Today the temperature was warm with intermittent sunshine.

Up early soon after dawn this morning, Jackie discovered an azure damselfly, no longer than one inch, in the kitchen sink. Delicately, she transported the creature to the frog pond which she felt may be more its natural element. Having produced this moving photograph, she proceeded to walk around the garden creating a few more.

Here is her collection. As usual, each garden view is labelled in the gallery which may be accessed by clicking on any image, each of which may be viewed full size by clicking the box beneath it, and further enlarged with another click.

Nugget Junior 2nd was in attendance the whole morning while Jackie worked on Elizabeth’s Bed.
When I joined her for clearing up duties the robin provided me with opportunities for

“Where’s Nugget Junior 2nd?” (2) which may need bigification,

and “Where’s Nugget Junior 2nd?” (3) from which he almost disappeared. Nugget senior was still absent.
Late this afternoon Elizabeth, Danni, Andy, and Ella joined us in the garden where eventually the weather dulled and a cool breeze blew, suggesting it might be a good idea to take our Forest Tandoori Take Away meal indoors to eat from bowls on our knees.

Ella, like the rest of us, studied the menu before putting in an order to Jackie who rang it through. Andy collected it a short while afterwards.
Yes, I did have to enlarge to find Junior 2. Quite the elusive robin!!
He is persistently in evidence but not yet as daring as his Dad.
Jackie photo of the damselfy is fantastic. As to young NJ2, he has hidden to well for my eyes, even with full size and enlargement. My loss.
Thanks very much from us both, Dolly. Both the puzzle pics were difficult
You are very welcome, Derrick.
It took enlargement, but Nugget Junior popped right into view, in both 2 and 3. I enjoyed the damselfly tale. They’ll often hover above my wet varnish, as though trying to decide: water? or not water? They’re smarter than most insects. They never land.
Thanks very much, Linda. 🙂 Well spotted.
You’re allowed visitors in your lovely garden! We still cannot entertain family or friends and have just gone back to a night curfew from 9 p.m. until 4 a.m. The sale of alcohol has been banned too. I have taken a vicarious pleasure in you garden and the damselfly.
Thank you very much, Anne. I am sorry your restrictions have suffered a setback.
I love how intently Ella’s regarding the menu. I wonder what she’s thinking? Maybe, « Should I have rice or a naan with my vindaloo?»
You must be telepathic, Sheree. Many thanks.
I found Nugget Junior II in both photos although he almost made good his escape from the second one 😆 I do hope Nugget senior is ok. Might he be hiding away at the moment because he’s moulting? It’s the right time of the summer for such behaviour. While we wait for his return, I very much enjoyed Jackie’s marvellous garden shots. And hopefully you all enjoyed your takeaway. I wonder what Ella chose! 🤭
Thank you very much from us both, Sandra. Moulting is an encouraging thought. It wasn’t all that clear what Ella chose 🙂
Ella looks like she really wants to make the right selection. Great photo of Jackie! Beautiful photos, Derrick!
Thanks very much, Jill.
I hope that Ella got what she wanted.
Anything would have done. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal.
That’s a great damsel photo
Thanks a lot, Gary.
Nugget Junior, II has a touch of orneriness when it comes to photos, it seems. Ella is just precious as she studies the menu, and Jackie once again shows her compassion for life and photographic skill. May you all continue to be Blessed, Derrick.
Thank you so much, Maj
I think these eyes are too tired to see a young Nugget elsewhere than in the photo where he is big! Ella is very smart. She must be copying the adults! And that damselfly photo is gorgeous!!!! As is the garden. Oh my.
Thanks very much from us both, Luanne. Never mind about the puzzle pics.
Our granddaughter would study a menu then promptly order her ice cream with strawberry topping. – Always the same but she wanted to order it herself.
Grand kids are always the best.
🙂 Thanks very much, Chrissy.
Damselfly in distress…and rescued by Jackie! How wonderful!!! 🙂
Jackie’s photos are lovely! So clear, the colours so rich, lush and vibrant garden details! 🙂
Your photos are beautiful, too, Derrick! Fun to spot Nugget Jr.! In the one photo he is almost gone…but his butt gave him away! 😉 😛
I hope Nugget, Sr is okay. I’m worried about him. 🙁
Ha! I love Ella studying the menu! 😀 I hope her meal was yummy! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks very much from us both, Carolyn. “Damselfly in distress” is a nice expression. We keep looking for Nugget Snr. X
A little piece of paradise!
In the first picture was pretty difficult to spot Nugget Junior as he blends really well into the environment exactly like his father 🐦 While in the second I’ve seen a close up of his feet 😉
Well spotted, Ribana. Thanks very much.
I was able to spot the Nugget offspring in the two photos. Ella was so cute perusing the takeout menu. Jackie’s damselfly photos are the winners out of today’s group.
Thanks very much, Liz. Well spotted, and once again, I agree with you about the winner. Thanks very much from us both.
You’re welcome, Derrick!
I love to see little ones ‘read.’ They are so concentrated, mimicking us grownups to the T. As for tandoori take-out, nothing beats that. 🙂
Thanks very much, Bridget.
Derrick – your photos are becoming more and more artistic and exceptional. I adore the kitchen sink one 💛
I have to admit that that was Jackie’s. Thanks very much from us both, Val.
I could not find Nugget (2) but the disappointment was negated by the beautiful Damsel Fly. One of Nature’s exquisite delights.
Bottom leftish tail feathers. Thanks a lot, John.
The top picture is an exquisite gem. And that Ella seems like such a bright child.
Thank you very much from us both, Laurie.
A beautiful and fascinating photo of the damselfly! Great rescue, Jackie!
Thanks you very much from us both, joAnna
The azure damselfly is a celebration of nature and correctly installed in the frog pond by Jackie. Nugget Jr is in the middle of the first frame a tad off-centre towards the lower edge. In the second frame, only rear half of him could be captured vanishing towards the lower left corner of the frame.
Very well spotted, Uma. Thanks very much.
love how serious Ella is with the menu 🙂 so cute! Jackie’s clematis are stunning. i found an azure damselfly at a park not too long ago and i was thrilled!
Thank you very much, Lola. I can see why you were thrilled with your damselfly.
That is a very beautiful and artistic damselfly photo from Jackie! I enjoyed the whole set! I hope Nugget Sr. returns, but it is possible he passed the torch to his son.
Thanks very much, Lavinia. I fear you are right about the torch.
Such a lovely day full of gorgeous creatures. I do hope Nugget is away moulting. He could do with a fresh coat.
Thanks a lot Gwen
That photo of the damselfly is especially gorgeous, but your garden is looking prime as well.
Thank you very much, Judy.
A nice story, the dame of the house
helping the damselfly in distress
Thanks a lot, Ivor 🙂
Damselflies are beautiful things. Not many creatures have names such as “The Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly”.
Thanks a lot, John
Lovely tour in your garden.
I miss senior Nugget.
Thanks very much, Rupali. We miss him, too, but haven’t quite given up hope
The garden is looking magnificent. You must feel so proud of Jackie.
I found Nugget Junior (2) on pictures one and two but I’m afraid he eluded me on picture three.
Well spotted, Sue. Tailfeathers bottom left.
Ah yes, Nugget Jr.2 eluded me in picture 3, too. But, it always is fun to search. Your garden is a perfect place to start my day… and Ella is a delightful addition. I missed hearing what your choice from te menu was and what you drank to accompany it! Have a Terrific Tuesday, Derrick. I’m up way too early…. think I’ll tuck back in for a few more hours.
Thanks very much, Jan. I didn’t drink and ate a variety of items we shared out.
Lots of beauty here, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Ann
Jackie looks happy. The bird we see around here often is named garden bird. I called him that the first time I seen him and now both my mom and Wrangler call him that also.
Thanks very much, Mrs W.
Your welcome.
Bravo, Jackie! The damselfly is particularly wondrous.
Thanks very much from us both, Cynthia.
Lovely photography but the one of the blue damselfly is pretty amazing! Kudos to Jackie
Jackie is pleased. Thanks very much, Geetha.
Most welcome.