Her Autumn Garden

Jackie spent the day in her element, nurturing

her Autumn garden, which I photographed at intervals. WordPress willing, each of these images is individually titled in the gallery.

Later, I scanned the next four of Charles Keeping’s superb illustrations to ‘Our Mutual Friend’.

‘Composedly smoking, he leaned an elbow on the chimney-piece and looked at the schoolmaster’ displays both arrogance and reserve.

‘Spreading his hands on his visitor’s knees, he thus addresses him’

‘The little expedition down the river’

‘Crouching down by the door and bending over her burden to hush it’

This evening we dined on Hordle Chinee Take Away’s excellent fare, with which Jackie drank more of the Pino Grigio and I finished the Faugeres.


  1. Wow!! I’ve never seen an autumn garden look as beautiful as Jackie’s. I love the first of the Keeping illustrations. I can tell what kind of guy Eugene is just by how he holds that cigar.

  2. The photo of Jackie is just beautiful.
    And the photos of your wonderful flowers are so lovely too.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to note the names – I’m learning so much from the posts about your amazing garden. It’s a total inspiration, as you both are.

  3. The photos of your wonderful flowers, Jackie, are beautiful.
    I don’t think I’ll ever learn the names of all my plants and shrubs. I just grow them because I like them. 🙂 Your garden, Jackie, should be shown in a garden magazine.

  4. The Beautiful Garden Queen
    Has a smile that brings the sun!
    She works with care and diligence
    She deserves some rest and fun!
    The flowers, plants, and even the trees
    Smile back from low and above!
    They can thrive with joy every day
    Because of her sweet tender love!
    (((HUGS))) 🙂
    PS…always love seeing the hanging baskets! And the name Joe Pye Weed intrigues me…so I looked it up and found this:
    According to legend, Joe Pye was a Native American herbalist who used a local plant to cure a variety of illnesses including typhoid fever. For years, it was unknown if Joe Pye was a real person or a botanical myth until research confirmed the plant’s name originated from the nickname of Joseph Shauquethqueat, a Mohican chief who lived in Massachusetts and New York in the 18th and early 19th centuries. 🙂

    1. Yes, they are, Barbara. We are pleased you spotted them, because they are virtually the only ones that have escaped the blight which ruined most of the others. Thanks very much.

  5. That’s a great shot of Jackie — a frameable shot of the head gardener interacting with her garden! And the garden is full of beautiful flowers blooming before the fall season besets them! A beautiful post!

  6. This is the most beautiful collection I can recall of your garden which must have something to do with the lovely queen gardener with the beautiful smile and her adoring photographer.

  7. The first image has truly captured Jackie in her spirits, the gallery that follows is a testament to her passion. Charles Keeping continues to mesmerise.

  8. I have recently discovered a show called Rosemary &Thyme it’s a delightful light hearted murder mystery show, but every time they do a garden. I find myself asking what Ms. Jackie would think, as she is an amazing gardener.

  9. A bounteous, beautiful garden reflected in the lovely photograph of Jackie. This magnificent gallery is a testament to the constant care your garden receives – a beautiful entry into autumn.

  10. What a lovely photograph of Jackie, well captured, Derrick.
    We enjoyed roast pork last night with all the usual trimmings, all thanks to your post from a few of days ago and I think Saturday night might just be a Chinese night, providing Joss is here to share.

  11. Jackie certainly seems in her element. That’s a lovely photo of her–and the garden is glorious!
    I agree with comments above about the cigar in the illustration, and also the Chinese food. 😏

  12. What a glorious photo of Jackie. At first I thought her smile reflected the beauty of her flowers, but then it occurred to me — perhaps her flowers are attempting to replicate her generous spirit.

  13. A wonderful autumn garden and a wonderful spirit, both beautifully photographed. Some of the curls on those roses are delightful. I hadn’t realised R. ‘Winchester Cathedral’ had such crinkly petals.

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