A Bunch Of Roses

This largely overcast morning Jackie spent weeding and planting; my contribution was dead-heading and a little clearing up.

After lunch I picked a bunch of roses.

Later this afternoon I posted https://derrickjknight.com/2022/05/23/a-knights-tale-1-a-sneaky-weekend-2/

This was an attempt to tidy up the series. For the first 3 episodes of the tale I had incorporated sections like this first one into my daily diary posts. I wanted to take them out and keep them apart from what I had been doing this century. Now I’ve got myself into a muddle because I don’t know how to get the revised ones in the right order and retain the earlier complete posts under another category. I guess I’ll figure it out. I hope that at least is clear.

This evening we all enjoyed further helpings of yesterday’s Chinese takeaway with which Jackie drank Tsing Tao beer and I drank more of the Shiraz.


  1. So does it being overcast do something specific to the photos? especially of flowers? Because these are gorgeous. But then they always look gorgeous on your blog. The sun is sometimes way too bright here for good photos.

  2. Two beautiful roses that I particularly like, namely Crown Princess Margareta,and Gertrude Jekyll. Really classy, the two of them!

  3. Such lovely roses! I spotted one lone bud on a potted miniature rosebush on my porch. The others up front are way behind leafing out. It will be June before we see any.

  4. I guess I could have a go at suggesting how to create new categories and assign old posts to them, but my explanation might be more confusing than you playing around by yourself. After all, I have managed to lose my “home” heading, and can’t seem to get it back.

  5. Hope you figure your way out of the muddle soon.
    All of the flowers are smiling because of the tender love and care they get from Jackie and you! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I love all roses, but yellow roses are my fave…they just exude sunshine and joy!
    (((HUGS))) ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Your roses are beautiful Derrick.. Much like Jackie I spent most of the morning planting out bedding plants too ๐Ÿ™‚ And the overcast skies here gave way to rain later in the day.. Perfect in watering in all the plants. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Wow! Your rose garden is looking so beautiful! I wish you could send those fragrances in your blog!! I love those close-ups. also, I hope you Figure out how to get the revised portions you have been working on in the right order and are able to retain the earlier complete posts under another category. Good luck! Tenacity is the key!

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