This morning Jackie drove me to the surgery at Milford on Sea where I received my booster Covid vaccination with no problems. We then continued on forest drive.

I stepped out of the car at South Sway Lane, where a fine specimen of buttercups lined the verges opposite the ubiquitous cow parsley,

and carpeted fields with a distant horse enjoying the comfort of fly masks. I

had been initially attracted by the crop of yellow irises.

Two dark bay ponies shared the nearest field. One hopefully trotted over to

investigate me, bringing cloud of flies of a like mind. How this patient creature must have envied the more pampered field horse which was protected from the pesky insects.

On the opposite side of the road moon daisies lined a verge beyond which lay a landscape swathed in varicoloured grasses.

A couple of friendly cyclists sped down the dappled tarmac.

Jackie was struck by the cathedral quality of the oak roof beams spanning Rodlease Lane. She stopped to produce the portrait style photograph, while I made the two landscape versions, one, of course, looking backwards.

A trio of ponies tripped among the daises on the verges of Sway Road.

As we arrived home I noticed what beckons to those who drive past our front entrance.
For dinner this evening we all three enjoyed more servings of those we had yesterday, with more pie filling for Flo and fresh vegetables for us all. Jackie drank Tsing Tao beer and I drank Swartland Shiraz 2020.
I haven’t thought of Tsing Tao since I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and visited Chinatown regularly for dinner. I worked for a Chinese professor, and often had the chance to share dinners there with he and his family — no menus then, just he and the staff chatting about what we should have!
Thanks very much, Linda. We usually have that beer in a Chinese family restaurant.
Wish I could have feed that horse an apple or carrot, he looked so eager!
It amazes me how iris and daffodils grow wild in your countryside.
Thank you very much, GP
I know, GP! The horse looked so crestfallen that there was no treat in the offing.
It really did. We are asked not to feed them.
That does make sense (although probably not to the horse).
A lovely full-bodied South African wine … I am pleased you chose that. I wonder if your label had elephants on it. The bottles here do. As for the photographs, they convey a wonderful sense of the countryside!
An elephant and baby, Anne. Certainly a good wine. Thank you so much
And a small black furry creature feeding amongst the moon daisies! Looks like another great drive in the forest!
A good sport, Janet. Thank you very much
Lovely post. I would like to worship in Jackie’s cathedral. Sun-dappled woods have always drawn me towards them.
Thank you very much, Pat
Such stunning photos in this post! I do love Jackie’s green cathedral portrait.
I may have to look up that Shiraz.
Thanks very much, Merril.
I really feel for those poor horses. Just one fly in the kitchen is enough for me!
Jackie. is with you, John. Thanks very much
The oaks “beams” spanning Rodlease Lane reminded us of a similar situation we saw once in central Florida with cypress branches providing the tunnel roof over a gravel road. So similar and reminding. Thanks for your sharing.
Much appreciated, Maj and Sher
You remind me to go to check if our yellow irises are out. Thank you.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Lovely images Derrick. Have a great weekend.
Thanks very much, Sue
Jackie’s tree cathedral takes the prize for favorite out of this group.
Right on as always, Liz. Thanks very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
It’s looking so beautiful and green.
Thanks very much, Sheree
Rodlease Lane is beautiful. I love the gorgeous ponies. Thanks for sharing, Derrick!
And thank you for always reading and commenting, Jill
Like Jackie and others, I am enamored by the cathedral like arching branches as well as the lovely pastoral views with horses and ponies. Looks like paradise to me.
You wold love it, JoAnna. Thanks very much
I’m so thankful to be able to see through your photos.
Your fabulous photos at Rodlease Lane, reminded me of a quote I wrote Derrick …
“The tunnel is growing wider
The light is glowing brighter” .. Ivor.
Cheers, Ivor
That was a pleasant trip through the woody expanses that resulted in a feast of greenery laden photos.
Thanks very much, Uma
Lovely images.
Thanks very much, Rupali
Buttercups are fine in their place. I have managed to get them in one of the borders and they are a real nuisance,
Thanks a lot, Andrew. Yes. Their roots do trail
So glad you got boosted! We did, too, recently.
Lovely day, lovely drive, lovely photos, Jackie and Derrick!
Oh, those poor ponies…I can’t even imagine how those flies could drive one crazy. 🙁 I wish I could swat the flies away for them. Or better yet, flyswatter the pesky flies. 🙂
I know I’ve told you this before, but I love when the trees stretch their “arms” upward and hold “hands”…providing shade and shelter to everything that passes under. 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Flo called them tree tunnels when she was little. Thanks very much, Carolyn X
Everything locks so green and lush. I love the oaks across Rodlease Lane. It’s looks like a secret tunnel carved in greenery. There’s nothing better than curb appeal and yours beats them all. 🙂 Must be Jackie’s work.
Thanks very much, Chrissy. Actually we inherited that rose
Very nice.
And I was struck by “Jackie was struck by the cathedral quality of the oak roof beams spanning Rodlease Lane.”
A magnificent photo. I must find something similar to post in return.
Thanks a lot, John
That pony is indeed patient. I’ve also watched horses swish away flies with their tails but they have no good defense when the the flies go about their heads.
Thanks very much, Barbara
Remarkable text to accompany gorgeous scenes. Living in such a picturesque place!
Thanks very much, Jan. Soothing thoughts
The tree tunnel road looks especially inviting. What a lovely drive!
Thank you very much, Lavinia
Lovely landscape photos, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Beautiful green forest! The ponies are so adorable! I know the Swartland Shiraz, we got some last week too!
Thanks very much, Aletta. It was good
You do live in such a pretty place, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Robbie
Flies are really pesky insects! Beautiful photos as always!
Thank you very much, Ribana
My favourite photo of the bunch is the welcoming roses in front of your house – irresistible. I enjoyed both perspectives from you and Jackie on the roof over the road. This post is filled with beautiful language. I appreciate the days when you wax lyrical. Oh! The yellow irises remind me that I must go down to the pond and check mine. Two years ago I hauled a bucket to a marshy area a few miles away that I had spotted from the highway, and dug up a clump of yellow irises and then came home and dropped them onto the shore of my pond. Last year they made two beautiful irises. I haven’t been down there to check yet this year because it is simply so wet I don’t want to spend time in the deep grass getting soaked. But if the reward is a yellow iris, it is certainly worth a dousing.
I imagine your irises have proliferated, Crystal. Good gathering and replanting. Thanks very much