This afternoon Jackie drove me into the forest. She spotted a possibly sleeping foal on the verge of Wilverley Road and parked the car so I could walk back to find the prone animal.

As I reached it it clambered to its feet and sought

the comfort of its mother who twitched her tail, perhaps wishing to deter the suckler and necessitating a hoof-scratch.

On my return to the car I photographed the woodland landscape,

followed by that at Wilverley Pit which accommodated its own scattered herd.

The South Weirs telephone box just outside Brockenhurst has now become a public book exchange as have so many now surplus to requirements because no-one uses them any more.

Another foal on the opposite side of the road from the box took great interest in the roadside furniture, essentially traffic calming devices such as the narrowing of the access negotiated by this

Vintage Hot Rod Society member.

Another foal lay among other ponies on the outskirts of Beachern Wood,

where a squirrel stop-start jerked its way across a five-barred gate.

Ober Water is a little fuller than on our last visit, and reflects the surrounding trees, many of the roots of which have been exposed by decades of rivulets.

Some of those roots even span arms of the stream.
I reached the stage where there were so many foals about that I stopped photographing them.

This exceptional group, planted on a bend in the road and consequently causing traffic to make a very wide berth warranted further attention.
This evening we dined on more of the baked gammon; plump chicken thighs; macaroni cheese; crunchy carrots; tender runner beans; and tangy red cabbage, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Faugères.
Precious pictures and a book exchange. Life is good. Dinner sounds equally delightful.
Thanks very much, Pat. We just had to give you a forest drive 🙂
I’m grateful. Thanks! 🙂
A good foaling season. How I love the idea of turning telephone boxes into book exchanges.
Thanks very much, Anne. Ours have various uses – e.g. information boards, defibrillators, even a cash machine.
The foals must have been such a delight to watch! I had a hard time picking a favorite photo. The reflections are all splendid, and I love the second squirrel silhouette. In the end, I went with the second shot of the woodland landscapes for the two arches formed by tree limbs on the ground and the foliage at an angle above them.
Good choices as always, Liz. Thank you very much
😀 You’re welcome, Derrick.
So many beautiful foals and horses!! Dinner sounds delicious. ❤️☺️
Thanks a lot, John
Beautiful photos of the foal Derrick, and you don’t see many of those old telephone boxes around anymore..
Have a lovely weekend. 😊
Thanks very much, Sue. We have many conversions around here.
So sweet. 🙂
Thanks a lot, Sherry
oh lovely. and a red phone box as as small library:)
Thanks very much, Tanja. We have a lot of converted phone boxes around here. I have posted man of them.
Such gorgeous photos
Thanks very much, Sheree
And I suppose that most of those foals will survive and grow to adulthood. That must produce a very large population of horses.
We do have several thousand, John. Thanks very much
Among the many fine foal pictures, the squirrel silhouettes stood out for me today.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
The foals are darling, but I really enjoyed seeing that telephone box filled with books. We have such free little libraries here, but they are small, and not able to hold as many books as this one!
Thanks very much, Linda
I enjoyed all your photos, but the foal photos took my breath away with their sweetness. Great quality in the detail, too! I hope everyone drives slowly.
Thanks very much, JoAnna.
Beautiful photos of the foals. In regional centres of Australia, telephone boxes are reappearing since the past fires. They take no coins son they are not trashed by local hoons. They are simply there to contact love ones to say you safe, or not safe. It’s been a huge relief since the mobile cell phones don’t work if the get wet or the heat is extreme.
What a good idea, Chrissy. Thanks very much
Thank you for all the gorgeous foal photographs Derrick … and I like the concept of the old telephone boxes being used for book exchange booths
Thank you very much, Ivor
Aw…I loved this so much, Derrick. Your photos of the foal are beautiful. I love the vintage hot rod, too! Thanks for sharing!
Much appreciated, Jill. I’m pleased you loved it
Wonderful Sir
Thanks very much, Gary
Love the foal pictures.
Thanks very much, Mrs W
You’re welcome.
Those are endearing and exquisite pictures of the newly born foal, booth mutated to public library, the vintage car and reflections.
Thank you very much, Uma
It is the season for new life, and those foals are a handsome bunch! They look so adorable but ungainly with their big heads and long legs, almost as long as their mothers’ legs, but they will grow into them in short order. I enjoyed your drive through the forest, and found it quite uplifting. The Ober Water reflecting pools are always a treat, too.
Thank you so much, Lavinia
I love the converted red telephone boxes, too. That is a perfect use for them when not in use as a Tardis. 🙂
Thank you very much, Lavinia 🙂
Derrick- what a wonderful day !
The forest is just looking gorgeous this month.A splattering of rain has helped green up the grass to give an extra munch for the ponies after a long winter
See you out there ! X
Thank you very much, Julie 🙂
What little equine cuties…”horsin’ around” 😉 on such a beautiful day! I’m smiling so big right now! 🙂
I, also, enjoyed the squirrel on the gate photos! 🙂
I had to look up surfeit…what a great word! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…”Some friends have to walk on four legs just so they can carry around such big hearts.” 🐎
Thanks very much, Carolyn 🙂 X
You’re welcome very much! 🙂
Aw…Thank you so much for getting all these images of the foals! I have trouble thinking of anything sweeter!
Ya gotta love those old cars – they had character back in the day.
Thanks very much, GP. You are always looking over my shoulder at the ponies
You bet!!
I know I am supposed to admire the picture of the foal (and I did) but just loved LOVED the phonebooth. What a great idea.
Thank you so much, Bridget
I love all the foal photos. I would have a hard time not taking photos. The matching squirrel on the gate photos are very cool too.
And a wonderful idea for the old telephone boxes.
Thank you very much, Merril
Gorgeous photos 💖
Thanks very much, Melanie X
A special group of horse photos with all of those precious foals in the mix! 💞
Thank you very much, AnneMarie
Hi Derrick, you are so lucky so see all these adorable foals.
We are, Robbie. Thanks very much
Long-legged foals are darling, and the black and whites of the squirrel are terrific. Free book exchange is such a great idea. We have them at most yacht clubs and marinas along the Intercoastal.
Thanks very much, Dolly. I hoped you would like the squirrel
How well you know your audience, Derrick.
So beautiful those foals! I love the photos with the squirrel 🐿 Too cute 🥰
Thank you very much, Ribana