Fresh Food

Today was cool and overcast. This afternoon I dead-headed the Rose Garden,

then photographed some blooms that escaped the chop. These include Absolutely Fabulous, Ballerina, Gloriana, Deep Secret, Mamma Mia, Aloha, Lady Emma Hamilton, Special Anniversary, Crown Princess Margareta, and Shropshire Lad. Each is labelled in the gallery which may be accessed by clicking on any image. For enlargement scroll down to just beneath the gallery pictures where, to the right, is a box indicating ‘view full size’. The full size may be further enlarged with one or two clicks.

A certain little robin followed me around, sending me in for the camera before I was ready. We were both rewarded by a big fat juicy worm

Nugget tossed the writhing creature, twisting his head faster than the speed of my shutter, enabling him to peck off beak sized bits. For him, fresh food is now available.

We prefer our fodder cooked, so this evening we dined on roast gammon with Jackie’s moist ratatouille and firm penne cheese, with which she drank Becks and I drank Flores de Soligamar Tempranillo & Garnacha 2018.


  1. I love how Nugget feels so at ease in your garden that he allows his meals to photographed!! 🙂
    Tell Jackie, the more I looked at my rose ‘bush’, the more I agreed with her that it must be the climbing variety. I did not have the guts to cut it all the way down, just a little more than half-way – and it is already loaded with new leaves!! I appreciate her help!!

  2. YOu have the best visiters! Love the Nugget dinner followed by your own “fodder” description. Tempranillo is one of my favorite kinds of grapes/wines.

    1. Nugget was tame from the outset as a fledgeling, and has become more so thereafter. Maybe your little assistant could dig up a few goodies in the soil which should attract. Food is the key. Thank you very much, Tiny.

  3. That ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ rose is exactly that. It looks like butterscotch; I nearly can taste it. I think butterscotch would be nicer than a worm, but I’m glad that Nugget got something to his taste.

  4. The roses are exquisite. I greatly enjoyed studying Nugget’s colors in the close ups. I didn’t realize before he had some blue along with reds, oranges, and gray. He really is a handsome and loveable guy.

  5. It is a real shame that our robins are not as accustomed to suburban life as Nugget and family. PS, have you changed your photo processor recently. You photographs are taking a very long time to download. But the wait is worth the while.

    1. I’m pleased the wait is worth it, but that may be a result of the new editor. I haven’t done anything differently with the scanning. Thanks a lot, John.

  6. I enjoyed this wander through your rose garden, Derrick and Jackie, as well as little Nugget’s fine dining experience. He loves his worms!

  7. Deadheading the roses must be a full-time task in your lovely garden, Derrick. It’s one of my favourite garden jobs and must have been eased by such delightful company 😊

  8. I really love the Lady Emma Hamilton. Your pictures of the roses are beautiful, Derrick. And Nugget’s close-ups are spectacular! Thank you for those.

  9. I absolutely loved the gallery of roses and looked it up more than once. Nugget looks so lively here. I wonder now that I read your posts upside down how he handled the death of Nugget Junior.

    1. Since most robins don’t make it through their first year, he is probably used to it – and is still feeding the next brood. Thank you very much, Geetha

  10. Your meal sounds way way w-a-y better than Nugget’s meal! 😉 😀
    Ha! I don’t even like small skinny dry worms! 😮
    Your roses are stunning!!! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  11. Ben ook niet meer van Derrick J.K. Liften zijn blogs weg te meppen, Een roodborstje met een naam: Nugget … Mijn Engels is miserabel slecht … Maar, super romantisch … Zó mooi … Dit is zo byzonder: Je komt je tuin amper uit en hebt al zó ontzettendf véél te bloggen …
    Zal ik eens rustig op me balkonnetje gaan zitten: bek dicht en schepen, boten, jachten, vaartuigen, surfers en dikke honden die het water in springen fotograferen? Gewoon, om tot rust te komen … Op de Kop van Jut ligt alweer een meisje in bikini te zonnen. Daarvoor heb ik géén geduld … Niks doen: moeilijk, hoor … * Amsterdam, 24 juni 2020, 10.10 uur … * Hollandse tijd … * *

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