Triple Living Memorial

On another dismal-drizzle-dank day Jackie, despite feeling rather unwell, insisted on driving me to Ferndene Farm Shop for some salad items and a few other provisions.

Perhaps in search of sunnier times, this afternoon I posted

I was about to scan four more illustrations to Bleak House by Charles Dickens, but am now keeping them over until tomorrow, because I have just received

a very touching e-mailed photograph from Lavinia Ross of Salmon Brook Farms.

She and her husband, Rick, planted a Western Incense Cedar in memory of my son Michael upon his death in February 2019. When my mother died last October Lavinia encircled this tree with daffodil bulbs dedicated to Michael’s grandmother and to his own mother who had died in September 1965.

They are experiencing similar weather to us in Oregon, so, perhaps appropriately, the daffodils have bowed their heads.

This evening we dined on more of Jackie’s chicken and vegetable stewp with fresh crusty bread, and neither of us imbibed.


  1. I well understand the emotion that the tree and flowers bring for you Derrick. Lavinia planted a sequoia in honor of my Michael. 🌲🌲

  2. Lavinia has other memorial gardens for pets, friends, and family. She is a very good and decent person., a very thoughtful woman. The one in the photo will continue to honor for years beyond our time those for whom it was planted.

    1. Thank you, Clare. You also have a tree here for your favorite Aunt and Uncle who passed away some years back. It is one of the coastal sequoias.

  3. That’s beautiful and very touching. A Western Cedar should grow to be a very big tree.

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