Burning Garden Refuse

Today Nick applied first coats of paint to the Garden Room.

In the meantime, with minor assistance from me, Jackie burnt the garden refuse unsuitable for composting.

Later this afternoon Jackie and I took a short forest drive.

Along Forest Road a pair of ponies and foals set off into the shrubbery as I walked across to them with a camera round my neck.

Another foal clambered to its feet as I approached, and sought the comfort of its mother.

I spoke to the owner of a frisky spaniel and suggested that it might disturb the foals. He replied that she was a good girl and would not worry the ponies. I had to acknowledge that she was not doing so at the moment.

We stopped along Wilverley Road where I did not disturb another mother and baby.

A red postbox remains outside Postbox Cottage in Wootton Road. It has been decorated with a yarn crown to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee.

This evening we all dined on Papa John’s pizzas, with which Jackie and Ian drank Hoegaarden, Becky drank Diet Coke, and I finished the Durif Shiraz, while Flo abstained.


  1. The calm antique cream of the garden room is going to be the perfect frame for your wonderfully colourful view out of that crisp, bright window.
    The foals are absolutely adorable – so glad they were not bothered by the dog… very reminiscent of Bambi! Nice to see all the buttercups studding the grass, too 🙂
    The amazing crochet skills that go into the wonderful postbox toppers are so inspiring – they’re like gifts to us all – such a lovely idea. Thank you for sharing your local crown!!

  2. Good looking paint job. Nick is really performing, and whoever picked the colors should be lauded as well! We couldn’t help but notice that your rubbish burning appliance seems to be an old wheelbarrow. Good idea, we use one for a firepit as well! Glad that the mother of the foal decided to ignore the spaniel. Mares can be very protective of their youngsters.

  3. Great job, Nick! The Garden Room is looking beautiful…so brand-new! 🙂
    The smoky photos document good work done!
    Did you two roast any marshmallows ⬜ or hot dogs?!?! 🌭 Ha! 😉 Just teasin’ you! 😀
    Love seeing the ponies, foals, and pup! The foals are cuter than cute! 🙂
    The yarn crown artwork is so beautiful! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️

  4. Your garden room is going to be one of your favourite rooms, I’m sure. Good for Jackie. She is fearless when it comes to burning the garden refuse. The photos of the foals are adorable, as is the postbox topper.

  5. I like the comforting colors of the Garden room and the sweet ponies and foals. Thank you for speaking to the owner of the Spaniel. I’m glad she was being a good girl. Some dogs (like mine) are still working on controlling their urges.

  6. I would love to be able to burn the piles – plural intended – of garden ‘refuse’, but such fires are banned here. It makes sense because during this long drought everything is tinder dry and I would not like to be the cause of a greater fire. It is nonetheless satisfying to reduce such mounds to ashes. Well done.

  7. The garden room looks adorable. The refuge burning has created many a smoky picture. The outing has yielded serene images of grasslands adorned with ponies and foals.

  8. Please congratulate Flo on her eye for color! The garden room’s renovation is coming along beautifully. I bet you and Jackie are please. Of course, your “short forest drive” always is a treat. Thanks for sharing it with us. Joyful!!

  9. That is quite the blaze that Jackie had going! I am pretty sure we would see firetrucks coming if we got that ambitious about cleaning up our yard debris.

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