Today, carrying a freshly prepared picnic lunch, Jackie drove us out to the currently sleepy village of Hale in the north west of the New Forest. This proved to be a good choice because all the other tourist spots we passed were quite busy.
We turned off Roger Penny Way into Woodgreen Road running between Godshill Village Hall and The Fighting Cocks pub.

A woman with a mobile phone bent to photograph a portrait of a donkey standing in the middle of the road;

while one of their number stroked another ass her companions were intrigued by one more,

beside a somnolent companion still sporting its winter coat while waiting for the postman, resting its head against the hall wall, on which hangs a defibrillator.

Judging by the number of tiny foals sleeping like any infant on the dry grass beside the pub there has been a recent spate of births.

It didn’t take the young ladies from outside the hall long to pet this one awake.

We continued to Hale Lane from which we could look down on a quilted landscape, and enjoy the sunlight brightening a bracken hedge and dappling the trunk of a mighty oak.

On a previous visit to Hale, featured in I had photographed these happy thatchers working on

this lengthy roof, now well weathered in.

We enjoyed our picnic on a bench beneath a spreading oak canopy near the

village hall, also bearing a wall-mounted defibrillator.
At lunchtime during normal term-time the green would have resounded with the cries of schoolchildren – not so 2020; the quiet was so still that voices could be discerned on the other side of the open space which belonged to

resident ponies and foal

which eventually trooped off to the shady outskirts.

Passing Wootton Bridge on the way home we spotted a pair of foals prompting us to speculate about whether horses produced twins. Several sites on Google leave us in no doubt that this is a very rare event, the odds against a healthy mare and both twins surviving are 10,000 to 1. We had not seen twin youngsters.
This evening we dined on tangy pork chops coated with mustard and almonds; crisp roast potatoes, including the sweet variety; tender sweetheart cabbage; crunchy carrots; and tasty, meaty gravy with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank a smooth Flores de Soligamar Rioja 2018.
It is heart-warming to see the interaction between the people and the donkeys.
Thanks very much, Anne. There are always donkeys around that pub.
It looks like the lady with a phone is photographing not the donkey, but rather the donkey’s behind (I believe it’s called “arse” in proper English).
The twisted trunk of an immense tree in the black and white is very impressive.
You have given me an idea, Derrick: I have not been out of the house since March; perhaps we can find a safe place to have a picnic on Sunday, if it’s not too hot.
I do hope you manage a cool picnic, Dolly. Arse is correct 🙂 That oak must be hundreds of years old. Thanks very much.
My pleasure, Derrick.
P.S. I think I have figured out that the donkey by the mailbox is waiting for a letter with permission to shed his winter coat.
Most likely, Dolly 🙂 Thanks again.
You are very welcome, Derrick.
As much as I love the ponies, Derrick, I have to say my favorite today is the donkey with his head against the wall withe defibrillator!! You sure caught my funny bone with that one!
That was a very serendipitous shot!
The donkey didn’t move all the time we were there 🙂
I’m pleased, GP. 🙂 Thanks very much.
Wonderful shots of horses and donkeys. I can’t believe how friendly they are–I’m not sure if that’s a good thing (for them).
“while one of their number stroked another ass” 😀
The shot of the donkey with its head against the wall is so funny. I don’t think we have defibrillators so prominently displayed around here.
I laughed at that line too, Merril. 🙂
🙂 I’m so pleased.
Derrick does like to slip them in, doesn’t he?😀
I trusted some of my American friends to get that one, Merril. You didn’t disappoint. Some of our decommissioned phone boxes now house defibrillators – perhaps a reflection of our demography. Thanks very much.
I’m glad I didn’t disappoint you–and interesting!
Those baby donkeys were so cute!
Thanks very much, Sheree.
It sounds and looks as though you had a lovely little day out Derrick. I do love the New Forest!
Thanks very much, Becky. I have a mother, sister, and brother; and Jackie has sisters all of whom have, like us, moved down from London.
lovely day for picnic! beautiful landscape dotted with ponies and foals. 🙂
Thanks very much, Lola
I can see in picture 3 that one ass has parked himself nose first into a corner. Perhaps he was trying to blend in so the tourist would leave him be. 🙂
The donkey was there for ages – before and after we moved on, Chrissy. Thanks very much.
What a fantastic day! I bet the picnic was Jackie’s idea. She’s brilliant! I laughed at the lady taking photos of the donkey in the road. That’s probably what I would be doing. 🙂 Those are some happy thatchers! Thanks for sharing your day with us, Derrick. I enjoyed it.
I’m pleased, Jill. Yes, it was Jackie’s idea. 🙂 Thanks very much.
You chose what looks like an idyllic spot for your picnic.
It was a regular stopping point when returning from knee surgery appointments. Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
Yes horses can have twins. It’s not common though.
So, I understand, Mrs. W. Thank you very much.
Your welcome.
Well you know I would love this one. You knew it. xo
I did. Good to read this. X. I know you don’t post often on WP these days, but my comments must still be going into trash – if I’ve liked one, be sure I have commented.
You are not in the trash my friend
I do wonder why you were ever as that would be my last wish in the world
I actually check trash regularly just incase 🙂
Those thatchers sure look happy to be thatching! (Or were they happy to see you and Jackie?) The black-and-white photo of the might oak trunk is my favorite out of this group, with the quilted landscape coming in a close second.
The thatchers saw me with the camera and spontaneously posed. I just grabbed the shot. How lucky was that? The tree and the landscape were taken from a few yards apart. Thanks very much, Liz.
So many lovely photos from your day, especially the foals! Twin horses are a rare event, but perhaps those foals could be friends, or one is orphaned.
That is most likely, Lavinia. Thanks very much.
I do love those donkeys. That one standing by the wall is likely waiting for it to move…
or perhaps afraid to move I case it did 🙂 Thanks very much, Lisa.
I very much enjoyed seeing these beautiful ponies, sweet donkeys, happy thatchers, and a fascinating face in that mighty oak trunk.
Thanks very much, JoAnna.
Seeing the thatched roof gives me nostalgia. I grew up a part of my childhood under the thatched roof.
Ah. Thanks very much, Byung.
I did not know that twin foals were uncommon, but it makes sense. Looks as though you had a lovely picnic. However, sad that there were no children’s voices on the green.
It was quite eerily quiet. The school is alongside the green, so I don’t photograph the children there. The teachers would object without parental permission. Thanks very much, Laurie.
A sad reflection of our times. I love the sound of children playing.
I’m curious about the numerous photos you have of donkeys and horses wandering around free, on roads, in towns. Is this usual?
Just in The New Forest where they have ancient rights, including that of the road. Thanks very much, Judy.
What a wonderful few hours you spent. I love all your photographs, especially the donkeys, they provided you with some great shots.
I love that donkey that is resting its head against the hall wall…very funny 😁
Lovely picnic 🧺 😉
Thanks very much, Ribana. That donkey didn’t move all the time we were there.
Hahahah…he really liked that wall 😉
That donkey looks really fed up with the woman with the mobile phone. He’s just too well mannered to say so.
🙂 Most likely, John.
Fantastic photos, and lovely day out, I can confirm there are no twins at Wootton, the mares are often related/ or have long term herd Bonds so often are happy to leave a foal near another mare, of course these foals are now rising four months old, and beginning to wonder investigate and don’t feel the need to stick so close to mum…not long now and the drift/ round ups start so many foals will be removed to become future riding ponies? Or if a filly branded and turned back out with the herd. ( very +++rare occasion twins on the forest, – as are the mules, I think three at the moment)
Thanks very much for the knowledgeable comments, Rebecca.
Magnificent photos, Derrick! What a great day you had! Thank you so much for sharing it. Those horses are so beautiful and you captured them in a variety of poses … I love it! Your views are so different from mine! It’s fun to share your world. <3 Thank you!
Vive la différence. And Thank you very much, Jan X
Why are defibrillators so commonly affixed to the walls there? The ponies seem to have taken over the greens and enjoying the kingdom come. I hope those asses are not inclined to kick the bipeds evincing unwelcome interest in them.
The asses are very long suffering. I think the plethora of defibrillators reflects the age group of many residents. 🙂 Thanks very much, Uma.
I’m looking for a new home and it should look something like this. Horses would be fine. Twins are 10,000 to 1. I know, sounds rare but my daughter got a disease that was 200,000 to 1 so I have a new perspective on ‘rare’.
There is something adorable about donkeys.
Indeed. Thank you very much, Laleh.
Before I could comment yesterday, our WiFi…internet…went out and didn’t come back on until today. Darn WiFi!
YAY for donkeys and especially baby donkeys!!! They have such cute faces AND cute butts! 😀
The one with his head against the wall is like…”Yay! First in line!” 😉 😀 or “I’m so tired of all of this social distancing stuff!” HA! 😀
Looks like the perfect day for a picnic! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
We are both laughing at this, Carolyn. 🙂 Sorry about your WiFi. Thanks very much.
They certainly do look twin-ish though. 🙂
Thanks a lot, Widders.
Great photos, Derrick. Seems like those donkeys are a real hit with the young ladies. The donkey with the post box and the one resting next to the defibrillator are real winners. 🙂
Thank you so much, Sylvia
Oh how cute
Thank you very much, More
You’re very welcome
You’ve got a theme going here, now Derrick. I don’t wish to sound like an ass but how often does a roof need thatching?
They are good for 30 years, Lindsey. Thanks very much.
Oh thank goodness, it looks like an expensive operation.
New layers are added to the old. Some have 4/500 year old relics in them. I don’t know how much they cost.
Wow that boggles the mind Derrick.
Sounds and looks like a wonderful day. I’m always so amazed at how tame these horses are. They are really beautiful creatures.
They are, Barbara. Thank you very much.
Nice outing. I love the thatchers and ponies.
Thanks very much, Sherry