One week after Jackie and I met we enjoyed our first date. As I have indicated previously, this was the second time I had waited for a girl who turned up one hour late. This rendezvous was to take place at Victoria station and I had no ambivalence about the meeting. So I waited with much trepidation, and was mightily relieved when my patience was rewarded by the beauty running from the train.

We took a walk in St. James’s Park. I already knew I was smitten, but the moment I fell in love was when, seated on a bench, we had, in unison, both exclaimed ‘cannibal’ on seeing a pigeon pecking at the discarded shell of someone’s boiled egg. She may not agree, but to me that meant we at least shared a sense of humour.

Soon afterwards we became engaged. The first of these photographs was taken on Wimbledon Common in April 1966; the second at Kelsey Park, Beckenham in October 1967. Her wise parents insisted on a two year wait.

In the meantime she and Michael got to know each other.
Such a sweet post today, Derrick, and lovely photos of Jackie and Michael.
Thank you so much, Merril
Makes my heart sing 💖
Thank you so much, Val X
A touching post about a fledgling relationship.
Thank you so much, Anne
I know how it feels when you are waiting for one more hour. It happened to me too and the end of my patience is 44th anniversary of today. 🙂
Happy anniversay, Alexander!
Thank you very much!🙂🌹
You’re welcome!
Sometimes it is worth the wait, Alexander. Thank you very much
True Love for sure!
Thanks very much, Andrew
so heartwarming. i agree, true love for sure!! love the photos esp the last one!
Thank you very much, Lola
This is such a sweet story Derrick, and the photos are lovely. ❤️☺️🇬🇧
Thank you so much, John
Sweet, sweet pictures! And I can see why the shared sense of humor clinched things for you.
Thank you very much, Laurie
Those are beautiful photos of Jackie, Derrick, and the one with baby Michael and Jackie is very sweet. Michael looks very content there with her. ❤️
Thank you so much, Lavinia X
I am glad you found a wonderful woman to walk through life with after such tragedy.
Thank you so much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
A beautiful string of memories, not unlike the flowers in their prime in a soulfully nurtured garden. Perhaps you two have been made for each other after all.
It does seem so, Uma. Thank you very much
It’s always her smile that gets to me. I bet it knocked your socks off too 🙂
Too true, Bridget. Many thanks
Right? Her smile is the best!
These are lovely pictures, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Robbie
This almost reads like a fairy tale. From your blog posts, I’m guessing it is enjoying a happy ending.
Eventually, Pat. Thank you very much
A mutual lasting connection and she loved your son as well. What more could a guy want? Her parents were indeed wise to insist on a two-year wait.
Thank you very much, Rosaliene
A very touching post. That last photo is so sweet it was hard to leave it.
Than you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Who would not fall for that lovely lady. Worth waiting at least an hour for! 😊
Thank you so much, Holly
A pleasure Derrick, thanks for share this beautiful post.
You KNOW how much I love romance. And this is a most romantic tale of true love (with great humor thrown in). <3
Thank you so much, Pam X
Love your posts Tony…er, I mean Derrick. 🙂
How fortunate you ALL were to find each other! Fifty some years ago and I am still happy for little Michael. 😂
Thank you so much AnneMarie
AW! This gets me joy-teary-eyed! So beautiful! I’m so glad Jackie and you found each other! 🙂
What sweet photos! Especially the one of Jackie and little Michael! 🙂 <3
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…"cannibal" made me snort-laugh! 😀
Thank you very much, Carolyn X
Lovely photos of Jackie and Michael.
Thank you very much, Sue
I have missed so much, Derrick, and must try to catch up. Love. It suited her and, I am certain, you! A fine slice of life.
Thank you so much, Cynthia
Such an uplifting tale. Jackie is a stunner! And so talented, hardworking, and family oriented. You did well to exercise patience, both in waiting for the train, and for the parents caveat. The photo of little Michael is very touching.
Thank you so very much, Gwen
The photos of both Jackie and Michael are sweet and touching. I’m not sure what it is about Jackie’s image, but she looks so English to me. It might be more the time than the nationality. That kind of hair style was much in vogue in those days, although Kiki Dee came to mind as soon as I saw the photo. As a matter of fact, I had a great deal of fun imagining you and Jackie performing this song. It’s perfect for your story!
Thanks very much, Linda. The song was touching
I’m glad you had the patience to wait, and of course you knew she was worth waiting for! The photo of Jackie and Michael is so dear. It makes me feel all cozy and drowsy. Thank you for this sweet glimpse into your lasting romance.
Thank you so much, JoAnna
Awwwwww. That’s for Jackie, cannibals and Michael. Beautiful and romantic.
Thank you so much from us both, Chrissy
There must be a formula somewhere for how long you wait for somebody to turn up for a date. I wouldn’t have managed an hour, so well done, Derrick!!
Thanks a lot, John
That last photo of the two of them is priceless.
Thank you very much, Kim
Obviously, you have shared much more than a sense of humor for many years to come.
Thank you very much, Dolly
Always my pleasure, Derrick.
Oh my goodness – this was the best! Thank you for sharing this story. I totally get the allure of a sense of humor. Of course that moment was the one that hooked you. Those photos of Jackie are just gorgeous. And the one of Jackie and Michael is precious. You were always lurking about with that camera, weren’t you?
I sure was, Jodie. And am now so pleased I was. Thank you very much X
Lovely photos and memories 🥰 Glad you two can still remember those times together!
Yes, indeed, Ribana. Thank you very much.
Such sweet pictures.
Thank you so much, Leslie
Humour is the most important trait of all.
Indeed. Thanks very much, Lindsey
laughing at the cannibal joke and Jackie was a is so Purdy – a natural beauty
Agreed 🙂 Thanks a lot, Yvette
awesome 🙂
Just. suggestion – but I think you should (if you have time) make a category for the Knight;s Tale – I was trying to find older ones and it is vey tough o school all posts page by page
anyhow, I saw that you do not have categories and that might be helpful (or not)
Definitely something needs doing to make that possible. Maybe when my computer man comes tomorrow I’ll ask him to guide me. Thanks for the suggestion, Yvette.
Hi – well I am sure he can help. you – but it is also rather easy – if you into the dashboard – the categories option should be on the right – but wherever it is – you click the box that says “create new category” and you can type in Knights Tale – and you might want to add more – but that will depend on how you want to group your posts
anyhow, after you make the category – you will have to go back into all the Knight’s Tale posts and change the category from uncategorized to the one you set up for it – it sounds laborious but it is not that bad –
anyhow, when I was thinking about it for the interview – here are groups or categories I found for your blog – and not saying you need to make these categories – I was just assessing
Nature photography – (and car rides )
Family Shares –
Kinight’s Tale –
Photo Shoots –
Animal Photography – (and car rides)
Sports photos –
Literature –
am I missing any?
Thanks very much, Yvette. That is pretty comprehensive – Gardening maybe, too. I’ll certainly give “A Knight’s Tale” a go. I think someone mentioned a separate folder, if that’s not the same as categories – would that be helpful to readers?
I have no idea about folders – but so feel that easy to make categories will help because your archive is robust (and great )
And I will add gardening of course – think I had it down as flowers – lol
And also might add “what was for dinner” because I always liked that section.
And no hurry – but for the interview can you be sure to send me a photo of Jackie in the garden and one of you with your camera with the nice lens –
Will look out those tomorrow
And quick question / do you have a word limit for when you make Knight’s Tale posts? I noticed they are reasonable in length and wanted to know if this is intentional
Pretty much so.