This morning while Jackie shopped at Tesco I carried out a bunch of dead heading.
After lunch I wandered around the garden with my camera

and photographed a range of blooms, each of which is titled in the gallery;

a bee on a cosmos and a comma butterfly on verbena bonariensis.

Later this afternoon we drove into the forest and discovered from the presence of pigs trotting across Jordans Lane that pannage has begun. This is the period when pigs are freed to eat up the mast – acorns and other autumn fruits which are poisonous to ponies.

This gathering of pigs and piglets was more interested in rooting and wallowing on the still-muddy-enough-for-fun drying Pilley lake bed.
There had not been a scarecrow trail in Hordle this year, but it looks as if someone in Sheldrake Gardens had made their own individual effort in the form of this

pair representing the Gruffalo and mouse.
This evening we dined on oven fish and chips and peas, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Fleurie.
Pigs are quite popular as pets, so I hear. That would surely put me off bacon for life. Piglets are so cute!
Yes – I’m sure it would, Suzanne. Thanks very much
We can look forward to more photographs of pigs! You and Jackie still have a wonderful array of colour in your garden – so beautiful to see.
Thank you so much, Anne
Your garden is still in full bloom and so lovely. Most of my pot plants are beginning to die off now.
Lovely to see the pigs out again.
Thanks very much, Sue
When I saw the title of your post come across my email, I think it might be pannage time again!
Spot on, Liz. Thanks a lot.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Tanvir
There is something about pigs rooting and wallowing that just defines bliss. Nice post Derrick.
The perfect word, Maj. Thank you very much
The best part of gardening is the photographing haha!!!! Wonderful as usual. And those pigs. I know pigs can be a real pain, but they are quite cute!
Thank you very much, Luanne. You have sussed why I do most of the photography 🙂
Wonderful photos in the post, Derrick. I love the butterflies on the verbena, and those pigs look like they are having so much fun!
Thank you very much, Merril
It must be quite a job to round up the pigs after they have time on the loose! And are the ponies somehow kept at bay while the pigs roam? The garden is still looking wonderful, with lots of variety and color!
The pigs can manage the ponies, Janet:
Thanks very much.
Thanks for the link — I see, they do manage the ponies quite well!
This is a great way to keep the ponies safe. The flower photos are fantastic, Derrick! ☺️🇬🇧
Thanks very much, John
I am used to see free roaming horses but not pigs. Are they always there? The flower picture with the butterfly and the Clematis blooming through the chicken wire…are my favorites today.
Thank you very much, Bridget. Just for a few weeks in autumn to eat up the mast.
OHMYGOSH!!! The Fuchsia and the Snapdragons make me smile SO BIG!!! 🙂 So good to see Dr. Ruppel, too! 🙂 Ooh…and I also spotted an owl! 🙂
Aw, the piggies are working hard at their job and then taking the occasional snooze! 😀 Could their curlicue tails be any cuter! 🙂
The Comma Butterfly…how cool! I wonder if there are any Exclamation Point Butterflies in the world! ??? 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. Butterflies seem to be coming back for a Period. X
I saw a few today! 🙂
Nice one Carolyn …..
A fun fall frolic. Love the piggies.
“Pat’s got your number” (re alliteration) said Jackie. Thanks very much.
Summer still reigns in your gardens, though the presence of pigs in the forest indicate autumn has arrived. Are those my favorite Gloucester Old Spots I see in some of those photos? Be careful of your trousers, Derrick! 🙂
Yes, mostly Gloucesters. Thank you for remembering my trousers, Lavinia. Thank you very much.
Love the flowers. We have a Fish and Chips place here in NYC. Unfortunately, after 20 years they suddenly went downhill. No more places like it here.
Bad luck with the fish and chips of your London childhood. Thanks a lot, Sherry
Cosmos, verbena and pigs – three of my favourite things!
Such a lovely idea to have a scarecrow trail!
Those scarecrows are so creative – I hope the plot they are guarding is equally successful 🙂
Thank you very much, Emma. Everyone’s cosmos seems to be very tall this year. Some I couldn’t reach with the secateurs.
Very appropriate that it’s ‘reaching for the stars’! I used to love growing it in London, but sadly, the rabbits have other plans here..!
I liked the Amy Nurse fuchsia, interesting without being flashy.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
I always enjoy seeing the pigs trotting. The garden still looks beautiful!
Thanks very much, Jill.
Oh, that garden! Utterly beautiful. Fun to see the pictures of the pigs trotting around.
Thank you very much, Laurie
Your garden photos are especially beautiful. The pigs look sweet. I’ve been getting to know two very large pigs at the sanctuary where i volunteer. They kinda remind me of dogs.
Yes – I can see that, JoAnna. Thanks very much.
That is a lovely parade of flowers of which it is hard to choose a favourite. Delta Sarah, Mrs Popple and Army Nurse, the dahlias and Lady Emma Hamilton are as enticing as they can be, and , importantly, I can remember their names now.
I keep having to check the names with the Head Gardener, Uma. Thanks very much.
The big and little piggies are having fun
Wallowing in the Autumn sun
And roaming freely, now pannage has begun
Another welcome rhyming comment, Ivor. Thanks very much.
My pleasure Derrick
Your garden putting on a show to rival Chelsea
Thank you very much, Sheree
I really like Fuchsia Chequerboard. They remind me of the planes in Captain Scarlet with their futuristic shape.
Nice image, John. Thanks very much
Your garden has been so beautiful this year! Thank for capturing the piggies. They look so happy .. and make me smile 🐖🐖🐖
Thank you very much, Val
Your garden doesn’t seem to care that autumn is coming – it’s beautiful!
I appreciate the pigs even more now that I know they help protect the ponies!!
🙂 Thanks very much, GP
If I remember correctly, the garden defied the elements last year as well.
Quite right. What is perhaps more unusual this year is the range of plants out together
Perhaps your backyard is in the Twilight Zone?
I think you are right
your garden is still bursting with gorgeous blooms and beautiful colors! nice to see the pigs again!! 🙂
Thanks very much, Lola
Those fuchsias…be still my heart! They’re gorgeous, Derrick. I’ve missed growing cosmos these past few years. I had an amazing crop one year, and even gave seeds as gifts, but alas nothing nearly as spectacular since. You live in paradise: magazine-worthy gardens, ponies, wild pigs, and a loving companion.
Thank you so very much, Alys
Your garden has such glorious colors while we are already beginning to see changes in our foliage. While I was walking yesterday, the tops of the trees were already showing their fall garb. I love your photos of the pigs!
Thank you very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
The garden looks beautiful 🌸🌸 Those pigs rooting and wallowing are quite a sight 🐖
Thank you very much, Ribana
Why do those poor piggies have those metal cages (?) on their snouts? 😥
Unfortunately they are a series of rings to stop them rooting too deeply. Thanks very much, AnneMarie
Lady Emma Hamilton is glowing with light and color, and the scarecrows are delightful, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Dolly – especially for all the reading.
It is my pleasure, Derrick.
The cosmos photo looks almost festive, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Helen