Along The Lanes

The third Test Match between India and England finished very early on this, the second, day, giving me the opportunity to stop watching Channel 4 and for Jackie to take me on a forest drive after purchasing primulas and violas from Ferndene Farm Shop.

She parked on an un-waterlogged section of the verges while I walked olong photographing

still naked oak branches against the sky;

swathes of snowdrops in the woodland, wet enough to harbour

reflective pools; as did the

soggy verges.

Fallen trees among the snowdrops bore moss, holly, and ivy leaves.

I returned to the car and we continued to Anna Lane,

on one side of which two New Forest ponies were penned in a field, perhaps for someone to train for riding;

and on the other side sprawled a lengthy pig farm.

Finally, a splendidly sculptural oak stump stands at a bend on Bennet’s Lane.

This evening we dined on well roasted chicken thighs, crisp roast potatoes, parsnips, Yorkshire puddings, and sage and onion stuffing; flavoursome Brussels sprouts and carrots, with which the Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Shiraz. Bakewell tart and vanilla ice cream was to follow,


  1. I so agree with Rosaline. I also love the reflected images; a hidden bonus of roadside puddles!
    And that tri-stump – just lovely. Oak is such an interesting tree, and can grow in such elegant, calm forms. That beautiful stump must be the home to so many other creatures!

  2. The scenes from your forest drive are beautiful, especially those carpets of snowdrops. They do colonize an area well! I always enjoy seeing the ponies and pigs. If you come across a Gloucester Old Spot on one of your trips out, please do take a photo. šŸ™‚

  3. Not far from me is a house and garden, a charity that sports the most beautiful garden and at this time of year opens to the public with the snowdrops display. What an awful shame that it had lost money because of lockdown, and for me as well as many others the opportunity to visit enjoy the garden and have a coffee with friends has been missed.

  4. Those meandering lanes rimmed by shallow pools and surrounded by lattice of boughs and patches of lovely snowdrops pull me in like a magnet. Those vistas could very well be from centuries ago.

  5. Oh, once again, you’ve found such beauty to preserve in your photos! Thank you for taking us along the lanes with you!
    So good to see the piggies! I’ve visited pig farms…and left them with stories to tell. Ha. šŸ™‚
    The snowdrops are lovely!
    The stump is artistic and you captured it’s texture beautifully!
    (((HUGS))) šŸ™‚

  6. I have several favorites out of this group, starting with the snowdrops in the header Dragon Lane with its curves and bank of clouds, the black-and-white oak branches against the sky, the black-and-white reflections in pool, and the chestnut pony with the intelligent face.

      1. Thank you for your concern Derrick. I had covid and pneumonia. I had assisted breathing during my time at the hospital but am feeling much better now.

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