Across The Weeping Birch Bed

On another warm yet mostly dull day

Jackie continued planting, including various pots, and mending the bed into which I fell beside the Heligan Path two days ago. She had been most concerned about the foxglove which, after she had extricated it from beneath my shoulder only lost a couple of leaves. I can now see that the shrub into which I took a dive was probably the still standing euphorbia.

I made a start on reviving the footpath through the Weeping Birch Bed. This involved lifting stones in order to remove the unwanted alliums from beneath them and removing others from the edges. These beasts even attach their babies to daffodil bulbs from which they had to be extricated. My chair was not stable enough for this task, so after a while I used the long fork standing up, and bent when necessary. I was able to take respite by leaning on the implement, but could not crouch enough to replace the narcissi. Either I’ll have another go tomorrow or the Head Gardener will need to step in.

Aquilegias, such as those seen in the bottom right of the Gazebo Path, and the Rose Garden beds, are ubiquitous. Maybe my next weeding job could be along the Rose Garden paths which look a safer prospect.

Various shrubs, like viburnums, and rhododendrons, are spreading for summer at last.

Clematises such as the blue Daniel Deronda and the white Marie Boisselot are now flowering, and Dr Ruppel buds are raring to go.

Other climbers, for example, the blue solanums and rose Arthur Bell are on their way.

The rose scales the arch beside the Dragon Bed which houses these peonies.

This is the view from the Rose Garden, past Florence, and across the lawn towards North Breeze;

and these are, in turn, from the pieris overlooking the Nottingham Castle Bench facing the Brick Path diagonally opposite the West Bed.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s most flavoursome sausage casserole; creamy mashed potatoes; exceptionally tasty carrots from Tesco; firm cauliflower; and tender runner beans, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Mendoza Malbec 2019.


  1. Your garden is beginning really to show the fruits of your labor and Jackie’s! Nicely designed, it will provide a lot of wonderful color during the summer!

  2. Wow – that’s what I say every time I see your beautiful garden, Derrick! You both do such beautiful work. I see that you have family over here too, Nice! In some ways, we are the same people. 🇬🇧❤️

  3. Such a beautifully ‘full’ garden requires a lot of attention – which you both are giving it. I hope that with the warmer weather having arrived at last you will both find time to sit down to enjoy the fruits of your labours.

  4. Gardening takes a lot of work, but you two seem to take it in stride ( Or should I say, head over heels, in your case?) 🙄

  5. Wow that is one amazing garden, I am envious.
    Ours is long and narrow with a tall hedge all along one side, so the southern 1/3 never gets enough sunshine to grow a lot unfortunately. I do love working on our garden, but so far this year the weather hasn’t inspired me to spend much time out there.

  6. Your garden is so beautiful! I always admire how you and Jackie have it laid out, with named sections and paths. I particularly liked the shot with Florence, and the little ducky at her feet made me laugh.

  7. Always a joy to spend time in your garden, Jackie and Derrick! Thank you for inviting us all in! 🙂

    I love the Daniel Derondas! Did you know the plant/flower was named after “Daniel Deronda,” a novel by George Eliot, first published in 1876??? 🙂

    The duck is playing hide’n’seek with Florence! 😉 HA! 😀 😛
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  8. I take issue with your opening sentence to today’s post –
    Judging by the wonderful photos, today in your beautiful garden was far from ‘dull’;
    Challenging, industrious, varied and hugely rewarding, I would say 🙂
    It is all looking so lovely, despite still being early in the season;
    Huge compliments to the Head Gardener, and her assistant!

  9. The flora is definitely on the path to growth and beauty, thanks to Jackie and your hard work. Any more sightings of your feathered friends?

  10. As I had a friend named Arthur Bell, I was interested in finding out who your rose was named after. Disappointingly, it was not him but a drinks manufacturer.

    I am impressed by your garden activities after the recent unfortunate incident.

  11. A wonfrous sight for my tired and sore eyes on this cool and cloudy Saturday morning in Geelong Derrick … thank you ..

  12. I enjoyed these views of your lovely garden very much – especially the photo with Florence and her duck. A couple of nights ago, David and I went to get ice cream where they have a little courtyard with alliums growing in metal tubs. I still like the prolific alliums, but I suppose it’s safer to keep them in containers.

  13. The Army of the Head Gardener and her Lieutenant is committed to keep the garden vibrant and gorgeous, no matter what. We are fortunate to be receiving virtual tours of the charming arbour day after day.

  14. I admire you both, so much love and dedication has been given to your beautiful garden.
    I hope you’ve recovered from the chair incident.

    1. Oh no, I love them, they self seed in our gravel paths and I retrieve them all and plant them in the flower beds!

  15. It is all bright and beautiful there, Derrick and Jackie! I have those purple aquilegias, too. The first pioneer came in on a load of rabbit manure, and now, after a number of years, they are spreading rapidly and doing well. They do get out of hand. 🙂

  16. Wonderful photo tour of the garden. There is so much planted there. You must be kept very busy with it. Love the view across the garden to the thatched roof.

  17. Oh my – taking a dive into a shrub – ouch hope you are not injured
    And love the opening photo of Jackie with her gloves and diggin in

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