Socially Distanced Birthday Tea

Early this morning we shopped in two different garden centres for presents for Danni’s birthday today. I then made her a card featuring

a garden view containing a cockerel equipped with still functioning solar lights that our niece and nephew in law had given Jackie about three years ago.

The Head Gardener discovered a pile of telltale sticks on her newly swept garden furniture under the wisteria. There could only be one culprit. Sure enough a wood pigeon was nest building above her head. These clumsy birds mate all year round. Jackie had already cleaned guano from the bench, so the nest had to go.

This afternoon we met Danni, Andy, and Ella, at Elizabeth’s where we enjoyed an enjoyable couple of hours in hot sunshine imbibing Prosecco and a good dry white wine. Some also drank tea, and we all relished Elizabeth’s excellent carrot cake.

Ella is seen drinking from an empty cup. Further games involved clapping with a ribbon representing one of her parents’ road running medals round her neck, and pretend-watering plants.

My sister had arranged the tables and chairs by taking a tape measure to each group to enable social distancing.

The Popsicle kniphofia has been included for Ribana.

As usual, clicking on any image will access the gallery; the boxes under the right hand side of these enable viewing full size which can be further enlarged.

This evening we dined on spicy meat pizza with halloumi and plentiful fresh salad. No further alcohol was required.


  1. Derrick, your garden is buried in flowers and looks like fairy tale place! I do not know who is the gardener (I suspect it is Jackie) but I express great respect to this person.

  2. What a lovely day! It’s great that you could all get together, and the weather looks perfect. The flowers in the cockerel photo look like jewels.
    I like Ella with the sunglasses. 😀

  3. It is good to see your family together and enjoying each others company again, Derrick and Jackie. Little Ella is growing up! She has beautiful red curls framing that sweet face.

  4. Lovely socially-distanced family day 😊 I do hope the pigeon finds somewhere more to Jackie’s liking for its next nesting site. And thanks for telling me that pigeons nest all year round. I had no idea!

  5. Had to laugh about the nest eviction and demolition. I had a set of sparrows determined to build a nest in the rain gutter.

    My favorite photo of the birthday party is the wee gardener concentrating on tipping her sprinkler can. Another generation of green thumbs!

    1. Thank you very much, Jean. A good favourite choice. Jackie is continuing her battle with the pigeons. No sooner does she demolish their sticks and chase them away that they return.

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