On a dank-dull afternoon we drove to Milford on Sea pharmacy for a repeat prescription, with a loop round Keyhaven’s Saltgrass Lane on our return home.
Occasional walkers, like this couple looking across the Solent to the Isle of Wight and The Needles, made their way along the sparsely populated clifftop promenade.
We followed a steady jogger along Saltgrass Lane until we paused to photograph walkers and dogs on the Hurst spit alongside which idle sail boats were moored.

Curlews and turnstones (I am grateful to Quercus for identifying the latter in his comment) fished the shallows;
an elegant swan sailed among resting gulls,

one of which passed the time of day with a trailing cygnet.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s especially spicy pork paprika; boiled potatoes; crunchy carrots; and tender runner beans, followed by aromatic rice pudding laced with a dollop of strawberry jam with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Malbec.
I’m glad to see the distanced walkers — and, as happened here, the birds seem quite happy with the quietude of the day!
They certainly are getting the benefit of our lockdown, Janet. Thanks very much
Still looking pretty gloomy
It really is. Thanks a lot, Sheree
You two seem to make the most of any situation – good role models!
Thanks very much, Anne. We just keep looking around us
I wonder about those moored boats still in water in December, Derrick. Don’t they winterize boats, the way they do it here in the northern states? Does the water freeze?
I don’t think the tidal water down here does freeze, Dolly. Thanks very much
You are very welcome, Derrick.
As Anne indicated above, you could be relied upon to make such a routine task as collecting repeat prescriptions on a grey day into such a beautifully told and illustrated event 🙂
I wonder why swans are so supremely elegant?!
Thank you very much, Emma. It has to be the long, graceful neck, I think
… but why do they have such a long graceful neck? I just googled it and I’m still not sure!
You got me at it. I learned about deformed fingers – that’s all 🙂
I loved those photos of the shore, and all the birds. I can feel the breeze and smell the salt air! The day will come when Rick and I get to see our own coast again. 🙂
Dinner sounds wonderful! Tell Jackie and I have ordered runner bean seeds, and will try my hand at growing them this year.
Thanks very much, Lavinia. We are by coincidence answering this simultaneously 🙂
Runner beans definitely worth doing I think, I don’t have a designated area for veg, but I grow them up the arches with the climbing roses and the Clematis. Good luck with yours Lavinia.
Thank you, Jackie! I have usually grown an heirloom pole bean called “black creaseback”, which has purple flowers, green pods and black seeds. I have never eaten runner beans, and look forward to those bright red blooms too. They should be a beautiful addition to the garden and the hummingbirds will love the red flowers, too. 🙂
Nice calm winter sea shore.
Thanks very much, Sherry
Lovely photos today, Derrick. I’ve never seen swans in the wild…what a treat it would be.
That is a shame, Jill. They are everywhere here – so much so that I rarely photograph them. I’ll amend that. Thanks very much.
These bird photos were a real treat!
I’m pleased, Liz. Thanks a lot.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Derrick, lavinia said this about you having to sign in to comment on my blog – WP has made some changes recently with cookies. If he makes comments through the WP Reader instead of the actual site, he should be alright, and not have to give out details. This works with most sites, but not all.
The two birds in close up are Turnstones https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/turnstone/
I’ve always assumed swans have long necks so they can reach down for vegetation to eat.
Thanks very much, Quercus. Will try commenting through the reader. Will correct the turnstones.
Tootlepedal says: I use the reader and it hasn’t happened to me with your site. Sometimes it happens with other sites but if I click on the circular WP icon below the comment box, that seems to satisfy it.
Hope this helps.
Thanks – I’m with Tootlepedal – but WP have only picked on you in my case.
Yes, WP seems to pick on me. 🙂
The first image of the couple looking across the Solent seems to belong to the Star Wars saga, the Jedi and her companion being in deep deliberation about some interplanetary venture. The rest of the images capture the mood of the day.
Thank you very much, Uma. A nice Star Wars image
love the header photo, Derrick! beautiful photographs as always! 🙂
Thank you very much, Lola.
Those rock formations are so dramatic. They look like large ships against the horizon. I needed to look at your peaceful photos this evening. It has been one hell of a day over here on this side of the Atlantic. Phew!
It has, indeed, Anna. Thank you very much, Anna
The elegance and grace of swans always fascinate me Derrick..
Indeed, Ivor. Thanks very much.
Wonderful photos Derrick despite the gloom. I hope you’re keeping well. 😊🙏
We are well, Miriam. Thank you very much
Your beautiful photos of all of those gorgeous birds bring joy and warmth! 🙂 Love the little birds standing in the water…the water is shimmery…and it looks like fish are a plenty!
Those swans just command attention, don’t they?! 😉
HUGS!!! 🙂
PS…Ooh! I love rice pudding!!!
Thanks very much, Carolyn X
I think you’ve got redshank there and maybe a bar-tailed godwit but it’s too dark to be absolutely certain. The woman in the first photograph is very strange. At first I thought she had a white beard and I still can’t work it out!
Your pictures capture the national mood perfectly.
Thank you very much, Andrew
Always beautiful, even on a dull day.
Thanks very much, Laurie
The gloomy day made for some lovely photos–I really like the water birds.
An “aromatic rice pudding” sounds so good. 😀
Thanks very much, Merril
You’re welcome, Derrick.
One is never too prepared. I am with Jackie on that one.
Thank you very much, Sylvie
Gloomy but beautiful ☺️ And delicious dinner 🥘
Thank you very much, Ribana
Lovely photos
Thanks very much, Lisa
Nice gallery!
Thanks very much, Rupali
How wonderful to see swans! We don’t have them this far north in Canada. Is a Cygnet a baby swan? Is it a french word? Asking for a friend, LOL xK
Thanks very much, Kelly. A cygnet is a baby swan. The word is from Old French Cygne = Swan. So is your friend French Canadian?
Oui Oui, mon amie est un peu francais 😂