Individual picture titles will be found on the gallery, otherwise I will leave the title and the sun in charge.
This evening we dined on roast chicken thighs; chipolata sausages; crisp roast potatoes, parsnips and Yorkshire pudding; sage and onion stuffing; flavoursome Brussels sprouts and carrots, with tasty gravy. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Cotes de Gascogne Merlot Tannat 2019.
Since I’ve been hearing your weather has improved, I was about to ask you about the garden, but you were already on board with the camera!! Good going!
Thanks very much, GP
The pendant owl and shadow is a fascinating shot. And my how your bulbs have decided to take off! Some of our bulbs are just breaking the surface, but the 60F forecast for this weekend will no doubt bring some on.
Good luck with yours, Maj. Thanks very much
Ah, your February garden always helps me remember that spring will, indeed, come again. I loved the two hellebore shots – the one with the bee and the one with the delicate shadow.
Thank you very much, Jodie. I’m pleased you liked those two
How lovely! I want to sit in your garden. 😀 The light and shadows are wonderful, and I agree with Jodierichelle about those two shots. I was excited to see two crocuses poking out of the ground this morning.
Thank you very much, Merril
You’re welcome!
Wait, what, Merril, YOU have crocus popping? That REALLY gives me hope, lol.
AND, later my husband saw another one in bloom!! 😀🌸
So envious. The snow has mostly melted but here in Canada we know that March usually brings more snow and cold temperatures. It took so long to get really cold this year that some of my bulbs were peaking out in January but we’ll be lucky if we get blooms in April. Our son in London, has been telling us how nice the weather has been over there. Enjoy!
Thanks very much, Carol. Fingers crossed for you
Doesn’t everything look better with sunshine?🌞 😎
It sure does. Thanks very much, Sheree
Thanks for sharing your sunshine, Derrick. It’s been cold and rainy here today. Everything looks beautiful!
Thanks very much, Jill. Actually it was a bit nippy
I have enjoyed the picturesque shadows and the lovely fresh flowers, Derrick.
A cheerful selection.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
I find the play of light and shadow fascinating 🙂
And this is the time for it, Rosaliene. Thank you very much
Shadows, Light and Nature. How lovely Derrick 💛
Thank you very much, Val X
So it is only Continental slander that the sun never comes out in England? 😉
🙂 It depends where you are. Thanks lot, Brian
The sun is happy playing around your garden, hugging the tree trunks, seeping through the leaves, kissing the dried up grass, smiling back at brave flowers and waking up the ones gone into a deep slumber.
I really must get you to write my text, Uma. 🙂 Thanks very much
That is a generous compliment, Derrick!
🙂 You write so well, my friend
Your garden is such a delight.
Thanks very much, Gary.
Wow! What a marvelous gallery! Shadows on stumpery with a wood hand reaching in, delightful little glass birds, and BEES! Spring is coming!
Thanks very much, JoAnna. I’m pleased you noticed the wood hand.
The sun must have been a very welcome sight for you, Jackie, and your garden.
It was, indeed, Liz. Thanks a lot
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Is it spring already?
Getting there, Arlene. Thanks very much
As much as we long for rain, I never fail to enjoy the play of sunlight on our surroundings and can imagine the joy a day of sunshine must give you after such a long period of gloom and wet. Your garden looks in good shape after the winter – plenty of joyful potential there for the spring as your days warm up.
Thank you very much for this generous comment, Anne
I enjoyed your late winter sunny garden photos, Derrick and Jackie. Those beautiful flowers have brought some sunshine to my own day! 🙂
Thank you very much, Lavinia
Could it be the start of spring Derrick ??
It seems so – although temps are down to zero overnight. Thanks a lot, Ivor
What a beautiful day when the sun comes out to play! I know you welcomed it with open arms!
You’ve captured such creative shadow art! 🙂
Love seeing the insects, the 3 glass birds, and the sweet owls! I love owls! 🙂 OH, and the backlit emerging bulbs bring hope and joy! 🙂
Your photos and blog posts are like the sun…you brighten our days and bring us warmth at night. 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you so much, Carolyn X
It was lovely to see the sunshine and blue sky, so uplifting. Your meal last night was very similar to ours.
Wow! it looks like spring already.
It does – cold, though, but who’s complaining
Glad you have sun. Ours went missing for eight days. I was happy when it came back even if it was cold it gave me hope of warmer days ahead
Love the shadows, they make a great subject for sure!
Thanks a lot, Andrew. You did a good one recently
Sunshine again all day. An hour or so sitting in the garden. Lock down not so bad on a day like this.
I saw snow drops in the park. Too early for all the flowers you have.
Thanks very much, Sherry
Here comes the sun.
Thanks a lot, Leslie
Very art full, Derrick. The flower on the hellebore petal made me smile.
Thank you very much, Susan. That is pleasing.
Hasn’t sun been amazing over the last few days?
It has, indeed. Thanks very much, Helen
Signs of life everywhere 🌸 So beautiful!
Thank you very much, Ribana
Your garden really looks splendid in the sunshine.
Thank you very much, Melanie
That sounds like a lot in lovely meal and pretty flowers too.
Thank you very much, Amanda
So our weather is reversed at the moment, Derrick? You had a real feast for dinner too. Sounds delicious.
It is indeed, Amanda. Thanks very much.