Jackie has a penchant for before and after photographs.
When I visited Sears Barbers in Milford on Sea for my first haircut since they reopened after the coronavirus lockdown it was inevitable that she would record



and after Peter’s administration.
On our way home at lunchtime we had noticed windsurfers over Barton on Sea, and returned later in the afternoon to watch them. They had gone, so we made do with

socially distanced walkers on the clifftop against the background of clouds over distant hills and the Isle of Wight.
We continued with a brief foray into the forest where, at the Pilley end of Bull Hill, the Little and Large of the equine world grazed in a field.

The much smaller pony left off its feeding and trotted over to visit me. It was able to ignore the fly crawling towards its eye.

Perhaps the larger companion, giving every impression of posing as a spectral steed, was more vulnerable to the insect pests, as it sported full PPE in the form of masks designed to prevent entry to eyes and ears with the addition of a summer rug, light enough in colour to reflect the sun’s rays.
As always any clicked image gives access to its gallery – each picture can be viewed full size by clicking the box beneath it, and further enlarged with additional clicks.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s sautéed potato topped shepherd’s pie; crunchy carrots, cauliflower, broccoli; tender green beans, and tasty, meaty, gravy, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Rioja.
I like the idea of sautéed potatoes to top a shepherd’s pie – something to try.
A little imagination could insert wind surfers into your excellent photo, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Dolly. The surfers will be back.
They always are, aren’t they.
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Great before and afters Derrick! And the rugged up steed is quite the sight – just lacking the similarly clad be-scythed figure to give everyone the willies!
That really would be scary, Pauline. Thank you so much. We saw Siddy on the beach yesterday 🙂
Danella’s Facebook picture?
Oh 😀 I haven’t seen it, but someone else messaged me about it – D has been taking us both out for a walk – well, Siddy has a run and I have a hobble – as often as she can. I believe it is a handsome pic of the boy. I must email you with an update.
It is. I hadn’t realised you were hobbling out of shot 🙂
That poor horse!
Indeed. Thanks very much, Anne.
Love the photos — before & after: I am now in the before stage for the second time, having had to cancel an appointment 4 days after the shutdown began in March, and again this week! It really felt good to be rid of that pound of hair in between! The sea photos are reminiscent of our ocean during May Gray and June Gloom — we’re now into the summer, and there are fewer clouds and a bit more color! And the poor horse — looks well protected from Covid-19, if a little warm!
Thank you very much, Janet. I hope you shed your locks in the heat – no wonder you sympathise with the horse.
Oh that horse looks very strange indeed but I’m sure it’s covered for good reason. At least, unlike humans, it won’t be bothered by how it looks! Talking of looks – very dapper after the haircut, Derrick!
🙂 Thank you very much, Sandra.
I take a lot of before, during, and after pictures myself.
🙂 Thanks very much, Mrs W.
Your welcome.
YAY! You finally got to go see Peter! He did a wonderful job with your hair! Looks great! 🙂
Just glad you never got into Man Buns/Topknots. 😉 😀
Your sea photos are beautiful! Good to see people out and about safely.
I feel sorry for the animals who are bothered by pesky flies and other insects. 🙁
(((HUGS))) and no bugs! 😉
I’m with you when it comes to the Man Bun.
Thanks for all the comments, Carolyn. Even when my hair was much longer I just let it fall.
I do like your ‘do’ Derrick. I’ve not seen a pony covered up like that. Poor thing!
Thanks very much, Val. An enormous amount of protection, which one can only trust is necessary
As you might have guessed, love the photo with the bike.
🙂 Thanks a lot, Sheree.
I’ve never seen a horse covered up like that!
Nor me. It clearly needed a good amount of protection.
Or someone just got carried away.
The spectral horse is very impressive. Did it creak as it walked?
Good question!
Even with my hair out of my ears I didn’t hear anything.
It didn’t move much, Tootlepedal. Thanks very much.
The header photo is very eerie. I was wondering if the horse’s skin was particuarly vulnerable to the sun.
I think you are right, Liz. It does have freckles. Thanks very much.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Great job Bob Peter! That poor pony
Sorry I hit the send button too soon. Great shots today Derrick!
OK, the first comment should read great job by Peter. I’m dictating to save the wear and tear on my wrist. Sorry for the typo.
No problem. Dictation looks like a plan.
No problem, Jill. Thanks for persevering 🙂
Thanks very much, Jill
Nice hair on man and horse. 🙂 Many years ago, I had a horse about that color. Her muzzle would get sunburned. Maybe I should’ve gotten her a mask. But I don’t think she would have liked to wear it.
The horse does have freckles. Maybe that is the answer, JoAnne. Thank you very much.
Those of us with freckles have to be careful.
Great haircut.
Thanks a lot, Peggy.
That was a happy rendezvous with your stylist. You are quite the rock star, with or without your long locks and all the stages in between! The photos on the cliff top are excellent to the core.
Many thanks, Uma.
We still don’t dare go to the hair salons! Why is that poor horse wearing PPE? Ugh.
You may well ask about the PPE, Luanne. I find it amazing. Thanks very much.
The haircut looks good, Derrick!
The little pony is a sweet looking fellow. His companion has the most extensive bug suit I have ever seen!
Thanks very much, Lavinia. Me, too, about the bug suit – especially in the summer.
Good job at the barbers Derrick 😁. The photos of the bench are exceptional.love them.
Thanks very much, Sue.
Nice haircut Derrick. Kim has made such a good job of cutting my hair that I won’t be going to the barbers again!
Jackie always did mine when we were younger, but doesn’t any more 🙂 Thanks very much, Andrew
I was quite shocked to see the horse so covered. Why just this one?
The consensus seems to be a particularly sensitive hide. You are right – it was a shock. Thanks a lot, Helen.
I wonder what the horse looks like underneath his costume? I loved the sea pictures. One day I will visit the Isle of Wight.
Thanks very much, Cindy. Freckles can be discerned – perhaps sensitive hide.
That horse does look spectral. Creepy, actually.
Yep. Thanks very much, Laurie
Poor horse. But lucky you! Nice haircut. I was so pleased a couple weeks ago to get mine. It was long enough to put up and as it is now in the mid 90’s and tropically humid (which I like) the shorter hair is easier to wash and dry. As usual, your dinner sounds marvelous.
Thank you so much, Lisa. I’m OK with dry heat, but not humidity.
I use so much less lotion and skin creme in the summer and it’s because of the humidity. Every time I visit a friend out west, I feel like I’m going to turn into a raisin.
I think your barber could have gone shorter, to be honest 😉 Love that Jackie recorded it all for us and of course I love the horse photos, but wonder what was up with the poor horse that she needed that much covering.
You are right about the hair, Lisa. I’ll be back soon. Possibly excessive vulnerability to heat and/or flies. The horse does seem to have freckles. Thanks very much.
Looks like the barber wore the plastic visor but no mask.
Victoria said her hairstylist did the same, but she said she would have preferred her to have worn an additional mask.
My son’s stylist simply wore a mask.
I am in no hurry to join them at the salons but am almost desperate enough to have a go myself. I’m working on the principle that as my hair is curly (unless I straighten it) the mistakes won’t show!
Loved the ponies, poor things – the flies are such pests at this time of year.
Thank you so much, Sue. I suppose my barber’s emphasis is on his protection from customers.
Yes and he must have many queuing up and waiting.
Strictly by appointment – no-one else in the shop
delightful before and after photo! first time to see a horse covered up like that! i’m thinking about ppe and mask 😂 great find, Derrick! 🙂
Thank you very much, Lola
Are you sure the horse was not a hippo?
No water 🙂 Thanks very much, Susan.
I looked at the top photo and thought the silvery horse was a statue, only discovering the truth as I read down the page.
Having that much hair is just showing off. I’m debating whether to use my trimmers again or just shave my head. I may not have the luxuriant locks of a Knight, but bald men don’t have to pay for haircuts. Swings and roundabouts. 🙂
I wondered what you would have to say about this, Quercus. Thank you so much.
What can I say? I’m a predictable bald man. 😉
A very dashing new ‘do’. 🙂 … I know it’s to combat the flies, but that poor horse, 🙁
Thanks very much, Widders. The horse certainly invoked sympathy.
Oh my…I did not know that also ponies were PPE 🤪 and that dinner 🥘 yumm 😋😋
🙂 Thank you very much, Ribana.
That first haircut feels so good.
Yes 🙂 Thanks very much, Lindsey.
It feels so good to have the first haircut! 🙂
That steed looks so apocalyptic in his ‘armour’…
Thanks very much, Inese. It does, indeed.