With about two days to go before Sam’s expected arrival into Port St Charles, excitement was enhanced by
a golden sunset, which is almost a cliché. Not in Port St Charles.
Jessica watches as Louisa shows her photographs to Dixie Dean, the Society’s cameraman.
Birds like the Yellow breasted Sunbury,
and the Barbados Bullfinch, the only indigenous species, which is found nowhere else, take advantage of nature’s camouflage,
as does the land crab.
The grackle
and the sanderling don’t seem to need it.
This gentleman demonstrates the method of releasing milk from a coconut.

For a number of years my friend bo Beolens, who has written a number of bird books and who, as Fatbirder, runs an international birding website used my picture of the Lesser Antillean Bullfinch to illustrate his Barbados page.
Just before the expected arrival time even the previously bright blue Caribbean Sea darkened,
and a rainbow arced over Port St Charles.
I was regularly in touch with Radio Nottingham to deliver live updates from my mobile phone. That night, I opened our balcony doors so that listeners could hear the deafening waves crashing in from the Atlantic. Unknown to me, these were the forces that had caused Sam to drop his anchor to prevent him from arriving during the night.
Thanks very much, Joycee
Wow! This nature photography is incredible. I particularly like the Barbados Bullfinch. The photo has the look and feel of early twentieth-century handtinting.
Thank you so much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
You know just when to halt your narrative …
I’m pleased you appreciate that. Thanks very much, Anne
I know, right? He really left us hanging!
Beautiful photos! Those little birds are really cute!
Thank you very much, Ribana
Lovely pictures and a surprise coincidence at the end. Nice!
Thank you so much, Pat
Isn’t it a bit deep out there to drop anchor? Beautiful sunsets, Derrick!
To slow him down, I understand
I often run into posts by Fatbirder. Interesting that you know him.
He was a valued Director of a project of which I was Chairman. We became good friends. Thanks very much, Sherry
Excellent coverage – both in word & photo – of a most interesting and educational and entertaining day! I hope the storm subsided and today is a beautiful, grand reunion!
You will see, Jan. Thank you very much
Spectacular photos Derrick
Thank you very much, Sheree
Always a pleasure Derrick
Thanks very much, Marsha
Dramatic photos and a dramatic ending.
I love that rainbow photo.
Thank you so much, Merril
You’re very welcome, Derrick.
Hi Derrick, Hope you are doing well. I ran across a post of Frank’s Beach Walk Reflections on the sense of smell. I loved your comment about oranges, so I quoted you in this week’s Writer’s Quotes Wednesdays. Here a copy of the post and I linked your name to your latest post. Maybe you’ll get a click. It inspired me, for sure. https://alwayswrite.blog/2022/05/11/wqw-17-whats-that-smell/
I didn’t know what grackle look like until now. I always thought it is called black bird. Thank you for the information.
And thank you for reading, Byung.
My pleasure, Derrick.
Excitement, indeed! Yikes! Okay! You left me wanting to know more! 🙂
What fabulous photos! Weather, nature, creatures, peoples!
I’ve always loved to bird watch…see bird photos, read bird books.
It’s always an honor and joy to see the rainbow after the storm! SIGH 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you so much, Carolyn. More to come X
The Barbados Bullfinch photo is a masterpiece. Cliche or not, I’ll take a golden sunset or beautiful rainbow any time.
Thanks very much, JoAnna
A dark sky with a bright rainbow looking dramatically beautiful!
Thank you very much, Alexander
Lovely photos! Now we will have to wait to read what happened next!
I won’t keep you in suspense too long. Thanks very much, Aletta
That must have been a bit worrying!
Just a bit, Susan. Thank you very much
That rainbow was beautiful. A sign of peace as a storm departs, they can also be an sign of bad incoming weather. I am glad Sam dropped anchor and stayed put.
Thanks very much, Lavinia
A fascinating collection of photos. 💞
Thank you very much, AnneMarie
What a post! The drama in waiting for your son’s triumphant arrival, the storm, the rainbow! You must have been a wreck! Very cool that your Lesser Antillean Bullfinch photo was used on an international birding website.
Thank you very much, Jodie
Thanks very much, Jodie