This morning we bit the bullet, unpacked, and assembled the new wooden Roble Turnberry bench. The last picture in this gallery shows what I look like when I have just straightened after an extended bending of my knees.

As can be seen from the first of these seated pictures we took of each other, the agony soon passes.

We have moved the new bench up to Fiveways, where we can enjoy the same views as Florence sculpture.

Here are some of Jackie’s planted urns, the first containing the last surviving purple tulip; the second, petunias and geranium against honesty in the bed behind; the third, some of her many pansies.

While I was at it, I photographed campion, rhododendron, aubretia, aquilegias, and Welsh poppies fronting the budding Chilean lantern tree.
Later this afternoon we will be driving to the Lamb Inn at Nomansland where we will meet Elizabeth and Danni for our first permitted inside a pub meal since the last lockdown that was forever-ago. I will report on that tomorrow.
What a gorgeous garden!
Thank you very much, Irene
Beautiful bench. It looks so inviting and the garden is as lovely as ever.
Thanks very much Carol
That’s a garden bench I’d love to linger on.
Thanks very much, VJ
That’s a beauty of a bench. I fancy the curved back slats! I’m a bit sway backed (like a pony,ha) and I think that should fit me nicely. Great photos of you both and it looks like the perfect spot in the garden for enjoying a view. Pretty exciting to be able to meet up in a pub with friends, Congratulations for slaying the beast.xK
Thanks very much, Kelly
Such a lovely garden, Derrick! 😊🇬🇧
Thank you very much, John
That’s a lovely bench, and you both look so content sitting on it. Your garden is so beautiful!
I hope all of you enjoy your meal today at the inn.
The bench is lovely and elegant
Superb choice
Enjoy your meal
Meeting up for an indoor pub meal is quite an adventure in these strange times. I feel sure you will enjoy it. The new bench looks very smart indeed!
Thanks very much, Anne
What a peaceful and beautiful resting spot Derrick
Thank you very much, Cindy
The new bench looks beautiful, and comfortable, Derrick and Jackie! The flowers are always a delight, too.
Thank you so much from us both, Lavinia.
I join you on the new wooden Roble Turnberry bench to take in all the surrounding beauty 🙂
Thank you so much, Rosaliene
we know Jackie works her tush off.. now we have a visual of you “working”.. great garden pictures too… sends virtual hugs across the pond for you both..
Thanks very much, Q. Actually, Jackie did most of the assembly. I held stuff in place and tightened everything up 🙂
You’ve done a great job. The Garden looks awesome. Right place to relax and enjoy!
Thanks very much, Alexander
Gorgeous gardens. I LOVE that bench, elegant and it looks to provide back support.
Thank you very much dunelight. It is very comfortable
Fab planted urns and lovely new bench. Hope the knees are okay. Enjoy your meal.
Thanks very much, Sheree. Knees quickly back to new normal.
Good to hear
I am sure many of breaks will happen on that bench.
Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
I really like that bench. Does it have a sealing on it or are you going to let it age naturally?
We think it is sort of waxy. We will certainly see what happens. Thanks a lot, GP
YAY! The new bench! Your smiles say it all! 🙂 Great job of putting it together! It will bring so much joy!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…Always good to see Florence! 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn X
Good looking bench and fine bench sitters too. I hope that the meal lived up to expectations.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
The bench looks wonderfully comfortable — perhaps you’d consider another one or two at various pots around the garden! And the garden is looking pretty wonderful too!
We do have benches all over the place – some even from local recycling centres. Thanks very much, Janet
Beautiful bench! Well done!
Thanks a lot, Leslie
So many fantastic photos today, Derrick. I love the first one of you and the other with Jackie smiling on the bench. She looks great! Well done!
Thanks you so much from us both, Jill
I love the photos of you and Jackie gracing your new Roble Turnberry Bench! The white owl peeking through the flowers caught my eye in the penultimate photo.
Thanks very much Liz. I’m pleased you spotted the owl
awesome garden with many flowers coming forth to greet the, the bench will be nice to survey your exploits, sorry about your knees but there you are bravely putting it together, and then both of trying out the seat for size… It will interesting to hear of your trip to the pub – wondering will it be the “same” or “different” – of course the company will make up for anything amiss
Thanks very much, Catherine. Actually, Jackie did most of the assembly, but she had the camera 🙂
Good job on the bench and garden! I’m glad the agony passed quickly. That’s an especially beautiful photo of the last surviving purple tulip.
Thank you very much, JoAnna. Standing up after all its companions have lost their petals
Well done Derrick … assembling flat-pack furniture is not as easy as it looks … and your new bench looks fabulous ..
Thank you so much, Ivor. Actually it was easier then most, especially with Jackie’s practical eye.
Yes .. a helpful eye is of great assistance 🤗
That is a handsome bench, and kudos to you for getting it together.. I finally bit the bullet and traded my old flip phone for something snazzier. I suspect by the time I finished getting the basics down, I was breathing harder than you were after getting the bench in place.
🙂 I have to say, Linda, Jackie did most of the assembly – I mainly did the hard screwing – and she had the camera 🙂
Your poor knees! I’m glad you soon recovered and what a lovely bench for a beautiful setting in the garden. I hope you all enjoyed your meal.
Thanks very much, Clare
The new bench looks great. Sorry it was so hard on your knees. Enjoy that meal! Looking forward to reading about it.
Thanks a lot, Laurie
Great smiles, great bench. 🙂
Thanks very much, Bridget
More than the beauty of the spanking new bench, the exercise of assembling and the resultant waves of joy has lent a sparkling aura to those portraits. I bet Florence Lady is going to be proud of the addition in her vicinity.
Thank you very much, Uma
Nobody ever looks as content as a man sitting on his new garden bench, unless, of course, it’s the man who built it.
🙂 Jackie did most of it. Thanks a lot, John.
It’s a beautiful bench –
lovely enough to do your amazing garden justice;
and being so perfectly modelled by the Head Gardener and her assistant.
Where did you find that sun yesterday?
All your images look absolutely heavenly – happy gardeners and happy flowers 🙂
Thank you so much, Emma. The sun was intermittent, but more than was forecast.
What a great bench. You make a daunting task look easy with terrific results!
Thanks very much, Barbara. Jackie was the brains 🙂
Dig the knee pads. I didn’t notice them when I first read the posting on my cell phone.
🙂 Thanks very much, Pat
You have made an excellent job of that Derrick. Flat pack furniture terrifies me.
Me too, that’s why it stays in the box so long 🙂 Thanks a lot, Andrew
These are wonderful pictures, Derrick. I am sorry you have pain but at least it passes quickly and you look pleased with your accomplishments.
Thank you so much, Robbie
I liked the words and the views of your blog, hope we follow each other
Thank you very much, Mina
You are the most welcome, i would be more than happy if we follow each other
Not sure how I missed this one! Well done on building the bench. It looks lovely.
Simon offered to put my new ones together but I thought I’d save him a task. I asked the garden centre to build and deliver.. Unfortunately, I completely forgot that the heaviest was meant for the upstairs balcony and so instead of lessening the load I ended up giving Simon a heavier task than it should have been.
🙂 Thanks very much, Sue
Lovely bench
Thanks very much, Sherry
Thanks very much, Jan
Very nice indeed.
Thanks very much, Lindsey
I’m having flashbacks to our garden glider assembly. I’m glad to see that all the pieces fit together. The bench is lovely. I’m in love with the photo of the tulip. You’ve captured it in the perfect light. I hope you had a fabulous dinner out. Life returns to some semblance of normal at last.
Thank you very much, Alys. That tulip still has one petal water the storm 🙂
Very spiffy. 🙂
Thanks a lot. Widders. I hope you are better now
I am. 🙂
I love seeing the garden in bloom. You have also persuaded me to purchase a bench that is already assembled.
Definitely preferable, msw. Thanks very much.