Yesterday evening’s meal at Lal Quilla was a real treat. It really was rather crowded, but there was enough room for social distancing to be maintained. We were greeted as old friends by Raj, the manager, like his staff sporting a mask. After the long lockdown we had imagined that there would be a new staff group, but at least one of the old team recognised us, although, as I said to him, we could not recognise him behind his face covering. Despite how busy they were, they all remained both friendly and efficient.
Between occasional peeking of the sun we experienced regular rain showers. Like most of us, Félicité Perpétue has been unable to attend the hairdressers for some months, and was
in need of a good cut

During the drier spells I tried my hand at trichology and administered a trim. Chopped up for adding to the compost I filled two barrowloads and transported them to the bin. There is still much to be done, and at least I can get into the car now.
Jackie carried out a similar exercise in the Rose Garden.
This evening we dined on juicy fillet steak; fried onions, mushrooms and tomatoes; boiled new potatoes; firm carrots and cauliflower, with tasty gravy. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Chateauneuf du Pape.
The “before and after” haircut photos attest to your hard work practicing trichology, Derrick.
🙂 Thanks very much, Dolly.
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Great job! And good job she is relatively thornless.
My fingertips would question “relatively thornless” 🙂 Thanks very much, Susan.
I usually have ‘evidence’ of any pruning I do, for some time afterwards.
I can’t believe your summer is almost over, trimming still has to get done, eh?!
🙂 Thanks very much, GP
We too have been supporting our favourite local restaurants, lest they wither and die!
Quite. Thanks very much, Sheree
Sounds like a fantastic outing. How we miss our old life.
Yes. Thanks very much, Laurie
I’m glad you had such a pleasant and delicious meal. I love the photo of Jackie in the garden. It almost looks 3D–the flowers appear to be smiling with her.
Thank you so much, Merril
Jackie always has a lovely smile on her face-you seem like a sweet couple- and I love the garden paths and arbor.🌺
Thank you so much, Peggy
I’m glad the meal out was enjoyable.
Your supper sounds right up my street.
Glad you got to est out. We are slowly eating out a little more.
Fingers crossed for us all, Mrs W. Thanks very much.
Your welcome.
Sounds like a delicious dinner to reward you for your hard work in the garden. 😃
Thanks very much, Sylvia.
That’s a new word for me! I almost never fry onions. What a mistake.
🙂 Thanks a lot, Luanne
You must have a substantial compost heap by now.
We do, indeed, Tootlepedal. Thanks a lot.
I had to look up trichology! Once I figured out what it meant, I realized how cleverly you’d applied it in a different context. Well done!
I’m happy to hear you had a nice meal, Derrick. My Derek is still doing all of our cooking…good thing because we would starve if I was in charge. 🙂 Great shot of Jackie! She’s looking quite mischievous!
So she is, Jill. Thanks very much.
What a worthwhile trim … and local restaurant fare. 🙏 Love that you can start to get back into your gastronomic regimens. We haven’t ventured out for dining, but drive for curbside pickup from our favorite places.
It is not without some trepidation that we enter, but so far so good. Thanks very much, Val.
So glad you got out for a fine meal!
Thanks very much, Cynthia. The Culinary Queen was glad too 🙂
I am sure that’s right! 🙂
Oh Derrick … I’m jealous… that’s wonderful you that you are allowed to go out for a meal…
It is, indeed. Let us hope we don’t spoil it. Thanks very much, Ivor
I’m glad to hear that you and Jackie had an enjoyable meal out! The evening meal she make sounds really good, too.
Both meals excellent. Thanks very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
She must have been relieved, Félicité Perpétue, at the prompt attention received from you. The overgrowth had given her a haggard, bewildered look.
🙂 Thanks very much, Uma
Keeping things trimmed this time of year is an uphill battle for those of us with abundant greenery. It’s so nice to be a recognized regular at a good restaurant. Our favorite Asian and Indian restaurants are like that. I’m glad you enjoyed dining out.
Thank you very much, JoAnna.
Yes, the excessive rain and periods of sun is making everything grow at an enormous rate. Still, it keeps the composters happy!
Thanks a lot, John
Excellent food as ever. I’m waiting for a dry hour or so to start attacking the front hedge. Would happily settle for the job you did.
Thanks a lot, Gary
I learned earlier in life that trichophobia is the fear of hair….so I knew what trichology is all about. 😀 Love the before the hair cut and the after the hair cut photos! Good barbering! 😉
Glad you all got time out together with a delicious meal, too!
HUGS!!! 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. I had to check the spelling 🙂 X
The shrubs are all in their late summer rush!
Thanks a lot, Andrew
Jackie looks happy and lovely in her garden. Beautiful photos Derrick.can you believe summer is almost over? This year as gone rather quickly it seems.
I have been trying to go out and eat at restaurants that love to support them.
Thanks very much, More. It has been a strange year, that’s for sure.
Youre welcome derrick
I learned a new “ology” here, Derrick. Thank you! 🙂
I am glad you and Jackie had a wonderful dinner out. It sounds like the sort of restaurant Rick and I would love to go to. 🙂
I’m sure it is, Lavinia. There are a number of good Indian restaurants around. This is in our view the best. I’m pleased to and to your lexicon. 🙂 Thanks very much.
I do love a good Indian and we haven’t been to our favourite Indian restaurant since early this year because of Covid-19. We have had a couple of takeaways and the occasional curry at home, but it’s never quite the same is it.
Thanks very much, Tony.
That first meal out after lockdown has your senses turned up to eleven.
🙂 Yep.
Thanks a lot, Lindsey
Good thing that you still can go out….normally. Hi Jackie!
Thanks very much from us both, Arlene.
sounds like a delicious evening meal, Derrick! how lovely to support your local restaurants. that was a lot of work for you and Jackie as summer winds down. 🙂
Thank you very much, Lola
WE had our first Indian takeaway since lockdown and found it wasn’t as good as some of the ones we’ve been cooking ourselves. Glad your experience was good. I’m being forced to be sociable next week and am not looking forward to it – apart from being dubious about a second peak I have really enjoyed my hermit-like existence of the last few months.
Good luck. Thanks very much, Quercus
I love Indian food 😋 so delicious and full of flavour 😋
Quite so – and colour. Thanks very much, Ribana
Interesting to read about your restaurant experience. At the café where I meet my crafting friends, the staff don’t generally wear masks.
I have to say I felt very sorry for the staff wearing masks when we weren’t. Thanks very much, Helen
Yes, there is a certain disequilibrium in that.
Oh so funny, the bush is in need of a trim like all of us. I haven’t had a cut since February and I feel grateful that I can just pull it back into a ponytail and it looks absolutely acceptable. I really really want to go back and visit my hairdresser though. Love to hear a favourite restaurant has opened up. I am finding that the staff and cooks seem very happy to be open again, no matter what the conditions required. Since March I’ve been tipping more generously than I ever have, because I’m so worried about the restaurant owners and their staff.
Me too, re tips, Crystal. Thanks very much