Defender And Donkeys

While sitting on the loo this morning I had a brainwave. Having struggled yesterday to upload four pages of illustrations into my WP post, but found it not possible to put titles and descriptions into the gallery, I decided to attempt this on my MacBook Pro laptop. First the titles went on smoothly. This left the descriptions. I moved to the new iMac for these. The task was impossible. I returned to the laptop and immediately performed the job. To my mind this proves that the problem is in the iMac.

Later I posted

This afternoon of another much warmer day than usual at this time of the year, we took a forest drive. Each time we travel along Tiptoe Road when a particular vehicle is parked there we admire its rusted beauty. Today the truck followed us from Hordle until reaching its normal spot. I disembarked from the Modus and spoke to the proud owner. This was Mr M. Rickman who had designed and built

his working pickup.The wheelbase is from a Land Rover Defender; other body parts and number plates are from America; the rear boxed container, Mr Rickman made from wood and iron. Except for the last two pandemic blocked years he shows his creation at the Dorset Steam Fair. He was perfectly happy for me to photograph the vehicle. He said “everyone else does”.

I walked along Cadnam Lane for a while, photographing a woodland bank and

a couple of donkeys negotiating a water filled reflective ford.

When we last visited this spot on 3rd of this month I reported that the handrail on the wooden bridge was dangerously wobbly. It has now been taped off. Here were two more asses who, like those at Ibsley a week ago, had more sense than to walk through the water.

When these hopeful creatures approached me for a treat Jackie photographed me explaining that I didn’t have anything for them. In fact I was too warm in that jacket. The donkeys turned tail, crossed the bridge, and made do with prickly shrubs.

Further along I met another trio of donkeys, one a foal, and another, still young, grooming its forelegs.

This evening we dined on Mr Chan’s excellent Hordle Chinese Take Away fare with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Montepulciano.


  1. The donkeys are so cute! It sure seems like your iMac is at fault, Derrick, I have a 2017 iMac and rarely use it. I always use my 2017 MacBook Pro for everything online. I hope your next posts will go smoothly! ❤️🇬🇧

  2. I can see why everyone photographs that unusual pick-up!! He was ingenious.
    That donkey in the opening picture is adorable!

  3. A fine selection of donkeys. And an interesting truck. Liked Jackie’s picture of you too, the essential Derrick – with camera, red coat and white hair – a sort of embryo Santa. 🙂

  4. That donkey foal is so adorable! A variety of wonderful photos. I also enjoyed Jackie’s photo of you talking to the donkey.
    Like Liz, I wondered if the truck was street legal. Do your cars and trucks have to pass inspections?

    1. Thanks very much from us both, Merril. Yes – all our vehicles have to pass an annual Ministry of Transport test. M. Rickman is a very capable man, built like his truck.

  5. I liked Jackie’s picture of the head photographer and friend. It reminded me of pictures in trade magazines of people attending awards functions. There was a certain air of staginess about it.

  6. Nice truck.
    iMac always gave me problems. I used a small iMac when traveling and I was constantly sending everything by email to Norms laptop.
    Hopefully, all will run much more smoothly for you soon.

  7. There is some very interesting on the grill/radiator area of the custom made truch Derrick. I presume the creature behind the bars is an ornament, and not a “live devil”

  8. “Where’s Derrick?” !!! Your coat gave you away! 😉 HA! 😀 😉 Great photo, Jackie! 🙂
    Love, love, love the donkeys! 🙂
    Oh, my gosh! What a cool well-seasoned truck! Such great character! 🙂 Yikes on the devil-guy! 😮
    I often do my best thinking on the loo…or whilst trying to fall asleep at night. 😉 😛
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  9. You have a remarkably steady hands as testified by tack sharp pictures of the rusty truck. Is it that the number plate of the truck is designed in US, or the truck is a guest in UK and remains registered in USA?

    I am not posting anything on WordPress these days and as such I am happily unaware of its shenanigans. Recently though, I was trying to assemble a blog for someone and realised it’s no more the old, friendly portal. In fact, it was so clunky that I had to abandon the half-cooked broth in the middle and the gentleman has probably moved over to Blogger. All this while I had been using two Windows PCs. Therefore, the Mac may not be the culprit after all.

    1. Thanks a lot, Uma. That is a horror story about your setting up experience. I just wish the tried and tested could be left alone.
      I imagine the number plate is a US design, but I will ask the owner when I next see him.

  10. Such interesting photos of the reconstructed truck and shaggy donkeys. I like the name, “Tiptoe Road.” I would have to tiptoe on it.

  11. My late husband would have loved that truck. He thoroughly enjoyed doing up old motors. And a little bit of swapping here and there.

    I hope you’re able to change the new machine for something that is fit for your purpose.
    Best of luck when someone from Peacocks visits today.

  12. That donkey is adorable. And I love the tale of the truck. Mr Rickman sounds a fine character. So, will you be giving lessons in donkey speak? I’d love to learn! Lovely post, Derrick 😄 (And clever title!)

  13. Bureaucracy, after being informed of a wobbly handrail: We must hasten and send a team of our elite workforce and wrap bright coloured tape around offending object, while we form a committee to investigate the feasibility of repairs, where any repair material should be sourced from, and what carbon-offsets are built in to its manufacture. We will then send our recommendations to our superiors who will, in due time, make a decision on our feasibility study.
    In the meantime, the tiny wooden ford has rotted away and a complete eco-system has evolved that must be studied to determine if it is worthy of being included in the environmental impact study that must surely arise from the further perusal of the feasibility study.

    Love the donkeys schmoozing up to you for possible snacks. 😀

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