We were given to expect rain for much of the day. In the event the overcast clouds retained their moisture.
Soon after 9 a.m. we drove to Tesco Superstore in New Milton for our week’s shop.
I photographed the pink climbing rose on the front trellis.
The supermarket car park was almost full.
Jackie joined the queue that trailed around the back of the store. She tells me that all was quite orderly in the closely monitored establishment.
The woman with the trolley in the above picture was one of the majority
wearing neither gloves nor masks.
Some wore one or the other;
some sported both.
From my passenger seat I had plenty of time to study neighbouring cars’ special reflective effects, also including
this gentleman just arrived who hadn’t yet hoisted his face mask.
Jackie’s shop had lasted about 90 minutes. If we take that as an average
at least two gentlemen had waited a while for a pipe
or a cigarette.
One young woman had managed to procure Plenty toilet rolls.
Many of the fields along Christchurch Road are currently occupied by sheep and lambs. On our way home my Chauffeuse diverted along Lower Ashley Road where stopping for photography was possible.
As usual this aroused a certain amount of ovine curiosity.
Lower down the road a group of adults sheltered among trees around a serpentine stream.
Jackie had no sooner mentioned https://youtu.be/NeFqHXdXQyw
than these creatures turned tail and trailed off.
On the opposite side of Lower Ashley Road stands a pillbox, being a relic of World War II.
As Jackie observed, its presence shows how near we are to the coast. By 1940 there was a very real threat of a German invasion. These defence structures bearing slots for weaponry were intended to repel enemy forces.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s wholesome chicken, bacon, and vegetable soup served with crusty bread from the freezer. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden whilst I drank Benguela Bay Shiraz 2018.
Our grocery parking lots are much less filled than yours! And most stores reserve the first hour or two for seniors (over 65) and those with compromised immune systems, so you can actually shop in a store that is not crowded! I love the sheep photos, especially the second one, with ewe and 2 lambs looking at her as if for reassurance!
Thank you very much, simret. I have not seen ours so crowded before. We don’t have the senior hour here, but it is applied in other parts of the country. I’m pleased you liked the sheep and lambs.
Goodness … judging by the crowded car park you would think things were back to normal … no such movement around here. We all loved the sheep photos, especially the one of the lamb and ewe looking straight at the camera 🌿
I wondered what you children would make of that one, Tiny. It did look as if many people were relaxing. Thanks very much.
Your observations are detailed and show how much patience a journalist or/and photographer needs. In our New England kingdom only a certain amount of shoppers are allowed in at a time and no one is allowed in without a face mask. So fascinating to see the difference.
Thanks very much, Pamela. Entry is normally limited, but there is no general agreement about the efficacy of masks.
I also am in New England, so I was struck by the difference in the supermarket scene as well.
I like the observations you make on every aspect of life my friend
That is very pleasing, Candy. Thank you very much.
I suppose your local sheep were not responsive to Bach’s message that they may safely graze.
I see that your lockdown is vastly different from ours; we cannot enter any public place unmasked. Gloves are optional.
Masks are still controversial here. Gloves are more often worn. Thanks very much, Dolly.
My pleasure, Derrick.
Supermarkets are much less crowded in France. I have discovered the optimal time to shop is 08:00 am on Saturday morning. Pretty much just me (wearing mask and gloves) and the shelf stackers. I love the photographs of the sheep, particularly some of their facial expressions.
Funny how we all differ 8:00AM here is senior time. and usually very busy. The hour before is for health workers. 9:0 AM is free for all!
We don’t get senior time down here.
Morrisons and Sainsburys do it up here not that it makes any difference to me, I stopped doing my own shopping on the 12th March! And guess what… I spend less this way!
We are saving money, too 🙂
Seniors and essential workers get priority and can jump the queue.
Thanks very much, Sheree. The checkout woman yesterday said she had only served one customer every 20 minutes the day before and was bored out of her mind. I’m pleased you liked the sheep
Your sheep photos are so lovely and joy-bringing! 🙂 Especially love the lambs and Mama-sheep photos! 🙂
I used to say people were like sheep (in several ways), but then realized that is an insult to the sheep. BTW: I’d rather hang with sheep these days.
Your soup sounds comforting and delightful! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. The soup improves each time 🙂
PS…meant to add…the Bach song link is beautiful! I played it while I read your post and enjoyed your photos! Thank you, Derrick and Jackie! 🙂
I’m pleased. Thanks again, Carolyn.
Who’d a thunk we would live to see the weekly shop becoming such an event! I’m amongst the fortunate who shop in the comfort of my home and have it delivered in – I haven’t seen the inside of a store of any kind for almost two months. Some of those sheep are wondering what you are up to! 🙂
All the field animals are equally curious. The free roaming ones don’t bother. Thanks very much, Pauline.
Fantastic observations! This will be even more fascinating in years to come when hopefully this will all just seem like a bad dream!
Thanks a lot, Dave. I did have posterity in mind.
That shopping would make me very nervous. I liked the ovine curiosity shot immensely.
I’m pleased at your comment re the ovine curiosity, Tootlepedal. Thanks you very much.
We, too, can shop from the comfort of home and have it delivered. The notion that I can do this in rural Maine astonishes me, but I am very grateful. Wonderful picture of the sheep under the tree.
Thanks very much, Laurie. My favourite picture, too.
One to enlarge and frame.
I haven’t gone to any stores since this began, but my husband has. I think masks are required now, and he says everyone is polite and stays at a distance. Inside the store, there are now arrows directing traffic down each aisle, so you can only enter or exit one way. He goes early in the morning. I do miss just being able to pop in for something I forgot.
I particularly like photo of the lying down among the trees.
I liked that photo best, too, Merril. We have the arrows etc. and people keep their distance in the queues outside, but inside some will push past others to get to the counters. Thanks very much.
In Australia obtaining masks and gloves is like trying to find teeth in a chicken’s mouth. Here most don’t wear either simply because there is none available.
Hubby order gloves and masks back in early February. Mid March arrived but no sign of the order. Pharmacies couldn’t get any and apology emails kept coming in. I ordered a box of masks from another company on March 6th but they were just unloading their supplies and apology emails came from them too. – no gloves anywhere.
Hubbies order arrived on the same day as my 10 days ago. For most people though, it’s just not going to happen.
I’m sorry about that, Chrissy. Masks are still controversial over here. Jackie has worn one for a while now. She bought a stock for decorating some time ago. Thanks very much.
I have worn masks prior to Covid-19 for allergies, especially on public transport so I had 2-3 in my shoulder bag.
Oh, I love it when the lambs arrive.
My apologies I just realised I joined a conversation before one started. Which means before you, so sorry!
Please do not even think of apologising, Sue. It gives me great pleasure when my posts prompt a conversation. Thanks very much.
Thank you, Derrick
Gosh, that store sure was busy. Derek has been doing our shopping, but he says there isn’t a lot of people out and about. I hope no one followed that woman home for her TP! I’d rather hang with the sheep and lamb than deal with the shoppers. They are so cute!
Thank you so much, Jill.
Thank you for the lovely music Derrick…J. S.Bach: Sheep May Safely Graze – The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra…… shopping these days is not my favourite pastime …
Thanks very much, Ivor. I’m glad you liked the music.
The lambs are adorable!
thanks very much, Cindy
Your pictures are always so beautiful. They make me smile
Thanks very much, Muntazir
I’m always surprised when I’m in a clear minority with my mask at the grocery store. About 1/4 to /3 of the people I see in stores are wearing masks. Mine are homemade, and I feel better wearing them. I enjoyed the sheep and lambs roaming the green fields. Nice touch with the music, too!
Thank you very much, JoAnna.
I was interested in the WWII pillbox. Also, when are the sheep sheared? I would have expected them to be sheared by now. Here in the States masks are supposedly ordered to be worn now. There is also much angst as some want the country “open for business” while others think the time is not yet right as the infected numbers still climb. Sigh…
Thanks very much, Maj. I don’t envy you the administrative chaos you are having to contend with. I’m not sure about the shearing, much it is a good observation.
It’s a good thing you can still go out and shop. Here, seniors are not allowed to go out. There is a quarantine pass for each household, only one is allowed to go out.
We are much more fortunate, Arlene. Thanks very much.
Your photographs reflect a long wait in the car park! Only fifty people are allowed into our local supermarket at a time. Everyone has to wear a mask (most are home sewn for no commercial ones are available) and sanitizer is sploshed over our hands. Shopping is a very tedious business if your timing is wrong.
Thanks very much, Anne. The woman at the checkout told Jackie she had served just one customer every 20 minutes the day before.
Shopping in Immingham is a lot easier. We have got a cut price Tesco called ‘Jacks’ and it always quiet. I have got into the habit of going on a Monday morning and there are no delays or hold ups at all.
Surprisingly, Monday morning is apparently quieter here. Thanks a lot, Andrew.
Folk have spent all of their money in the pub over the weekend!
Your account of your shopping trip made me smile, like you, my husband sits in the car as he detests shopping. Here in Hungary 9 am till 1200 is designated of those over the age of 65, everyone else after those hours and masks are now compulsory. We go fortnightly for our shop so as you can imagine it takes a lengthy time in the store. The sheep are gorgeous, you have an eye for a good photo. Have a wonderful day.
Thanks very much, Sue. I don’t mind the shopping, but Jackie, who dons the protective gear, insists that I don’t go into the store. She has also insisted that I don’t help load and unload the shopping, but I wasn’t having that this time 🙂
The lambs are so sweet!
I clicked on your post because I’m curious to see others’ shopping experience at the moment. I live in London (I think you commented on my old blog ‘My Cup of English Tea’ a few years back, about moving to London) and it’s terribly busy every time I go shopping here. I have to wait for about 30-60 minutes in the Aldi queue to even get in. People seem to be getting sick of social distancing and I have to remind them to stay away sometimes as they’re so eager to get into the shops. Luckily, most of the shops limit the number of people inside quite well.
Thanks very much, Kat. I’m sure it is far more necessary to keep restrictions in London, but people here are generally being sensible
That’s good! I think most people here are, too, but in such a big community there are bound to be a few who have trouble following the rules.
I know people are tired of staying home and don’t like being ordered around, but I think it’s too early to be going about one’s regular business unprotected. Maybe I feel that way because I’m older, making me more cautious, but I think it’s best to stick it out a while longer to be sure, than to rush things and get sick or die.
Quite so, GP. Thanks very much.
My grocery shopping experience is similar to yours. I’m always surprised by the number of people my age and older who aren’t wearing masks and gloves. Don’t they know we’re among the most vulnerable?
Apparently not. Thanks a lot, Leslie
I love that pink climbing rose and the spring lambs!
Thanks very much, Lavinia
I’m probably over-thinking your pairing of shoppers and sheep. Not surprisingly, the crowd I prefer is the unmasked sheep, oblivious and unperturbed by humans, bless their wooly hearts.
Not at all, Sue. Purely coincidental, but the thought crossed my mind, too. Thank you very much
I stay away from the grocery stores as much as I can, and when I do go, I wear at least a mask. Occasionally I remember to bring gloves, but in general, I do carry sanitizing tissues to wipe down my hands, the cart and the card reader. I think the sheep have the right idea – just turn your tails on the whole thing, and go home.
🙂 Yes, indeed, Anna . Thanks very much
I also enjoyed the sheep photos very much. Please thank Jackie for her music selection. I’m listening to it now. It is very evocative of a pastoral scene filled with peaceful animal life.
Thank you very much, Liz.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Did I read that correctly? 90 minutes of shopping? I hope that won’t be the norm. I love those pink roses, Derrick… and the fluffy unshorn sheep – soon they will be way too warm with all that wool, right?
Much of the time is spent queuing outside waiting to be allowed in. I expect the sheep will be shorn soon. Thanks very much Jan.
The lambs are so cute, alert, taking in the world. That one sheep looked as though it had something to say to you, as well. I’m surprised you shop once a week. I’m finding it less stressful than I did in the beginning, but going out once a fortnight. It seems to work well, but tonight I was all set to make red beans and rice and…no red beans. No worry, but I think I’ll get them on my list for next time.
Thanks very much, Lisa. The idea is once a fortnight, but it doesn’t always work out like that. This particular load should keep us going though.
Wow that’s crowded. I went yesterday and it was not too crowded. We have to wear masks in the stores, but not gloves. When I return to my library job, we will be wearing both. But that will be no time soon. Love those sheep – is that what the big one is too?
Thanks very much, Barbara. They are all sheep – not yet shorn, it seems.
Ok Derrick – enjoyed the variety once again
Went from soaking up the parking lot and people watching moments with you (and side note – here we have people wearing less and less masks these days)
To them the animals on the ride home-
I appreciated the pause to hear the Bach sheep song! Will add it to a playlist.
And then seeing the pillbox- very cool – and a reminder to maybe stress less about the virus because at least we don’t have what World War II brought
Very many thanks for the close reading and these comments, Yvette.
Love the musical interlude. 🙂
I’m pleased, Widders. Many thanks.
How merry, careless and nonchalant are the sheep! How unlike the bipeds shopping in coronavirus times. The ‘pill box’ is a unique landmark.
Thank you very much for these sound observations
You are a keen observant Derrick.
Thanks very much, Rupali
Wow! Pretty crowded!
Indeed. Thanks very much, Ribana.
Sheep are much more fun to consider! And attractive I think.
We rarely go into a store–our adult kids sometimes shop for us now and then or we have both groceries and non-foods items delivered… worth our peace of mind since we are more vulnerable per health/age. Though we wipe down each item with sanitizer as it is un-bagged… Hard to know just how far to take this but err on the side of caution. We DO wear masks into stores and any crowded places–juts not in wide open spaces, outside.
Jackie wears masks in the stores, which I don’t enter. There is far too long a waiting list for home delivery. Thanks very much, Cynthia
Variations on a theme all over…