On an albeit cool day of sunny interludes on which

winter flowering and amanogawa cherry blossoms flourished alongside each other, I produced

a snapshot of the garden. As usual titles of the individual pictures will be found when accessing the gallery with a click on any one image.
This evening Elizabeth came to dinner which consisted of succulent roast pork, with cracking crackling; crisp Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes and parsnips; crunchy carrots; firm broccoli and cauliflower; and meaty gravy. Dessert was cherry pie and custard. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden while my sister and I drank Pinha Ribiero Santo Dao 2019.
Is this your garden? Fabulous to look at, and I bet your fingers can do with a rest after all these years of hard graft on the plants. That is one thing I miss, is my garden.
Thanks for sharing the Pinks!
It is, John. Thanks very much.
How pretty — your garden is really beginning to know it’s springtime 🙂 !
Thank you very much, Janet
What a lovely collection of spring beauties – your header shot is especially special.
I love the way you photographed the daffodil, a solitary soldier!
Spring blossom… summer mustn’t be far away!
E 🙂
Thank you very much, Emma. I hope you gain the summer guests you deserve.
I love your blooms! They prompted a close look out my window for buds on the crabapple tree. Nothing Yet! Your dinner with Elizabeth sounds delightful.
Thanks very much, Liz. Jackie made an even more special effort over dinner.
You’re welcome, Derrick. I thought the dinner sounded extra special, dessert, too!
All that beauty made me sigh with pleasure. Many thanks for sharing. Also, love the little white owl.
Thank you very much, Laurie. The Head Gardener now has more than 100 owls
Wowsah! Well, Jackie has inspired me to add to my frog and toad collection. 😉 Funny, isn’t it, how we are drawn to different creatures.
Yes. I had a friend once who had a frog collection which began when one person gave her one; another noticed that on and gave her another; and it snowballed without any intention on her part 🙂
A hopping good time!
These pictures are stunning. So detailed and vivid. I had Hoegaarden for the first time recently. Now, I’m no expert on beers, but I liked it much more than the Indian Kingfisher.
Thank you very much, Vishal
Stunning floral tributes
Thanks very much, Sheree
Pleasure Derrick
Beautiful spring.👏
Thank you very much, Laleh
My pleasure.🌷
Beautiful garden pictures. I am seeing more green peaking through the ground every day
Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
Gorgeous! Cherry blossoms are one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing, Derrick!
And you for your loyal following, Jill.
I am sorry I can’t see the titles in the gallery, Derrick, but your garden is welcoming spring in full force.
Thank you, Dolly, for alerting me to the fact that I had omitted the titles. Now corrected. Jackie has pointed out that I wasn’t very well yesterday – back to normal today.
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better today, Derrick!
Thanks again. I am fine
Great. Your readers need you.
X 🙂
Jackie’s owl is looking wise in his prominent position. 🙂
Thanks very much, Chrissy
I very much liked the general views from above. Unfortunately, I can’t read your photo captions as they get cut off at the bottom of my viewing space.
That’s a shame, but I expect you know all the plants – if not, Mrs T will.
Oops. Just realised I hadn’t put titles on. Now corrected.
The new owl is still pristine clean – but patiently waiting for all the spring and then summer flowers to bloom. I had noticed that over the winter the garden still had great blooms – a full year seasonal garden you have there…
We have had blooms all through the winter, but more than usual this year. Thanks very much, Catherine
They are so unbelievably beautiful!
Thank you very much, Byung
Lovely Derrick. The cherry blossoms light is beautiful.
Thank you very much, Cindy. I had about 6 attempts at that, so your appreciation is welcome.
The spring blossoms are crisp and fresh. I always enjoy the view from upstairs where I imagine you surveying your lovely garden.
Thank you very much, JoAnna
Oh, my, such lovely images to view just before bedtime. I planned to recall them as I lay my head in my pillow to help fall asleep. But then I read the rest and decided I’m going to bed on a beautiful full stomach of pork, et al. Don’t worry, this full stomach won’t keep me awake. So delicious sounding. But, what is ‘cracking crackling’?
I expect you know crackling is the crispy skin – cracking is my play on words to suggest both very good and crisp enough to crack/split 🙂 If it is soft it is no good. Thanks a lot, Steve
Of course, I should have known. As a kid, we would have leg of lamb on Sunday and my sister and I would compete for the ‘crackling cracking’ skin. Oooh, so good. Today, my wife removes skin from any chicken or turkey. Probably healthier but less fun. Thanks, Derrick. Have a great day!
Those cherry blossoms are gorgeous. I had to read their name aloud a couple of times, but I still couldn’t figure out which language it was from. It’s Japanese, as you no doubt know, and means ‘Heaven’s river.’ I was intrigued by its columnar form, too. What a beauty!
Thanks very much, Linda. I knew amanogawa was Japanese, but not its meaning. Jackie did look up the winter flowering one some years ago, but the label she made has disappeared and we can’t remember it 🙂
That is a wholesome snapshot of your garden compiled astutely in between the sunny interludes. Thank you for the morning sojourn; I feel as content as Jackie’s owls, talking of whom I wonder if they have got individual names?
There are far too many owls to name them all, Uma. Every time I turn round there is a new one blinking at me. Thanks very much.
Such lovely captures Derrick. Your camellia is awesome 😍
Thank you very much, Val.
A lovely set of garden photos, Derrick and Jackie! And Elizabeth over for dinner, too! 🙂
Thank you very much from us all, Lavinia 🙂
A piece of heaven 🌷🌸 and a crackling dinner 🥘😋
Thank you very much, Ribana 🙂
Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous Derrick and your dinner sounds divine! 😀
Thank you very much, Miriam
Oh, the garden is looking blooming lovely.
Supper with Elizabeth sounds delicious – Mmm.. really must get up have breakfast! 🙂
🙂 Thanks a lot, Sue
The first flush is the finest.
Yes. Thanks a lot, Andrew
Gorgeous flowers! I love the garden views from above! Good to see Florence and the owls watching over the garden-goings’-ons! 😉
So wonderful that you could have a meal with Elizabeth! A yummy meal indeed! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…Yay for crackin cracklin! 😉 We made green chili chicken enchiladas for supper…and my hubby made cracklin’ out of the chicken skin for him to eat. 🙂
Your hubby is a man after my own heart 🙂 Thanks very much, Carolyn. X
Garden is looking good – I always love this time of year. You have an amazing number of plants in there.
A promise that coming season will be abundantly colourful.
Thanks very much, Rupali
Spring is certainly busting out all over in your garden. The hard work you two put into it is evident.
It’s only 6:30 am here, but now I am craving the dinner you had last night!!
🙂 Thanks very much, GP
Your spring garden provides delightful color on a dreary day! I can’t pick a favorite–though I do love the cherry blossoms. It’s great that you got to see your sister and have such a nice dinner.
Thank you very much, Merril
Beautiful garden Derrick. Spring is on it’s way. Looking forward to see your garden 😍
Thank you very much, Sumith. I’m pleased to see you back
it is amazing, I am still waist high in snow (ok only in some places) and you have a blooming garden.. its awesome.. I can smell the earth and the new growth.. hmmm. lovely.
Thank you so much, Q
Oh the look of the sun even warms me from the photos. How much a gift spring is to us humans each year. Your garden is splendid as always, and I love your captures. For me, late spring is the busiest time for taking care of my land and gardens. When is busiest for you two?
Like you, it is coming up soon. Thanks very much, Crystal
So nice! So nice, indeed! Congratulations, dear Sir, for your talent.
Thank you very much Outsego
You’re most welcome, dear Sir.