More sunshine periodically penetrated the clouds today.
Jackie spent much of the morning on general garden maintenance while I wandered around with a camera. Apart from the rhododendrons in the two pictures above
I focussed on two more flanking the Gazebo Path.
Bees were very busy. One filled its yellow sacs while flitting from one bristly borage plant to another.
The wisteria is really past its best, yet still interested a larger apian specimen.
Was it an attempt at camouflage that caused another to colour coordinate with its target orange poppy? On the left of this picture stands a spent seed head which will need decapitation in order to promote a new flower.
Clematises are today represented by Marie Boisselot scaling her obelisk above her Erigeron carpet;
by Niobe, seen against the kitchen wall alongside
Star of India scaling the wisteria arbour;
by Dr Ruppel (see doesitevenmatter3 comment below)
climbing above the Brick Path;
and by one of the Montanas supported by the now fading lilac.
Iris reticulates are quite prolific.
Offerings from the Rose Garden include
For Your Eyes Only,
and Festive Jewel.
From the Pond Bed towards the copper beech the eye is taken back to the Rose Garden.
While I stood before the wisteria arbour horizontal rockets zoomed over my shoulder aiming for the bird feeders beneath it.
One of these was a wing-flailing Nugget
intent on giving his offspring a taste for his favourite suet pellets.
Now, “Where’s Nugget?” (75)
This evening we dined on spicy pepperoni pizza with plentiful fresh salad, with which Jackie drank Heineken and I drank Patrick Chodot Fleurie 2018