This morning I stepped out in the very warm sunshine with my camera. In the front garden the crab apple blossoms and the first of the libertia are blooming; the Amanogawa cherry reaches above the eaves; and some of our cyclamen still flower.
The yellow and red tulips in the patio bed which have taken some time to open fully have stretched for the kiss of the sun; Erigeron clambers beside the kitchen door. The red Japanese maple shows its colour; all our camellias remain laden with blooms. Shadows fall across the paths; a glass robin’s breast glints in the light; the chair in the Weeping Birch bed awaits a visitor; all but the broken stem of the last year’s New Zealand flax stand proud against the blue sky; Florence sculpture looks back towards the house; aubretia spills over the rocks bordering the Gazebo Path.
Tulipa Lilac Wonder has yet to welcome the sun’s rays. Bumble bees lumber among the yellow lamium. The Waterboy offers liquid refreshment.

This afternoon could even be described as hot. The Lilac Wonders now opened wide, as did more varieties; bluebells proliferate; Autumn sculpture enjoys a little shade. The carved owl we bought on our recent visit to Hockey’s now stands at the feet of Florence sculpture.

We were treated to swarms of hummingbird moths, hardly bigger than the forget-me-not blooms that they favoured.
This evening we dined on Mr Pink’s fish and chips, mushy peas, and pickled onions, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Shiraz.
Everything is popping up faster than I can learn their names! Beautiful, Derrick. Congratulate the Master Gardener for me.
Will do, GP. Many thanks
Your garden is back and dressed to impress! All of the blooms are lovely, but I’m most taken with the tulips today.
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Perfect way to start Easter weekend. Hope the rest of the weekend equals it.
Thank you very much, Pat
Beautiful photographs, Derrick. It has been similar here in mid Wales and I was pleased to see a lot of Bees about the place. 😊
Thank you very much, Trev
Cool moths.
Thanks a lot, Geoff
Do they make a sound like hummingbirds, is is that a different species?
Ours make no sound. They do seem to be a different species (having 6 legs). Thanks very much Yvonne.
They’re a form of lacewing moth I believe but commonly called hummingbird moths. The larger hummingbird hawk moth is a visitor with a fast wing beat but neither is big enough to make much noise… or it may just be my hearing!!
So many beautiful flowers already, your garden is beautiful, Derrick and Jackie! ❤️
Thank you very much from us both, John
Your garden is beautiful–so much to delight the eye. (From the title, I was half-expecting to see a sci-fi scenario.) 😏
So the title worked 🙂 Thanks very much, Merril
You’re welcome. 😀
Yes, it was quite warm here in the sun. And I also saw a Brimstone butterfly flutter by.
We had small whites, but they wouldn’t keep still. Thanks very much, John
The garden is a veritable blaze of colour
Thanks very much, Sheree
Pleasure Derrick
Tulipa Lilac Wonder is a real treat. I enjoyed the sunshine of your photographs today.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
I’m so envious of your hummingbird moths! What a wonderful treat those are. I’ve seen a very few of a different species, but I’d love to find more this spring and summer. Winter certainly is only a memory now, isn’t it? The garden is beautiful.
Thank you so much, Linda
So many gorgeous shots today, Derrick. I’d love to spend the afternoon in your garden!
Thank you very much, Jill
Such beauty in your garden. Looks like a beauty filled day.
Thank you very much, Mrs W
Your garden is looking fabulous in the spring sunshine Derrick,,, and I have placed your “owl” photo in my ‘Derrick File’
Thanks very much, Ivor
Maybe a poem tonight Derrick…
I look forward to it
It’s looking fabulous Derrick; we’re still at the fading daffodil stage in the frozen north. I remember a Mr Pink from the provisions department at my local Waitrose; he used to cut the bacon.
Thanks a lot, Mike. I once had a follower married to a Mr Pink. We had fun with that
The color and details are exquisite in your photos! I like that Florence as a companion owl.
Thanks very much, JoAnna
It’s is a garden special complete with its tiny visitors. I wonder if you have considered using a macro lens?
I have got one – I should get it out more. Thanks very much, Uma
I love tulips. I’ve never been very successful with them. I either get a beautiful flower an inch from the ground or a 2 foot tall stem with a measly bud that does open but turns brown and drops off.
It looks like Spring in your garden. Our garden is seeing the first signs of Autumn.
Thanks very much, Chrissy. That is bad luck about your tulips.
Ah well. I try. I noticed today that there’s a few bulbs popping up but I think they’re hyacinths. Can’t wait to find out.
What beautiful, colorful spring flowers! Thank you for including the cyclamen, and I particularly liked the bumblebee on the yellow lamium.
Thank you very much, Lavinia
So good to see the garden responding to the encouragement of the weather.
Thanks very much, Andrew
Such beautiful photos! The garden is smiling! I always love seeing Florence AND the owls! The carved owl is a beauty! To see the hummingbird moths in action/at work is fun! They are tiny little creatures. I’m glad the swarm was not a biblical plague type of swarm! 😮 😉 😀
(((HUGS))) 🙂
I’m pleased my title worked, Carolyn 🙂 X
Lovely to see all your Spring flowers.
Thank you very much, Sherry
That garden is an utter delight! So far ahead of mine, which is in the green shoot stage.
Thanks very much, Laurie
Beautiful photographs, Derrick
Thanks very much, Bridget
Spring has certainly sprung.
Thank you very much, Lindsey
A piece of heaven loved by everyone 🌸🐝🦋🐞
Thank you so much, Ribana
How pretty your garden is, Derrick. England in the spring is so lovely.
Thank you very much, Robbie
I always enjoy a visit to your garden, Derrick. I’m intrigued by the hummingbird moth. We don’t see them here. Mike loves your orange tulips.
Thank you very much to you both, Alys