out right at the end of a storm and realize its magnificence and its power and its danger. There is something so exhilarating and inspiring by the way Mother Nature clears herself out with a good big storm. We must respect her always. Your photos are great.

  10. I do enjoy the anticipation and excitement of a good storm, despite the troubles it can bring. I smiled at your drink of choice. “Doom Bar” seems just right — I hope no one found doom out on the bar during the storm.

  11. I have to admit I’d be out there clinging to that railing and shouting as loud as I could with that wonderful combination of terror and bliss! ๐Ÿ˜€

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