Gnomes Won’t Be Warned Off

While gardening this morning and photographing

“Where’s Nugget?” (83),

Jackie turned to admire her mushrooms

and was amazed to find that warning off gnomes had been of no avail.

This afternoon we jointly continued Jackie’s work on refurbishing the front garden. The Head Gardener weeded, pruned, and planted and I raked, swept, and added refuse to the black compost bin. As usual, the gallery can be accessed by clicking on any image.

Robin Ronnie, still feeding a family in the field across Christchurch Road, was rather disappointed to find that the bird feeders have, for the summer, been replaced by hanging baskets.

“Where’s Ronnie?”

Later, we visited the pharmacy at Milford on Sea for a repeat prescription, after which we took a drive into the forest, uneventful save for

an opportunity to study the back of a tractor and trailer travelling at 10 m.p.h. for the whole length of Jordans Lane and even into Pilley Street before Jackie managed to turn off right.

This evening Jackie produced a meal of cheese centred haddock fish cakes; in the absence of any macaroni, her own penne cheese; and juicy ratatouille, with which she drank Becks and I finished the Fleurie.


  1. You got me with Nugget today. I thought I saw him in a couple of places, but since the picture doesn’t enlarge, I couldn’t prove it to myself.
    Love those mushrooms, perfect home for a gnome.

    1. There is a technique to biggification. I put all the single pictures in a gallery ‘box’ to make it possible. Scrolling down any gallery picture gives an option to ‘view full size’ under the picture. Then it can be enlarged twice more. That has in fact always been so, but we are not told unless we do scroll.
      Thanks very much, GP.

  2. It’s fun to see where Jackie installed the mushrooms and how beautifully she has landscaped around them. What a perfect birthday gift! I love the flower photos… the white puffy ones (are they roses?) are so gorgeous! And I can just imagine the patience it took to follow such a distance at 10 mph! Glad she was finally able to turn off. Thank you for that closeup of Nugget. What a character he is! Adds such joy to the garden of life!! <3

  3. I love the little gnome! Now I wonder where he came from? And thank you for the close up of the purple clematis and nasturtiums, a very pleasing combination. Everything looks so beautiful!

    I couldn’t find Nugget in the first picture. Biggification doesn’t seem to work anymore.

    1. There is a technique to biggification. I put all the single pictures in a gallery ‘box’ to make it possible. Scrolling down any gallery picture gives an option to ‘view full size’ under the picture. Then it can be enlarged twice more. That has in fact always been so, but we are not told unless we do scroll.
      The gnome came all the way from our sister-in-law’s at Swindon in Wiltshire. I think they just have to say “beam me up Scotty”.
      Thanks very much, Lavinia.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous. Did not do well on hunt the Robins!
    I’m worried about Ronnie Robin feeding a family when everything else is competing for food at the same time and his feeding ground, the regular food source has disappeared in favour of lovely flowering hanging baskets.

    1. Thanks very much, Sue. Most rivals have finished their feeding of offspring. Now they just eat all the food. Robins do go on longer, but find good pickings from turned over soil – although it is very hard at the moment.

      1. Most birds up here are still feeding youngsters, I momentarily forgot the differences between north and south, the breeding season starts a little later up here. Thank you, Derrick.

  5. Jackies ‘mushrooms’ are looking magnificent in their spot Derrick….. there’s no stopping those gnomes though….😀

  6. Thank you for capturing Nugget, who occupies the bottom left corner of the frame, and me too, under the mushrooms! Now that I have finally managed to sneak into your garden, I realise how gigantic you and Jackie are!!! Talking of size, that tractor-trailer certainly has an attitude. Good that Jackie took the right turn.

  7. What a cute gnome! Mr Nugget is sitting on the grass, bottom left of the photo, and Ronnie is perched on the rock, also in the left part but not as close to the bottom.

  8. Gnomes often find a home in our front garden. Some visit the neighbours gardens and gnomes from the neighbours gardens visit our garden. 🙂

    It’s amazing how birds return to the same location each Spring. Fascinating.

  9. I think the little gnome is a delightful addition. Perfectly sized to sit under a mushroom so he will keep nice and dry. I’m sure Jackie will quickly learn to love him!

  10. I drove past my old house last week. They have cut down Fred the Gnome’s three. It is gone. No more. It is an ex-tree. It is now a gravel car park. And I don’t know where Fred and family have gone. I am just a tiny bit upset.

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