The Death Of Faurez

This morning I finished the final section of Barbara W Tuchman’s ‘The Proud Tower’, namely ‘The Death of Faurez – The Socialists: 1890-1914’. Focussing on the international rise of Socialism and the International meetings to further it, Tuchman describes how Faurez became the leading figure in the attempt to unite working men to strike in the event of war. We now know that this was unsuccessful; what I had not previously known was that Faurez himself was assassinated on the eve of Austria’s mobilisation against Serbia resulting from the much more notorious murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s creamy pasta arrabbiata with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Le Chene Noir Cotes du Rhone 2019.


  1. I have to admit my ignorance: I don’t know who Faurez was. His name has not been mentioned with relation to the 2nd International which we had to learn in detail. I will have to read this book; it sounds very informative.

  2. Was it windy and cold today?
    Sounds like a good day of reading!
    Thank you for teaching me about Faurez. I shall google to learn some more.
    Hope all is well. And you two are well.
    (((HUGS))) πŸ™‚
    PS…I am cooking a BIG pot of beans (navy)…later will add some veggies, peppers, and ham to it! πŸ™‚

  3. The book becomes more and more intriguing with each bit of history you relate. I had never heard of Faurez.
    Best to you and Jackie. Hope the winds have died down and all is calmer there.

  4. I can’t remember hearing the name Faurez either. This Tuchman book really does sound fascinating. Perhaps it kept you in your chair and away from the camera — that alone would be quite a recommendation.

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