After overnight rain on a morning of winds still over 50 m.p.h. I was blown around the garden while investigating the damage. The sunlight was very strong, but birds remained silent.

The pictures display a range of the comparatively minor disturbance requiring attention when the wind subsides. As usual, individual images are titled in the gallery.

All is not hopeless as shown by these further photographs.
The wind subsided somewhat but the rain returned this afternoon; petrol needs preserving, so I read some more of ‘Our Mutual Friend’ and scanned the next four of Charles Keeping’s skilful illustrations.

‘Mr Dolls collapsed in his chair’

‘Bradley went with him into an early public house’

‘She gave him her hand’

‘The old man looked distressfully at Fledgeby’
This evening we dined on hot and spicy, and tempura, prawns; served with Angela’s authentic sticky rice (supplemented with egg by Jackie) and spring rolls. Mrs Knight drank more of the Rosé and I drank more of the Cotes du Rhone.
Quite a strong wind to do knock your plants over, Derrick. I enjoyed the pictures and I just love prawns.
Thanks very much, Robbie
‘Tis the wind that caused all of that knocking over of pots … we are holding thumbs for some scattered showers tomorrow. The strong wind has strewn leaves all over the garden – there is nothing left to spoil. I like the brick path and the view of your house.
Thanks very much, Anne. I hope you get the rain to goo with the winds
How will you (we) survive without forest drives? Shades of the 1970s. 🙄😤😠😳
When all the selfish panickers have filled up we expect to be able to go back to normal soon. Thanks very much, Pat
Hoarders. We had that too last fall
Got scary for a few days.
That must have been a very strong wind to blow down everything that was movable! What is the story with your petrol? Ours is quite expensive at the moment, but we haven’t seen shortages.
Panic buying set in when the government announced that there would be no shortage. They really don’t understand human nature. Thanks very much, Janet
I guess we have more important things to worry about, like whether or not we have a working government that can pay its bills by the end of the week! Our gasoline supply is affected by storms in the Gulf of Mexico, but not badly enough to cause shortage.
While aggravating, it looks as though you escaped any serious damage.
We did – and needed the rain. Thanks a lot, Maj
Oh no! I’m sure you’ll soon have it sorted.
Hopefully today, Sheree. Thanks very much
Things were surely tossed about but your grounds and home are beautiful as always. Dinner sounds delightful!
Thank you very much, Holly
My pleasure!
I’m sorry that the wind has damaged your beautiful garden, Derrick and Jackie! Darm weather. Do you get significant snowfall in your area? Las Vegas sees plenty of windstorms during the cooler months, some can gut to 50-60mph which also silences the birds,
Thank you very much, John. We have only had a few days of insignificant snow once in the ten years we have been here.
Wow, that’s amazing to me considering how far north the United Kingdom is. Much more so than Michigan. That’s good though!
Thanks a lot, John
We had wind and rain here last night, but nothing like that! It is still raining this morning. We probably won’t see sun again until tomorrow, but after this summer’s heat and drought, I cannot complain. 🙂
We welcomed the rain, too, Lavinia. Thank you very much
Looks like the wind did some damage.
Yes – but all recoverable. Thanks very much, Mrs W
That is good
I was sorry to see your pots overturned but pleased to learn that damage was minimal. We are feeling quite smug about our electric car at the moment.
You are entitled to be 🙂 Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
No matter the winds, you and Jackie always seem to work together to restore the garden. I love spring rolls!
Thank you so much, Jill. We, too, love spring rolls, but have never eaten any like these before.
So sorry to see what the wild wind wrought. 🙁 Hope all can be righted.
I see the owls on duty still. That’s good. 🙂
Maybe Mr. Dolls was on garden duty and slept through the action! 😉 😀
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. We should be able to tidy up today.
Wow! I see most of the pots and things that were blown over look light weight. How about tying the light stuff to bricks or something else? I think the weather is going to remain unpredictable in the future. I hope you find ways to wind proof the garden some more.
Thanks very much, Sherry. We do normally do a better job of battening down the hatches, but this wind force was harder than expected.
Was that a wind or a tornado? It certainly made a mess.
Just gale force for a while. Thanks very much, Chrissy
A couple of Charles Dickens quotes for you Derrick …
“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” – Charles Dickens
“The wind’s in the east. I am always conscious of an uncomfortable sensation now and then when the wind is blowing in the east.” – Charles Dickens
So apt, Ivor. Thank you very much
I’m glad you liked them Derrick
It was really rough here. Autumn is here.
Thanks a lot, Gary
The wind keeps throwing in the odd sets of exercise routines for you and Jackie to follow. Rain could be adding its bit of movements in the scheme, calling for vigorous sweeping and tidying up. Perhaps it is an inevitable part of being gardeners. Too much of the elements could lead to frustration though. Thanks for supplying Keeping’s artistic gems.
Thank you, too, Uma. The rain is very welcome at the moment – saving emergency watering.
So nice to eat tempura prawns and sticky rice after the bluster of a big storm. I haven’t eater either for a long time, and I’m a fan of both.
Thanks very much, Nicki. You don’t surprise me.
We’ve had our fair share of rain and wind over here, too. I can do without the mischief of wind, but I am nearly giddy with gratitude over the rain. Dusted off my rain gear, and wore it with a smile today. Autumn is definitely here! 🙂
Thanks very much, Anna. Our responses to the weather are the same as yours.
I’m glad the disturbances were relatively minor and no one was seriously hurt.
Thanks very much, JoAnna
Just before the tanker driver problem was announced I gave Victoria a lift, she was running late but I needed petrol. “Mum don’t fill it up, just get enough for now I’m late as it is!” – And that’s a mistake I’ll not make again.
I’m sorry about the garden chaos, we had wind and rain but nothing as damaging as your high winds.
Thanks very much, Sue. Dammit
Luckily no major damages 🌱🌸
Thanks very much, Ribana
Weather seems to be the bane of many a garden…but at least you will be able to right the pots, sweep up anything that is broken…and then as you’ve replied to someone the rain was welcome.
Thanks very much, Catherine
Oh boy! 50 mph winds?? So sorry. Hey, I hope that subsides for awhile and gives you a chance to clean that up. Glad it’s no worse! We’re spending today with my cousin in London. Life is beautiful. Hugs to you & Jackie! 🤗🤗 See ya soon.
I have to admit that we are rather dispirited because the weather is not letting up and we hoped to have the garden nice for you – still tomorrow is expected to be one good day in a string of wet ones. We are trying to conserve our petrol for at least one trip, too. Lots of love XX
We’ll be happy just to be with you two and have time to get acquainted in person. No need to worry about “entertaining” us.
🙂 X
I’m glad you didn’t have any major damage from the wind!
Dinner sounds delicious.
That’s about the windspeed we had with Hurricane Nicholas: enough to bring down some branches and toss things about, but not so bad right here. As you note, when wind comes with desired rain, a lot can be forgiven.
Yes, I agree, Linda. Thanks very much
Seems you had some stormy weather, Derrick. I’m sure the garden will be back in order soon.
It is not too bad now, Eugi. Thank you very much.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Glad the damage was minor!
Thanks very much, Laurie
If I’m not mistaken, Keeping gave Mr. Fledgeby a comb-over. It caught my attention right away.
You seem to get a lot of high winds. Is your area prone to them?
You are not mistaken, Liz. The winds are more prevalent in recent years, apparently. Thanks very much.
You’re welcome, Derrick. One more effect of climate change?
I think so
It would make sense.
Foul weather indeed and don’t you just hate the clean up afterwards.
Absolutely. Thanks very much, Lindsey
Mr Keeping’s use of fine wavy lines conveys not only the posture of ‘collapsing in a chair’ but a feeling of collapse. Superb!
Thank you so much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.