With our dry heat now reaching 30C we carried out watering this afternoon before retreating indoors where I posted: https://derrickjknight.com/2021/09/07/a-knights-tale-29-early-interviews/ ,
read more of Dickens’s Our Mutual friend and scanned the next five of Charles Keeping’s Inimitable illustrations.

‘The objectionable Sloppy’

‘She folded her hand round Lizzie’s neck, and rocked herself on Lizzie’s breast’

‘Riderhood looked amazedly from his visitor to his daughter’

‘Limehouse Hole’

‘Betty Higden gravely shook her head’
Early this evening as we sat drinking water and Diet Coke on the decking the unrelenting sun beat down so hard that all was silent.

A wood pigeon confused its claws with fleur-de-lys.

Sunlight dazzled a spider which dropped its dangling prey;

after which Jackie photographed it on its trapeze.
This evening we dined on pork shoulder steaks; tasty gravy; fried onions and mushrooms; crisp Yorkshire puddings; boiled new potatoes; firm carrots and cauliflower, with which neither of us imbibed.
Sun struck spider is a new one for me. Someday fall will get here (both England and Virginia).
Me, too, Pat. Thanks very much.
Both dazzled and performing, the spider is dazzling!
Keepings portraits are always so evocative, but Limehouse Hole caught my eye.
Thank you so much, Merril
Need to come back to enjoy me some Dickens – but you know how I love your such natural prose of phrases
the unrelenting sun beat down so hard that all was silent
“Sunlight dazzled a spider which dropped its dangling prey”
Also – that spider photo has some nice pink! Cool photo
Thank you so much, Yvette
Great pictures of the spider. Very hot for you!
Thanks very much, Laurie
On a day such as today, and I know yours will have been hotter than mine I don’t blame you for retreating indoors.
The only time I was outdoors was to water the plants and hang out and bring in the washing
No wine… was Lidl shut today? 😅
🙂 We just felt too overpowered by the heat and drank pints of water beforehand. Thanks very much, Sue
gosh that type of heat at this time of the year for you seems rather unseasonal ….
It is, indeed.
Gosh! Even I would find 30’c hot in England. That will confuse an autumn garden.
Wow. Thanks a lot, Gwen
On a hot day ’tis best to be inside with Mr. Dickens and Mr. Keeping! 😉 😀
All the Keeping photos you shared today have great details…buttons, flowy-dresses-hug, mesmerizing shapes and texture in the Limehouse Hole, and evocative expressions!
Great spider photos! He’s having his day in the sun! 😉
Spiders art-web-work is always just so impressive! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…They say, “Seeing a spider is nothing. It becomes a problem when it disappears.” HA! 😀
Thank you very much for these eloquent comments, Carolyn X
Your spider looks as though it had picked up a main course and dessert.
Indeed. Thanks very much, Linda
Far too hot for comfort. You adopted a sensible policy.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Today I could be the fly in your spider web Derrick … as these ‘covid’ lockdown days drag on and on …
Spider’s Domain: Haiku
fernery spider
guardian of the garden
lord of the flowers
Nice one, Ivor. Thank you very much
I’ve overcome my fear and loathing of spiders to declare the two spider photos my favorites out of today’s grouping!
Me too.
Wow. That is an achievement for us. Thanks. very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick!
I’m not a fan of spiders, but your photographs are beautiful, Derrick.
I’m pleased I could turn it into something of interest, Jill. Thanks very much
Exquisite detail in your photos! I also like the drawing of Lizzie and Jenny.
Thank you very much, JoAnna.
Keeping’s illustrations have fused with Dickens’ storytelling heart and soul. Meanwhile, the wood pigeon is in acute focus and presents a pretty picture.
Thank you so much, Uma.
What a coincidence: yours is the third blog I have read today featuring spiders!
It’s that time of year here, Anne. Thanks very much
Oh my, that spider is terrifying 🙈
Thanks very much, Ribana
We wait for the sun and then declare it too hot.
Quite so, Andrew. Thanks a lot.
Love the pigeon pic! What a cool coincidence. I’m not sure if trompe l’oeil is the right word, but it sure made me look twice.
Me, too, Cheryl. Of course I didn’t see it until I zoomed in. Thanks very much
nice meal for the dazzled spider Derrick! great find!
Thanks very much, Lola
Stunning pictures of the spider! I hope the weather cools down for you.
Easier tonight, Eugi. Thanks very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Hope the heat breaks for you soon.
We are due thunder storms in the next day or two.
Hope that helps.
Thanks very much, Mrs W. We didn’t get the storms, but it is a little cooler
Your welcome. Hopefully it cools off.
I am a big fan of spiders, Derrick. I saw another post this week with great spider pictures. I’ll have to try and find some of mine.
That would be good, Robbie. Thank you very much
Supper sounds delicious but I could never eat such a scrumptious meal on such a warm day. Dan would get a hotdog. 🙄
Thanks very much, AnneMarie.
These last days of Summer are certainly making their presence felt.
They are. We are hoping to keep the garden going for visitors at the end of the month. Thanks very much, Widders.
Mr Keeping’s impeccable characterization is a non-ending source of enjoyment.
The colors of the spider photo are breathtaking, Derrick.
Thank you so much, Dolly. I had quite a number of failures with the spider photo.
It came out fantastic, Derrick.
Love that spider web.
Thanks very much, Arlene
I am sorry to hear the hot, dry weather is now in your corner of the world. We are still in it here, but at least the days are shorter now and it cools down sooner.
That is a beautiful spider. It looks like it may be in the genus Argiope.
That looks a good identification, Lavinia. I googled it Thank you very much
Wonderful photos of the spider! Looks like he caught a mouse!!:LOL
Thanks a lot, Dwight
You are welcome Derrick!
The spider shots are amazing and the pigeon looks nice too
Thank you very much, Geetha