Quite early this morning we drove along

Mount Pleasant Lane beside which

sweeping landscaped fields harboured horses, some sporting fly-protection masks.

Our original destination was South Sway Lane, along which

free manure is usually on offer. All that is required from people helping themselves to this gardeners’ gold is that we leave replacement empty bags for those

that we load into our cars. As always, this morning a quantity of flying livestock came with the horse droppings, so as soon as we arrived home I transported this lot to the compost bins.
Before that we drove around for a while, pausing at Longslade Bottom where I wandered among

ponies, a foal, and walkers with or without dogs. The crowds had not yet built up.
Approaching a bend in Church Lane on the way to Pilley Jackie observed that this was “not where you want to meet something coming round the next bend”.

Very soon she found herself backing round that same corner.

On arrival at Pilley we encountered another group of assorted ponies. I explained to a couple of European visitors that the lake bed on which some of the larger animals were grazing was not normally so dry. The tourists were quite alarmed at the violence with which the smaller ones were butted out of the way by the bigger variety.

A solitary bay fronted the thatched cottages beside the green..
This evening we dined on second helpings of Forest Tandoori’s excellent takeaway fare with which I finished the Malbec and Jackie abstained.
What a lovely drive through the horse fields — except for the flying livestoci!. That foal looks quite young — what a lovely color its hair. I hope Jackie didn’t have to back up too far — that wasn’t a meeting one would enjoy coming around the corner! And I love the thatched cottages — that’s not something we see at all in Southern California (most of our roofs are now required to be of fireproof materials).
Thanks very much, Janet. 30 yards or so.
Oh, good — that’s not too far!
The thatch used for the roofing has to be treated and fireproofed these days too many losses in times past!
Drivers certainly must be adept at backing up in your area of the world.
Wonderful shots of the ponies. The top left black and white one caught my eye, though the colors of countryside are lovely.
Thank you very much, Merril.
A splendid drive today. You’re lucky Jackie can maneuver well on those country lanes with farm equipment. I’d be on a horse!!
🙂 Thanks a lot, GP.
You have to be a confident car reverser to drive down your lanes. Owing to a certain stiffness in my neck these days, reversing is not the fun it used to be. I liked your final scene.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal. My neck doesn’t work, either – an old rugby injury.
The black and white, as compared with almost the same shot in color (minus the tree) is dreamy and mysterious. I like the wide landscapes with a solitary horse here or there.
Thank you very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Great photos today, Derrick! I love Mount Pleasant Lane. So, what’s the farthest you’ve ever had to back up for an oncoming car?
50 yards or so. Thanks very much, Jill
Living in the country get you use to tight lanes and reversing. Still takes steady nerves. Love the photos.
Thanks a lor, Gary
I could never drive in your area, Derrick – I am horrible at going backwards. I won’t even back out of my own driveway, if I can help it. I admire Jackie’s skills.
LOVE that sweet little foal with his fuzzy mane.
Thank you very much, Jodie. Jackie does very well at manoeuvring
Lovely photos of the horses, foals and ponies!
Thanks very much, Sheree. There were a lot out today.
That looks like a HUGE tractor!
Yes – not one to argue with 🙂 Thanks a lot, Liz.
You’re welcome, Derrick. 🙂
Reversing down narrow country lanes must be even harder when there’s a good chance there will be animals in the road.
True. Thanks very much, Susan
A wondrous collection of horse photos Derrick and I was fascinated by your last entry, of the horse grazing, in front of the thatched roof houses….
Quite a common sight here, Ivor. I put it in for those who don’t get to see such houses. Thanks very much.
Adored the pic’ Derrick..
It’s a beautiful path.
Thanks very much, Laleh.
My pleasure.
Good one. Likely horses, as with all other beasts, simply fight for their rights! 🙂
Indeed. Usually they seem content to coexist. Thanks very much, Cynthia.
The free manure is intresting. Everyone seems to charge for it here.
Others here too as well. Thanks very much, Mrs W.
Your welcome.
oh my! good for Jackie! i not good at maneuvering at all! 🙂 lovely photos of foals and ponies!
Thanks very much, Lola.
Something always happens to liven up your lives! What beautiful ponies and foal! I hope you get some rain soon to fill up the lake.
Thanks very much, JoAnna.
Such narrow roads! But free manure. I am jealous.
Yes, Laurie. Most people charge for it. Thanks very much.
That machine looks like an imposing alien come to your idyllic landscape.
That’s a good description for a close encounter, Uma. Thanks very much.
Meeting the large tractor brought to mind the rule ‘power gives way to sail’ and then I found this one which seems apt under the circumstances: sailing vessels should avoid sailing in a narrow channel. They have to give way to power-driven vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre in the channel. When the narrow channel/lane is your only option … well done to Jackie for reversing so far – and I am pleased there seemed to be no vehicles behind or that might have led to quite a backing-up!
Thank you very much for this, Anne. We couldn’t get around the forest without the narrow channels 🙂
That must be the cleanest tractor in history! Straight from the factory.
So well observed, John. Thanks very much.
At first glance I thought it said ‘burglers.co.uk’
Thanks for the link, Andrew.
Free manure is great so long as you remember to take it out of the car immediately you arrive home!
I remember lanes like that on holiday in Cornwall when I was a boy. Dad was always complaining and reversing!
Thanks very much, Andrew.
Wowza! That is not something I’d want to see comin’ at me! 😮 In a vehicle-fight, he would definitely win! I am so glad Jackie is a good driver, maneuver-er and backer-upper! 🙂
OH, ALL of the pony photos are so lovely! Their colours, spotted and speckled coats, precious faces, and fancy hair-dos!!! 🙂 (Oh my, on them having to “fight” for eats! 🙁 )
Seriously, the free manure is a nice gift! 🙂
Okay, not-seriously, I’ll add this jovial joke…
My local garden centre is doing buy one, get one free on manure.
Now that’s an offer not to be sniffed at.
(((HUGS))) 🙂
🙂 Thanks as ever for your fun comments, Carolyn.
A beautiful day in your neighborhood! You are right… manure is a gardeners pure gold! Love it!
Thanks very much, Dwight
Whoa – that would not have been a pleasant encounter. Glad you had room to reverse course. How generous of the farmer to offer manure. Gardeners gold, indeed!
Thanks very much, Anna.
What a superb thatched house!
Yes. They are all around us. Thanks very much, Lindsey.
Those are such beautiful horses and ponies, especially that Appaloosa! I am glad to see you got some good Gardener’s Gold, too.
Thanks very much, Lavinia – especially for identifying the Appaloosa – I’m never sure about the smaller breeds.
Gorgeous ponies 😍 And those cottages are so cute 😉
Thanks very much, Ribana.
Even in the largest field there is always one that wants the patch of grass that you’re having!
🙂 Thanks a lot, Sue.
I love the “solitary bay (who) fronted the thatched cottages beside the green…” Your pictures are gorgeous!
Thank you so much, Jan
Nice photos
Thanks very much, More.
You’re welcome Derrick
Is the manure ready bagged for you? Looks like your compost will be very happy with the bags you had in your boot.
It is ready bagged, Helen. Thanks very much.