Comparatively Unscathed

Jackie produced a few photographs of dawn this morning.

Although the skies would darken with rain squalls and the windspeed increase at intervals after lunch the morning was brighter and the speed 45 m.p.h.

I toured the garden investigating what turned out to be very little damage.

The patio planters in front of the French windows were unscathed;

a few pots, like this one on the Kitchen Path,

and this beneath the clematis Cirrhosa Freckles, had toppled;

a few slender branches had been ripped from the copper beech and the weeping birch;

the already disintegrating rose arch had lost a piece of its top;

the back drive gate had shed some of its screen;

empty compost bags had been blown about a bit;

but many areas, such as the Shady Path were unscathed.

Nugget’s Wisteria Arbour was intact. “Where’s Nugget?” (67)

This afternoon the weather alternated between dark sleet showers and bursts of sunshine during which

darting blue tits took what opportunities they could to grab a peck

between those squabbling sparrow trapeze artists swinging on the swaying feeders

from which they spilled more than they consumed.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s spicy pasta arrabbiata plentifully packed with peppers, mushrooms, onions and garlic. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Cabernet Sauvignon.


    1. No owls were harmed πŸ™‚ The one that looks like a head was made like that, Rosaliene. The rain wasn’t that consistently heavy – that would have kept them inside. Thanks very much.

  1. With the wisteria bare leaved little Nugget is exposed – it will be a different story in summer I expect. I’m glad to hear you got off lightly this time. Danella is convinced the sparrows scatter seed to the ground from her feeders deliberately. Lots of other sparrows fly in, directly to the garden beneath the feeders, and eat their fill from there. This of course really entertains her cat who sits in his window gnashing his teeth at them. It’s a win-win really πŸ˜€

  2. Looks like Nugget is prepping to do some window-peeping! πŸ˜‰ HA! πŸ˜€

    I stopped by earlier today than I normally do because I wanted to check in and see if you all (and the birdies and the garden) were safe and well after the storm. So glad things were not worse!

    Always wonderful to welcome the dawn after a stormy night! Jackie, your photos of the dawn are so beautiful and are smile-bringers! πŸ™‚
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚
    PS…”Remember to play after every storm.” – Matthew β€œMattie” Stepanek

  3. So glad you weathered the storm.
    Another strong windy day for us but the rain lessened as the day wore on.

    End of the day again and I sit in bed listening once more to the high winds. Unfortunately, we are due more Heavy rain overnight and tomorrow and with more flood warnings in place. Bring on the sunshine!

  4. I’m happy to see you didn’t get much storm damage, and that Nugget, too, is fine, as are the other birds, including the “squabbling sparrow trapeze artists swinging on the swaying feeders.” I won’t try to say that real fast. πŸ˜‰

  5. I’m glad your damage was relatively slight, and it was good to find Nugget safe and sound. Perhaps your weather can calm a bit, now. I’d think it would have worn itself out.

  6. Love seeing these bird feeders. We put one out, attached to our deck, but only one visitor in a month! We think it may be too close to the house, plus our back yard has no trees. We want the birds!

  7. I love the pink dawn skies! Thank you, Jackie! I am glad the damage to the garden was relatively minor, and that you got some afternoon sun and bird activity at the feeders.

  8. Beautiful dawn photos and my only chance to see it, as my biological clock (the only excuse I can find) is on the lazy side of the day and the show is over when I get up.

  9. Glad you did not have any serious damage Derrick. It was very bad here too, but apart from a few of my shrubs in large pots blown over we had not other damage.

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