A Facelift

While Jackie and I were out yesterday afternoon Flo, in addition to the vacuuming that she always does, set about our upstairs sitting room. She removed all the lumber that still remained, finding other temporary locations;

then organised the furniture that was to stay in there. The two square chairs have their own matching bolster cushions. Our granddaughter has taken these to wash before returning them. The mirror awaits its hanging. The horrible mottled grey carpet is to be replaced.

The presenter of this delightful surprise cleaned unsightly black mould from the windows.

Flo also replaced the central lampshade in our bedroom, and propped up the bedtime reading back rest Becky had made for me when she was an art student in Newark.

Before dinner we all three sat chatting in our new room with great pleasure.

This afternoon I almost finished reading the first of the Diaries of Jane Somers by Doris Lessing.

Becky returned home to Southbourne this afternoon.

Jackie, Flo, and I dined this evening on Red Chilli’s excellent takeaway fare with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden; Flo, a mixed fruit cordial; and, for me more of the Fleurie.

I then watched the highlights of the third day of the England/New Zealand Test match.


  1. The redecoration has turned an important corner. It is good to read of Flo’s contribution to this process.

  2. Your granddaughter is doing an excellent job of keeping busy and making herself helpful around your house and garden. What a delightful house guest to have! 💞

  3. I know she is your granddaughter, but it so lovely when a house guest fits right in and makes themselves useful and completely at home. The sitting room looks very welcoming.

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