By 1939, just a few months before the start of the Second World War, Mabel returned to England. We have no record of her wartime activities, but my brother Chris was keen to point out that with English, German, French, Russian, and, no doubt, a few other languages behind her, she must have been doing something. After the war she continued tutoring pupils from schools in Wimbledon, including Wimbledon College, which I and my two brothers would all attend later in turn. This was followed by bringing up a bright and intelligent little girl in Gloucester whose mother was dead and whose father was away at sea.
Aged 65 in 1946 Mabel became tutor to twelve year old Julie Andrews – a post in which she would continue for the next four years. Her tasks included going down to the star’s home at Walton-on-Thames; travelling up to London to teach her between the matinees and evening shows in her dressing-room at the back of the stage; accompanying her on her tours in the provinces to places such as Sunderland, Peterborough, Bournemouth, Eastbourne, Blackpool, and even Jersey. Wherever they went the Education authorities sent someone to their hotel to check that Julie was being regularly taught. During these enquiries Mabel acted as her chaperone.
The following is an extract from Dame Julie’s autobiography:
“My first tutor was a young, pretty, ineffectual woman, whose name I don’t recall. I walked all over her, claiming that I was far too busy to do homework. Within two months she was gone and a new tutor, much older [65], by the name of Miss Gladys (sic!) Knight was hired – and she brooked no excuses. She was a disciplinarian, a darling, and a good teacher. We worked together for four hours every day and I finally began to get the education I should have had all along.”
Until 1960 Mabel continued to teach schoolboys; German lessons to adults; and, lastly, English to an Italian girl. Just before Christmas she had a fall on the stairs and her teaching days were over. After a further fall two years later, with memory failing, and concentration difficult, she died on 2nd October 1962 and bequeathed 18 Bernard Gardens to my father.
This was a truly tragic end for a really remarkable woman. I have recorded in that my great aunt, without possessing a record player included

a number of Dame Julie Andrews’s recordings in her effects.
I love the Julie Andrews story, even if she got the name wrong. One of my favorite actresses since the Sound of Music.
I love the Julie Andrews story, even if she got the name wrong. One of my favorite actresses since the Sound of Music.
Thanks very much, Pat
I also love Julie Andrews! You must write Mabel’s story as a book, Derrick. What a fascinating history!
Thank you so much. It looks as if I am going to have to track down that diary.
Please do. Magnificent story.
Please track down the diary!
Thanks very much, Lavinia
I suspect that your brother Chris may be right in thinking that Mabel “must have been doing something” to support the British wartime activities. I imagine that she remained silent to protect the families that she had worked with. My father was a fan of Julie Andrews, so I grew up listening to her early songs before her Hollywood fame.
Thank you so much, Rosaliene
definitely agree with “…doing something”
Your aunt had such an incredible life, and it is a shame the way it ended. I wonder what work she might have done during the war, and perhaps was not permitted to reveal. I didn’t realize Julie Andrews was performing so much at age 12.
Neither did I realise that, Merril. Chris was going to undertake more research on the war years, but died before he could do so. Thanks very much
You’re welcome, Derrick. It’s all so interesting.
My gosh! What a life. Mabel lived it full tilt, it seems, until her falls and memory failure.
Thanks a lot, Laurie.
What a life your Great Aunt Mabel led! And to have tutored Julie Andrews too! I imagine it would have been very interesting to chat with her and hear all her stories.
I do wish I had known her better, Joycee. Thanks very much
How lives intertwine even when we least expect it!
Yes. Thanks very much, GP
Well put, GP!
(Gladys Knight!? – The Dame’s lost her pips, surely 🙂 )
🙂 Nice one, Nick. Thanks a lot
What a remarkable woman Mabel was! It would be interesting to locate her diary. Still, it is quite possible she would not have let slip even there if she had been “doing something” useful with her knowledge of so many languages during the war.
I’m pretty sure she would have been silent about that. Thanks very much, Anne
Your great-aunt’s life deserves a book of its own, Derrick. What a truly exceptional woman!
Thanks very much, Dolly.
My pleasure, Derrick.
How wonderful! Mabel, an amazing woman, had a part in molding/influencing a girl who became an amazing women! Julie Andrews is such a joy! 🙂 I remember the first time I heard Julie Andrews sing…in the movie Mary Poppins…I was a wee little girl and enthralled by her singing and characters. I’ve enjoyed so many of her movies in my lifetime. 🙂
I’m so sad to hear about Mabel’s falls. 🙁 Often those are the beginning of the end for a well- seasoned person. 🙁 If I remember correctly…Mabel was born in 1881???
Yes – you are right about her birth date. That makes her two years older than me when she died – a sobering thought – although that was a different age. thanks very much Carolyn X
Wonderful story, though a sad ending.
Yes – her own mother died in a similar fall. Thanks very much, Quercus.
One of my great aunts did the same. That’s why I’m looking for a retirement bungalow.
Amazing woman was Mabel.
She was, Chrissy. Thanks very much
No doubt Aunt Mabel was VERY busy during the war years. What incredible lives those sisters led.
Chris would have loved to have answered that one. Thanks very much, Leslie
And it sounds like a story but in reality was her life, part of your family! That’s incredible!
It is. A saga of the era. Thanks very much, Ribana
I am just gobsmacked at the lives these women led. We’re such whimps these days in comparison.
Indeed, we are, Yvonne. Thanks very much
Good point, Yvonne!
so true!
What a full and influential life she lived! She certainly made an impression on Ms. Andrews and other students as well.
She did, JoAnna. Thanks very much.
The story of your great aunt is brief but enough to visualise the remarkable person she was. Please keep augmenting the chronicles.
Thank you so much, Uma
You continue to captivate us with your stories, Derrick. Julie Andrew’s! My goodness. Mabel was remarkable.
Thank you very much, Alys. I only knew he in her last years, which I regret.
She certainly used every minute of her life 100%!
Thanks a lot, John
Fascinating! I bet Aunt Mabel was very useful during the war with her linguistic skills
Thanks a lot, Sheree. We may never know
That’s such a shame
The tutoring of Julie Andrews was a most unexpected development in Mabel’s life story! That must have been a very enjoyable assignment.
I would seem so – for both of them. Thanks very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick!
What a crazy story! I know we aren’t hearing the full of it. I love her.
I grew up listening to the Sound of Music album at my grandmother’s house. I can sing every song and know the dialog around it. I’ve heard that Julie Andrews is a pisser. Sounds like she was born that way, and that Mabs showed her what’s what. Love it!
I’m sad to hear of her fall. I’ll miss her.
Thanks very much, Jodie. I barely knew her, which I regret
This is fascinating, though so sorry Mabel’s life had a difficult end. Losing mental faculties is tragic, particularly for someone of high intelligence, who lives and sees life through it.
Now Julie Adrews’ biography is one I’d like to read, such an interesting life during the war and post-ward years, from being a child star.
Thank you very much, Libre
Fascinating post on your amazing Aunt.
Thank you very much, Rupali
So very interesting; what an intriguing lady.
Thank you so much, Melanie X
I didn’t realise that Julie Andrews was a star at such a young age. What an interesting life your aunt had.
I didn’t know this existed. Thanks for sharing 👍🏻
And thank you for reading, Michael
It is so interesting to read these lines about Julie Andrews! I enjoyed it …
Thank you very much. Landious