Happy New Year!

Early on what would prove to be the brightest part of the day, Jackie disappeared into the garden and returned with

a range of frosty photographs, each of which is identified upon accessing the gallery by clicking on any image.

By the time we drove out to Elizabeth’s to wish her a socially distanced

the weather was becoming quite gloomy. My sister rushed out with her mobile phone, took this photograph, and e-mailed it to me. We stuck the poster in her lawn, had a brief chat, and drove away.

Jackie then parked beside the old quarry lake which I circumperambulated with my camera.

Shattered sheets of ice filled puddles on the verges

and scattered over the reflecting surfaces of the larger body of water, along which mallards floated.

Hard underfoot, pony poo, passed for Pontefract cakes direct from the freezer.

According to Jackie, seated in the Modus while I wandered among their less pampered equine cousins,

an inquisitive quartet of be-rugged field horses gathered at their gate to see what I was up to.

I was engaged in photographing the hardier breeds feeding on grass and gorse.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s onion rice; tempura prawns; and chicken tikka, with which she drank more of the Rosé and I drank more of the Malbec.


  1. Glad to see Jackie’s new pig is back on his feet ! Thanks for the great picture of you both with the sign. Well done, Derrick. Sher and I send New Years Blessings to you both.

  2. These frosted pictures look beautiful to my unaccustomed eye – the nearest to spectacular frost we get is when the school playing fields look white for a short time in the morning on a particularly cold winter’s day. I enjoy the hardier breeds of horses getting on with life despite the obvious cold. My wish is for you and Jackie to enjoy more adventures during the year and many opportunities for joy and happiness.

  3. Garden looking lovely with the frost-tinged plants. The countryside amazingly looks even boggier than yesterday. How is that possible?

  4. What a great idea to take the HNY sign to Elizabeth’s. I’m sure she appreciated the visit. Love the pony photos as always. The icy images really remind me of when I lived in England. 🙂 Wishing you and Jackie and your family a happy and healthy 2021.

  5. Happy New Year, Derrick! Even wet and frosty weather results in great photos from you! (It’s raining here right now but I think tomorrow will be nice.)

  6. Looks like Frosty visited in the night! 😀
    All gorgeous photos, Jackie and Derrick!
    You bring the warmth and the joy every day! Thank you!
    HAPPY New Year!!!
    (((HUGS))) and <3 🙂

  7. That photo of you and Jackie is delightful! And what a lovely idea to visit with a sign.
    Jackie’s frosted photos are lovely, and I like your reflections on the icy water.
    Happy New Year to you both!

  8. And Happy 2021 to you!
    Such a great idea to make the sign

    The frosty garden pictures are very pretty.
    I’m looking forward to the summer, though – hope it’s not too far away!

  9. Wishing you both a wonderful, safe and healthy New Year wishes 🎄
    Frosty garden looks beautiful!
    You set a perfect example of socializing by keeping social distancing.

  10. Frosty and cold weather in your area, and you have captured the beautiful side of it! The birds and ponies accept all that comes and weather the rain, wind and snow. That is also a wonderful photo of you and Jackie. Happy New Year to you both!

    I am glad the pig survived the previous windstorm. I think you could write, and illustrate, a good children’s book about the adventures of Ginny the Gloucester Old Spot. 🙂

  11. That’s a great idea to personally deliver an original sign – like a big holiday card and cute photo. The horses are handsome, the ponies precious, and the frosted photos are fantastic! I especially like the spider webs!

  12. Those frosty spider webs reminded me of my mom’s delicate crochet work! I swear she used invisible thread, it was so fine.

    I would love the genuine Pontefract cakes (there is one ‘l’ type of food I approve of), but maybe not the frozen pony offerings.

    Here’s to a happy 2021.

  13. I am in awe of those frosty pictures! Amazing photography. But, ouch! Your plants could not have been happy. Such cold had to have spelled an end to many of those blooming plants, right? And just when I thought it could not get any better, here came the pony pictures. Wow! I’m in love with that first horse with th frosty whiskers! This post put me on overload! Happy New Year to you and Jackie. Thank you for the gift of sharing. <3

  14. la solitude étant de plus en plus cruelle avec moi au fil du temps qui passe j’ai besoin de votre visite de chaque jour
    et vous en remercie .que 2021 vous soit douce !

  15. I have never seen so many frosted leaves and petals. How brilliant was the camera operator. And I loved all the ponies with their winter woolies. But most of all – the spiders webs. Have a great 2021.

  16. Thank you for showing the stark beauty in a winter garden. It’s a frosty day and I’ll look out the back windows with new eyes. Happy new year!

  17. Your garden actually looks wintery! As always, marvelous photos of the ponies. And wonderful picture of you and Jackie. So sorry that you couldn’t actually get together with your sister. We can give 2020 the boot and hope, hope, hope that 2021 brings better things.

  18. That photo do the two of you is just great!
    Happy new year to you both and the sign and distance was a good idea

    Oh and loved the way Jackie can disappear into the garden
    Then the way you put the photos right after the word disappear was a njce touch in post flow!

  19. I love the way ivy grows on a fence, don’t you? Such beautiful lines. The frost makes it look even more wonderful! xx

  20. Happy New Year to you both!Jackie’s early morning enterprise has yielded a rich interplay of frost and flora. The alliteration on pony poo is hilarious! Those equine portraits are excellent. The one standing next to a skeletal tree has nearly transformed the pony into a peacock!

  21. While I lament the passing of the growing season in your garden and the disappearance of your gorgeous flower photos, I rejoice at the return of shaggy pony season. If only I could pet one.

  22. The plants look so beautiful edged with frost – and the spiders’ webs too. I hope the new year has started off well for you all.

  23. Happy New Year to you and yours, Derrick! I love the set of the frost&ice pictures! Each of them is a gem. Jackie knows her garden so well <3
    I am very sorry for the lockdown, and hope it is the last one. Glad you are busy and creative. We still have our life, it hasn't changed, lockdown or not.

  24. Jackie’s photos are wonderful. And I love this greeting for Elizabeth. Thanks for posting it here, because it feels like you are wishing US a Happy New Year. Thank you!! Happy New Year to both of you as well. ~Crystal

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