Coastal Canine Capers

Lured into a clifftop car park at Milford on Sea by the prospect of watching choppy seas crashing against The Needles. We were on our way to the pharmacy to collect a repeat prescription.

The parking tarmac was liberally strewn with shingle thrown up from the shore below;

spray surged over the sea wall.

Dog owners tell me that their pets do not like taking a shower. I was about to learn how to encourage them to enjoy one.

Allow them to romp on a gravelly puddle,

and they soon develop a taste for the spray that brings it.

Afterwards, I thanked the owner for allowing me to share his photoshoot.

From Milford we continued to Streets in Brockenhurst where Jackie collected a couple of rubber tap swirls, Just giving me time to keep an appointment for an eye test in New Milton.

Across the road from Boots Opticians is situated Mallard Café. We brunched there, and very good it was too.

We then took a drive into the forest. The light, originally bright and clear, was to fluctuate throughout the day.

At Wootton Heath the sun lit the trees against a backdrop of darkening skies. One tree had fallen.

Jackie photographed Wootton Heath Cottage in its idyllic setting.

A solitary pony enhanced the scene.

This is an area of unmade private roads heavily pitted with potholes filled with rainwater that has also provided

lodgings for mallards

in the proliferation of temporary reflecting pools.

Even when riding a horse the mobile phone is an essential accessory.

A pair of deer darted across Bisterne close, melded into the woodland

turned tail,

and elegantly tripped away.

Later this afternoon I was torn away from drafting this post in order to catch the sun disappearing into Mudeford harbour.

As so often, the cotton-bud cloud clusters to the east bore pleasing pink and indigo pastel shades.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s spicy pasta arrabbiata with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Squinzano Rosso Riserva 2014.


  1. Stunning photos Derrick (as always). I have to say Derrick I always smile when I see the word Brockenhurst. My surname is Brokas and Brockenhurst is one of the many spellings I have had when receiving Christmas cards from children at school, written by parents I hasten to add.

  2. Love the ‘Fire in the Sky’ captures of the sun setting – and nice to see the view in the east also – I am usually so busy watching the western view I forget to look east and have been surprised on those rare occasions when I do, at just how pretty it is.

  3. So many wonderful photos. I particularly enjoyed the dogs on the beach and Jackie’s photo of Wootton Heath Cottage with the trees contrasted against the clouds.

  4. Those are beautiful scenes from your day, Derrick and Jackie. I loved the sequence of dogs enjoying the sea spray, your forest drive, the setting sun and clouds. The storm brought much beauty with it, too.

  5. Some of my bestest friends are canines! 😉 😀

    All of today’s photos are wonderful! I especially enjoy the canine caper photos and the clouds and sun playing games photos! It’s like the sun is playing hide-n-seek with the clouds! 🙂 Aren’t pink-n-purple clouds just the most beautiful?
    HUGS!!! 🙂
    PS…Our storm here ended up being just windy, cold and a couple of inches of snow. But, I enjoyed watching the snow fall! 🙂

  6. Your scenes take me from our cold snow to your beautiful sunset and the sounds of the sea. Thanks for the transport, Derrick. 👍🏽💗

  7. Wonderful photos Derrick and those dogs certainly looked like they were having fun.. Glad the worst of the wind for now has died down.. And like you we had lovely sunny blue skies today..
    Such great shots of those deer… And the Sun going down… A fitting end to the day…

    Have a wonderful rest of the week Derrick… Take care when out and about, and Dennis is now on its way!!! 😉

  8. Even in winter weather you find beauty in your surroundings Derrick, that is a very nice share. I love the tree photos with the sun and dark clouds. I was a lovely day for you both I am sure.

  9. You outdid yourself with this set! The third dog photo, the second one with fluctuation light, and the whole series of disappearing sun ending with the clouds were my favorites.

  10. Great enjoyable reading Derrick, love your descriptive words on the weather and waves, they must be colossal waves to throw the shingles from the shore below cheers.

  11. Found your comment about the mobile while horse riding hilarious. WordPress still asking me to log on each time to comment or like. Wonder what’s with it.

    1. WP has developed a number of similar problems since the new Gutenberg editor was introduced. I used that for about a year then returned to the classic one. Have a look at my reply to Jodie. Thanks very much for making the effort, Geetha.

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