We spent the morning packing up clothes and other items we won’t use again and storing them for charity shops or recycling outlets. One of Richard’s next projects is the entrance lobby. I also emptied a cupboard which is to be removed from there.
After lunch I posted https://derrickjknight.com/2021/11/07/a-knights-tale-60-i-come-a-cropper/
Later this afternoon we visited Mudeford for

the sunset.
Suddenly the air was rent by the screeching of squabbling seagulls, prompted

by a gentleman flinging food for them.

When satisfied, they soared towards the lowering sun or paddled at low tide.

Another photographer focused on the sunset, missing inland scenes.

Rows of masts stood out against the darkening skies while the rippling seas attempted to drive the light inland.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s spicy chicken jalfrezi and savoury rice, with onion bahji’s and a plain paratha, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the zinfandel.
I can just imagine the sound of that seagull gang. They even beat out crows in the raucous department.
Your gull pictures are fabulous. With the gulls and me, it’s personal. Makes me wish we still lived by the ocean.
Thanks very much, Pat
One of the benefits of home improvements is the opportunity for a clear out!
Absolutely, Andrew. Thanks a lot.
Living near the coast I hate seagulls even more than pigeons.
🙂 Thanks a lot, Andrew
Seagulls and not a chip in sight. Crafty and annoying birds; though there must be a purpose for their existence?
A good description, Suzanne. I imagine there must be. Thank you very much
More beautiful photos, Derrick! You’ve got skills man… 😎🇬🇧
Thank you so much, John
Funny, you mentioned squabbling seagulls and I could hear them! I can remember it from way back in my memory – thanks, Derrick!
Thanks very much, GP. Perhaps you knew a squabble is a collective noun for seagulls.
No I did not.
Derrick I absolutely love seagulls and the sounds they make – whatever it is called 🙂 Your sunset photos are very beautiful too, loving them and finally your end of post kind of gives me ideas for what I could be cooking too, sometimes I really run out of ideas. Cheers!
And many thanks to you, Agnes.
Aw, The photo of the hug! And everyone is in dark clothes except the huggee in red. I love it!
That immediately caught my eye, too. And made me smile! <3 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Yes! Such a sweet moment. <3
Thank you so much, Jodie. I took a couple of shots of him as the group walked along – then saw the potential of the photographer – but, as you say, the boy was the real subject.
Your sunset seagull squabble of photos is simply superbly sensational! 🙂
We used to live less than 7 miles from the Pacific Ocean and spent a lot of time there. I could watch the seagulls for hours!
PS…a photo from your past post Full PPE popped in up ^ there and your Mum’s beautiful smile brought me such joy. I miss hearing about her and seeing her here in your blog. <3
Thank you very much, Carolyn – especially for the PS. X
I suppose squabbling seagulls at sunset, are there to remind us about squabbling politicians at the “Climate Change Conference” …
Or anywhere else, Ivor. Thanks a lot
Stunning photos, Derrick. I can hear the gulls.
🙂 Thank you so much, Merril
You’re welcome!
Seagulls and Sunsets and all share the warm evening glow. Just lovely, Derrick.
Thank you so much, Sue
I liked the series of shots of gulls against the fading light.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
Lots of sorting going on. A lot of work, but always a good feeling to declutter. Clif and I are undertaking a similar project.
I’m amazed at how much there is. Now we have to find places where it will be found useful – and distribute it. Thanks very much, Laurie. Good luck with your efforts
Many thanks! After 37 years of living in the same house, we have accumulated a lot of stuff. Phew! Sobering.
Looking at these gulls through your camera’s eyes shows how amazing these winged creatures are and, like sunsets, not to be taken for granted.
Quite so, JoAnna. Thanks a lot
Gorgeous shots today, Derrick! Thanks for sharing.
And thanks to you, Jill. There may be a puzzle or two there 🙂
Beautiful photos.
Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
Great water pictures. I love boats but can’t be on boats. 🙂
Thanks very much, Bridget
Today’s post brought the seaside sunset right to my tablet. These photos inspire me to recollect my forgotten hobby.
I’m pleased to inspire you, Uma. Thanks a lot
The warmth of sunsets never fail to please and offset the moment of sadness when night takes over. Sunrises too are the gift of a new day. I have missed that this morning because … it is actually raining lightly outside!
Hooray for the rain. Thanks very much, Anne
Seagulls can be so entertaining!
Cleaning out cupboards and drawers is a worthwhile thing to do.
Thanks very much, Nicki. I was amazed at how much we had hidden away 🙂
I enjoyed all those photos from the shore. I am glad you and Jackie got out to Mudeford for the afternoon and sunset.
Thank you very much, Lavinia
Beautiful photos – telling of a busy day and evening both inland and out to sea. Your description of the ‘squabbling seagulls’ is indeed evocative… as is the lovely image of the photographer and red hugger – for all the business, it looks as though yesterday was a happy day. And it sounds as though progress continues at home with your refurbishment project too!
Thank you so much, Emma. You have caught the day well
As always, some beautiful photographs of the last hours of the day.
Thank you very much, John
I do love the gulls. We have a species here called laughing gulls, and when they start, it’s a rare person who can keep from joining in. Yes, they’re raucous, and they can be messy, but they’re great entertainment.
Cheers, Linda.
What lovely captures. Love those seagulls in flight.
Thank you very much, Arlene
Great photos of the gulls and the sunset!
Thanks very much, Aletta
Wonderful captures Derrick 💛
Thanks very much, Val
Beautiful capture of the sunset, Derrick. I loved the one of the masts against the sunset.
Thank you very much, Steve
The sunset photos are glorious! Also, your great shots of the gulls bring fond memories of when I used to live near the shore.
I’m pleased to have prompted these memories, Eugi. Thank you very much
My pleasure, Derrick.
Every shot feels full of atmosphere, Derrick. Great photography!
Thank you so much, Sandra
The ocean or sea and seagulls belong to each other. It is impossible to imagine one without the other. It doesn’t matter whether somebody like it or not they exist as it is. With no seagulls the big water does not have any sense.
Beautiful sunset scenario!
Thank you so much, Alexander
Another wonderful collection of beautiful photos! I love the silhouetted birds against the darkening sky!
Thank you so much, Jan
The gull shots are stunning. Brings back memories of the Coast.
Thanks very much, Gary
Lovely sunset photography and especially the seagulls attracted my attention.
Thanks very much, Geetha
Most welcome Derrick 🙂
I love your descriptive phrase ‘the rippling seas attempted to drive the light inland’. A wonderful word picture!
Thank you very much, Clare
In the picture above “by a gentleman flinging food for them.”, the third gull in the front row, the very beigey white one, looks to me like a Mediterranean Gull, which is not rare on the south coast, but unusual judging by all your other photographs.
Thanks a lot, John. I always look to you for avian identification.
Derrick, I am surprised. You are drinking zinfandel? I have thought your taste ran to serious reds.
Fabulous photos of sunset and seagulls.
I’m not really that much of a connoisseur, but I do think zinfandel is my favourite American grape. Thanks very much, Dolly
My pleasure, Derrick. I’ll drink my Pinot Grigio to that.
If the gentleman throwing bread to the seagulls was keeping them away from
other people’s fish and chips that is a good thing.
As it decluttering and helping a good cause.
Thank you very much for these nicely positive responses, Helen.
What a beautiful sunset!
Thank you very much, Ribana
What a beautiful capture of the two kids, arms slung around each other, right behind the photographer.
Thank you so much, Crystal. I really enjoyed being able to catch it