The Last Forms

This afternoon I posted

Later we drove to Elizabeth’s where we spent several hours with her; our other sister, Jacqueline; sister-in-law Frances; our brother Joseph and sister-in-law, Angela.

The family meeting was of twofold purpose. First we transferred the picture of our great grandmother Elizabeth Franks, as featured in to Jacqueline’s car for her to take it home to Boston in Lincolnshire, because she had a fond attachment to it in her childhood and now has a house large enough to accommodate it.

Joseph and I, as Mum’s executors, then completed the final forms from her bank and from the Premium Bonds department in order finally to obtain probate funds.

We then enjoyed a splendid pork casserole produced by Elizabeth with assistance on vegetables, namely potato wedges, red cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, and parsnips all cooked to perfection, by sous-chefs Jacqueline and Frances. Jacqueline produced an excellent mixed fruit crumble and bananas and custard, reminiscent of our childhood. These were served with ice cream.

Jackie doesn’t appear in these photographs because she held the camera.


  1. I am glad you and Joseph have made it over the last of the probate hurdles. I can see the strong family resemblance there between you and your brother. Wishing you all a happy spring!

  2. It looks like a very convivial gathering. I’m glad you were able to take care of family business while also enjoying a great meal and company.

  3. Jackie has captured the family moment very well indeed. How wonderful to still be able to celebrate with your siblings, Derrick. Mine all live so far away, albeit in this country, that I feel very privileged to be with my brothers on the rare occasions we manage to meet.

  4. So glad to hear that things related to the probate process are almost complete!
    What a beautiful table and meal to celebrate with beloved ones! Love those smiles! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  5. Congratulations on finishing up on your Mom’s estate! Having gone through that process with my parents’ stuff, I am glad I will never go through it again.

  6. It must be wonderful to have proper family gatherings again – as well as getting probate over and done with.

  7. You must all be relieved that the process for obtaining probate funds has finally come to an end. Smiles all around for a wonderful family meal together 🙂

  8. I had to chuckle seeing this photo. My dining room has the same woodwork, the same color scheme and similar sideboard. My grandmother’s family was all blue eyed, white haired English too. Even my china is similar!

  9. Derrick, what a wonderful set of pictures of your wonderful family. I do hope all of your paperwork chores are done. I love Elizabeth’s china – all mix and match. I do the same.

  10. A mildly solemn, yet festive gathering, it would appear. My wife would love the China dishes and casserole pot while I would have enjoyed the food and company. Thanks for sharing , Derrick.

  11. Beautiful family photos! Your mother’s estate dealings are an ongoing affair. Much like our taxes this year. I had to submit a revival for a last minute amended form Dan’s company sent out. It was challenging to say the least but I got it submitted in three hours. The government sent a letter of acknowledgement yesterday apologizing for the delay in sending out their confirmation due to the complexity of the situation. Really? I figured it out and I am pretty sure the government accountants are more educated and experienced than I am. 🙄

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