A Knight’s Tale (131: Bridgetown Part 2)

There follows the last stretch of my walk to Bridgetown.

bougainvillea 1
bougainvillea 2

Bougainvillea continued to spread its various shades of magenta and pink along the roadsides. In the first of these two pictures, the rambling plant seeks the protection of the thorns of the plant to which it clings.

Wall collapsing
Bougainvillea and building

Others ramble around buildings that have seen better days.


I passed a slender schoolgirl complete with backpack on her way to her classes. Her hair had received the typical close attention that the turn-out of all these young people displayed.

Fencing in undergrowth

Although some of the roadside buildings remained rather unkempt,

Tree by roadside
Houses by roadside

others were smarter,


and even grander.


Those steps, and the increasing traffic informed me that I was nearing the Bajan capital. Was the young woman with her arms folded pondering boarding the taxi/bus?

Traffic policeman

Had she done so, she would probably know what offence the hapless driver went on to commit.


Other flowers in the hedgerows and gardens were frangipanis


and hibiscuses.

By the time I reached Bridgetown in the heat of the day I wondered whether I should, like this woman, have taken one of the rare buses, or at least heeded the advice to start out at 5 a.m.

As previously mentioned I did ride back.


  1. Mad dogs, Englishmen, Midday Sun? Ring any bells? But the insight into this area is marvellous for we who sit and read in air conditioned comfort. I wonder if that young student went on to make a success of her education.

  2. Hibiscus, bougainvillea, frangiapani, weather-worn homes and too much traffic: it looks remarkably like Galveston Island’s older areas today.

  3. I so enjoyed taking a walk with you to a place I have never been and is so much different from Maine. Vivid writing and beautiful pictures. I could almost smell the flowers and hear the traffic. And despite the differences, people were pretty much doing what they do everywhere—going to school and to work. Thank you for braving the heat. Glad you got a ride back.

  4. An interesting walk! Beautiful flowers along the way! By the way, I live on Bougainvillea Ct. :>) Haven’t seen any lately!

  5. I can feel the heat, and imagine the scents of flowers along your way, Thank you for a glimpse into life on Barbados during that time, Derrick.

  6. I’ve never seen pictures of any of the West Indian islands at the level of everyday life. They were charming and very informative. Thanks for sharing them with us, Derrick.

  7. Glad you caught a ride. Love the tropical flowers a lot better than the tropical heat and humidity. 🌸🪷🌺🏖️🌞🧋🥤🍹

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