Still Going Strong

This morning I cut the grass and produced a few photographs.

Individual titles appear on the galleries.

This afternoon I almost finished reading Point Counter Point by Aldous Huxley which I will feature tomorrow.

Tonight’s dinner consisted of sag bhaji and mild prawn curry starter from Forest Tandoori followed by the main event in the form of Jackie’s spicy lamb jalfrezi and aromatic pilau rice, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Shiraz.


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  1. Everything looks beautiful, especially the roses. We didn’t get many this year due to deer. The devils have eaten them back. I did finally get fencing up around the blueberry bushes, so they are protected from deer now.

  2. So many excellent photographs here, Derrick. I like the honeybee on the rose, and the hovering bumblebee. Do you make that distinction? Honeybee v. Bumblebee. I have since a child, but I’m not sure how scientific it is, haha.

  3. Those flowers are amazing despite the hailstorm. My remaining pot flowers were still looking wonderful until Thursday when the worst freak storm ever took them all out. Such a crying shame.

  4. The bees are still at work. I like the play of light and shadows in the black and white of Florence sculpture. And, of course, the lovely roses, even thought the pink one has bent its head.

  5. Fuchsia to fuchsia, you have mapped the garden in flowers in their various states of bloom, and their winged lovers. You food preferences are quite Indi-terian!

  6. Fun and pretty photos! The fuchsia shrimp cocktail looks like three dancing fairies with the outside fairies helping the smaller one between them.

  7. So good to see Florence, Dr. Ruppel, Lady Aster, and Penny Lane!!! 🙂 And that last photo of the fuchsias looks like 3 dancing ballerinas!

    Glad to see the flowers, plants, and bees ARE still going strong! A beautiful reminder to us that we must keep going strong, too! 🙂

    HUGS!!! 🙂

  8. Thank you for these beautiful photographs that brightened my morning. Like so many of your followers, I am enamored with the Fuchsia Shrimp Cocktail. We used to have those in our yard when we lived near San Francisco. They do well in the weather near water … more moist than our dry Montana air. I miss all that color, so you gave me a shot in the arm! Thanks!! <3

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