During the 1970s, Jessica’s former in-laws part owned Robin Ghyll, a farmhouse in Ambleside within sight of

the Langdale Pikes in the Lake District, where we enjoyed a number of holidays with Sue and her children.

Jessica, Becky, and Piper enjoyed splashing about in the tarns. Rock pools provided fun for both Becky, Matthew, and the other children. The above images are all from August 1975.

Four years later, while on another holiday there with friends and my nephew James, I received the date of Jackie and my divorce hearing in London. This meant a return train journey which felt like the longest of my life. Jessica volunteered to accompany me, but this was an ordeal that I wished to undergo alone. I would not contest custody, so the hearing was short and definitely neither sweet nor savoury.
Thank you very much, Donna
Sad part of your saga. From your current posts we know of a happier ending. Look forward to reading that part in the future. 🤗🥳🥂
Yes, Pat. It has been an emotional roller coaster. Thanks very much
This brings us up with a jolt!
I’m afraid so. Some episodes are hard to write, Anne. Thank you very much
Delight and depression, but as the comment above notes, we know there are happier times ahead, too.
I am pleased you do, Merril. Thank you very much.
The summer of 1975 was very sweet for me, great photos, Derrick. I understand the custody thing, I paid child support for 14 years…
Thanks for the solidarity, John
Going through a divorce is never easy. My divorce hearing was very short and very impersonal, a mere formality to everyone in the room but me.
That is solidarity, Liz. Thank you very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Did not expect the news of a divorce.
I’m sorry for the surprise. 7 years after separation – it took almost 40 years to repair. Thanks very much, Rosaliene
Our lives can take unexpected twists and turns. Some damages are too severe for repair.
Indeed. You may have missed this earlier post, Rosaliene: https://derrickjknight.com/2014/01/05/my-branch-of-the-family-tree/ Thanks very much
Such a rollercoaster. 💛🙏💛
Indeed. Thanks very much, Val X
Thank you very much, Sheree
Emotional roller coaster is right! What an eventful life.
Thank you so much, Laurie
I divorced in 1982, it was a lot more difficult 40 years ago.
Thanks a lot, Andrew
i was only ever married to one man until his death, but having supported a daughter through hers, I can understand the very mixed emotions.
Much appreciated Sue, X
I am so sorry you had to go through this, it’s hard with children.
It was devastating. Thank you for understanding, Bridget
Tough times Derrick. There have been a few too many of those. I so wish I was in the lakes right now, it’s been far too long.
Yes, indeed, Gary. Thanks very much
It’s easier to read this, knowing that the curry is bubbling on the stove!
What a lovely way of putting it, Linda. Thanks very much
Like everyone here, I’m sorry to see this chapter, but glad to know it gets better.
Thank you so much, Barbara
I must have missed a piece but is this the same Jackie?
It is, Rupali. Maybe this will help: https://derrickjknight.com/2014/01/05/my-branch-of-the-family-tree/ Thanks very much
Thanks Derrick.
Such a sad chapter. But I know the happily-ever-after is on its way.
PS…divorce is always hard on everyone involved. 🙁
Yes, indeed, Carolyn. Thank you very much XX
“Like” seems a strange thing to click on, given the circumstances.
Indeed, John. Thank you so much
Love those pictures – it reminds me of happy days when we were growing up in the 70’s = life somehow seemed so simple then. Enjoying what matters . Sad to hear of the divorce but you have bounced back with a wonderful lady who fills your life with lovley things .- Enjoy the week – a little grey and uninspiring but you will fill it with love for your surroundings
Thank you very much indeed, Julie.
Forgot to ask – is that you with the big mop of hair ?
No, that is a friend. Mine was longer still 🙂
These are beautiful photos from a gorgeous area, Derrick.
It is sometimes said that it is darkest just before the dawn.
Definitely a rough patch.
Yes. Thank you for understanding, Sherry
It looks like a fabulous place, especially for the children.
It was. Sold later on. Thanks very much, Dolly
My pleasure, Derrick.
Gosh, I have missed too muich, but I can kind of put the puzzle peices together. And now you and are back to gether, yes? Marc I divorced when I was 42 and got back to gether 6.5 years later….and it has not been easy in some ways to manage. But weird how life can turn out!
Gosh, I have missed too much, but I can kind of put the puzzle peices together. And now you and Jackie are back to gether, yes? Marc I divorced when I was 42 and got back to gether 6.5 years later….to be honest it has not been easy in some ways to manage. Might have waited and setteld things more! But weird how life can turn out!
Gosh, I have missed too much, but I can kind of put the puzzle pieces together. And now you and Jackie are back to gether, yes? Marc I divorced when I was 42 and got back to gether 6.5 years later….to be honest it has not been easy in some ways to manage. Might have waited and setteld things more! But weird how life can turn out!
And I quite enjoy your many older photos. I have a large number, also–should look at them again one day, I suppose! The grandkids have some interest, I hear. 🙂
Thank you very much, Cynthia. This post should help: https://derrickjknight.com/2014/01/05/my-branch-of-the-family-tree/
Hello Mr. Derrick,
I am so sorry to hear that you (and Jackie) went through such a challenging time.
As others have commented, I can “like” this post because I now know it gets better.
Thank you for sharing the link to your branch of the family tree – it helps me to follow and appreciate your story. Thank you also for sharing with us. You have always been such a wonderful photographer and artist.
Thank you so very much, Takami
Linda summed up my feelings perfectly. You’ve experienced such a blend of joy and sadness but could not be the person you are if life had been otherwise. Flowers don’t regret opening before a frost and neither should we, if our human nature can manage it.
Thank you very much indeed, Susan
I think it’s so strange to think back at that period…I’m happy you’ve re-find each other ☺️
Thank you very much, Ribana. It was certainly a very difficult time
I looked up “tarn.” It’s a great word; maybe I can start using it. I am proud of you for writing down the hard parts of your story. The rotten things in life made you who you are today, and I’m going to guess they made you a better man, since the man you are today is a good one.
Thank you so much, Crystal – you are really appreciated.
I am sorry your divorce was difficult for you, Derrick. Mine was great and I have never regretted it – other than that it took me so long, but there were extenuating circumstances. I saw him and his wife at our son’s wedding this summer and I will definitely not be following your path back to the alter – but I am very happy for how things have worked out for you and Jackie.
Thank you so very much, AnneMarie X
I seem to have missed out this post. Perhaps my reluctance to absorb the incident of parting subconsciously prompted me to overlook it. It’s nice of you to have included pictures of children’s merrymaking.
Thanks very much, Uma. Something I avoided including for a while.
It is good to have read this with the backdrop of better times both of you have experienced. I also read the post suggested as I was getting confused. So good that Jackie and you got back together.
Thank you so much, Geetha