A Bunch Of Roses

This afternoon I dead headed some roses then photographed them.

In the Rose Garden, Mum in a million is chaperoned by similarly hued self seeded foxgloves and gladioli that have found their way from the compost;

Summer Time, already tied up has sprung away from its tether and needed to be put back in its place;

Absolutely Fabulous is on the verge of living up to its name;

Festive Jewel is heavy with shining examples;

and For Your Eyes Only stretches far and wide. This last example is the only rose in the Rose Garden without a splendid fragrance.

In The Oval Bed Peach Abundance is a lavish cornucopia of delights;

Scarlet is represented by Altissimo at the corner of Elizabeth’s Bed,

and by Paul’s eponymous climber now dominating the wisteria arbour alongside clouds of blue solanum.

Spanning dead stumps along the back drive we have sweetly scented Emily Gray.

Compassion climbs alongside the Dead End Path;

nearby beside the patio an unnamed peach specimen sways in the breeze.

Whoops. I pressed post prematurely. I’ll tell you what we had for dinner tomorrow.


  1. I am just imagining the heavenly scent of these roses.

    I usually have fresh roses in the house ( before ‘these’ times), but alas they do not have a rose scent.

    However , Rosa Rugosa, a bush rose , blooms abundantly in our fair community, despite the salty sea air. In the summer our community is delightfully fragranced. 🤗

  2. Your garden must smell heavenly. I am pleased to read that most of your roses have a scent as so many modern varieties don’t – what a disappointment that is.

  3. You and Jackie grow quite a variety of roses! Deer seem to like to eat our roses from time to time, and knock them back. Rick has to spray them with Deer-Off from time to time, but we are currently still in the “rainy” season, and it washes off.

    We have one that has grown up from the roostock (the graft died), a rootstock variety called variety called “Dr. Huey”. It has myriad smaller red blooms and is quite vigorous. the name always reminds me of that Moody Blues song, “Dr. Livingston”. Just swap in the name of the rootstock. 🙂

  4. You made me giggle with the abrupt ending. Your roses are looking lovely, especially Festive Jewel which is already well into the swing of things.

  5. All beauties, Derrick! As an amateur gardener, I learned about dead heading rose bushes on your blog. It’s amazing how well roses respond to such loving care 🙂

  6. I had no idea til now how many different kinds of roses you have! It’s like a tour through the rose section of botanical gardens, but more comfy and personal knowing the gardeners. 🙂

  7. What a wonderful rose-filled garden you have! Such beautiful colors, and as others have mentioned, the scent must be incredible, too. As usual, I enjoyed your clever wordplay on the rose names. 😀

  8. I think my preferred are Festive jewel and Peach abundance. I don’t know why but wordpress keeps unsubscribing me from your posts and I have to keep following again.

  9. Absolutely gorgeous. Regarding the new editor, I believe they have text boxes and picture boxes, boxes galore. But again you are doing very well. I love the little birds.

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