Preparing For The Hunt

Ella is bringing her family for a garden visit tomorrow, Easter Sunday.

An Easter egg hunt will, of course, be in order. We prepared the clues for this today. Jackie determined the nine different locations and photographed them.

I printed each one, in which a prominent feature will bear the trophy. They will be numbered in an order which will promote the maximum running from one end to another. Parental assistance is encouraged, but preliminary peeks are not permitted. Naturally the spoils will not be put in place until tomorrow.

Later this afternoon, Jackie clipped a few plants and hung some decorations; I gathered up clippings, fallen twigs, and other likely impediments, including a fossilised rodent of small size.

This evening we dined on tasty pork chops; crisp roast potatoes; and firm carrots and Brussels sprouts, with meaty gravy. I drank Ribeiro Santo Dao red wine 2019 and Jackie abstained.


  1. I miss my grandchildren with an ache: I loved preparing clues and hiding Easter eggs, listening to their joyful cries of discovery. Enjoy the egg hunt tomorrow!

  2. Oh, what fun–an Easter egg hunt to herself! Such a clever idea to photograph the sites. The garden looks beautiful, and I hope the day goes well tomorrow.

  3. Ella’s coming to visit on Easter!!! 🙂 YAY!!! 🙂 I KNOW she will have such fun on the egg hunt! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) and Happy Happy Happy Easter to all of you!!! Have a beautiful, good-memory-making day!!!
    🐰 🌷 🥚 💛 ✝️ 🐣 💜 🐇 💐
    PS…I like “hunting” for the owls in your garden! 🦉

  4. We had our Easter egg hunt today, but the children know they can’t eat anything until tomorrow.

    We worked out how to do our just about legal Easter egg hunt. Taking into consideration who was in whose bubble therefore passing as a household and leaving out the teenagers, and three of us already had the virus- we took advantage of a fairly warm day we managed to do the Easter egg hunt and each of them made a traditional miniature Easter gardens too.

    It was a fun morning with an Easter outdoor buffet. And the little ones ran around together safely in the fresh air where we are told is the safest place to be. It was lovely and just what we all needed. Have a great day tomorrow. Happy Easter!

  5. The garden is set for an exciting Easter treasure hunt. I am sure Ella is going to fare much better than thought: children have a focused and photographic memory as against the frayed grey cells of the older lot.

  6. As Gwendoline has said, have an egg-cellent day; it sounds very well prepared and such fun!
    Your garden is looking so inviting – the perfect scene for a hunt!
    2 of our ‘girls’ came with their partners on Good Friday, and I too prepared and easter egg hunt – such fun at any age, and lovely to see how even they, as young professionals, were more than happy with the final prize of a hand decorated paper bag of straw, chocolate bunnies & tiny eggs!

  7. I love that “Ella is bringing her family.” lol -That header photo made me gasp – the roses are just stunning. And I love Jackie’s owls and the statues and paths and benches. Your garden is more spectacular every year.

    Enjoy your family, Derrick and Jackie.

  8. So funny that you set up clues to maximize running from end to end – smart!! Those owls are great and no wonder they made an impression on Ella. Your garden is so cleaned up and amazing already. I am impressed with how much work it must take you to get it looking so lovely. I’ve only started on mine. It has been to cold and rainy to spend any significant time in the gardens, but I am beginning to do Spring cleanup. Enjoy your week, you two.

  9. This sounded very well planned out. I can only imagine the squeals of excitement. I see you in one of the photo’s Jackie took too. Was that a clue? Were they to pick your pockets or maybe tickle you till treats fell out? Ha! xK

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