Enough For A Splash

Our Waterboy feature had been reduced to a mere trickle by the narrow pipe feeding the fountain from the pump being clogged up. Jackie spent much of

the morning clearing the blockages and restoring normal working order.

I dozed over an Iris Murdoch for most of this very hot day until 5 p.m. when I

adjudged it cool enough for a walk around the garden with my camera. These images all bear titles in the gallery.

Jackie had slept upstairs for a couple of hours, and, refreshed, suggested a drive to Puttles Bridge to investigate the condition of Ober Water, which,

although far shallower than usual contained just enough liquid for

a dog chasing a stick to create a splash.

Unfortunately the first thing I saw as I disembarked in the car park had been

a heap of discarded rubbish. There is of course a bin nearby.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s spicy paprika pork served with boiled potatoes and tender runner beans, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Shiraz.


  1. Make sure that you limit yourself to short periods in the sun, Derrick. None of us want to see an excessively sunburnt octogenarian.

  2. It makes me upset to see people tossing litter and garbage like that.
    The dog looks very happy to be splashing and fetching. Your garden looks beautiful. Jackie is so clever.

  3. Yes … littering is a pet hate of mine Derrick … If knew who the Culprit was, intead of picking up their rubbish and putting it in that nearby bin … i would take their litter around too their front door and dump their own rubbish there … of course they would kick up a stink … but that’s irony of their selfish acts

  4. You left me dangling for the next installment of words, luckily there were beautiful flowers to keep me amused 😉 The flower garden is doing well considering your heatwave.

  5. It surprises me that people still litter as much as they do. When are humans going to grow up? Thank you for the lovely flowers, paths, and Ober Water reflections.

  6. 3/18 the shady path! On the left there is the trunk and branches of a dead tree. Now I visited a garden in Melbourne some years ago that is/was owned by an avid gardener and artist. She had allowed one of her students to paint a dead tree that was left, as is yours. The stipulation was that it be unobtrusive until winter when the garden was bare and then to be joyful. Those are her words. Just thought you would find that interesting. I am not making any suggestions here.

  7. I have time for only a quick peek at my computer early this morning and am delighted to see your garden looking so beautiful.

  8. So you read, and re-read Murdoch too? I loved Murdoch when I read all her books her very much. And still do of course. One of the the ultimate fictional books that most impacted me was Thomas Mann’s, The Magic Mountain. I went to read it again. And stopped. It couldn’t seem quite the enlightenment it was for me the first time I read it. I think it is special you reread. Good on you.

  9. Yay, Jackie! Your great work will bring so much joy to the garden! The WaterBoy is fabulous! 🙂
    You know I love seeing the doggie having fun in the water! What a cutie! 🙂
    UGHS on the people who litter! 🙁
    YAY for time to read and time to rest…be careful during the hot times of the day.
    (((HUGS))) and ❤️ for both of you!! 🙂 🙂

  10. An inspirational gallery (except for the last, sore point). R. ‘Crown Princess Margareta’ is looking great and the red hollyhock drew a wow!

  11. Always a mystery when people just throw their trash on the ground. Especially when there is a trash can nearby. Anyway…despite the heat, the flowers look beautiful. I really liked pictures of a dog buddy having fun.

  12. Hi Derrick, You have my sort of rambling garden – quite delightful ! We are now in an apartment but have a tiled garden and patio smothered with cerise bougainvillea and stephanotis, the heavenly perfume of which is a joy in the evening. Like you, I have been reading :a Lee Child’s mystery-murder as it’s so hot here in Spain this week. (We retired from the UK) Thank goodness for the breezes… Cheers.

  13. I love the Waterboy. I can hear the sound of water pouring from the urn amid all those beautiful flowers. The dappled daylily is a very pleasing composition.

    The dog looks very happy playing stick in the water. 🙂

  14. I am used to litter around here. (I took a disposable razor out of Molly’s mouth yesterday morning on our walk.). It seems absolute sacrilege in your beautiful countryside. 😢

  15. What a shame people don’t appreciate and litter around. In Singapore where I live, littering is dealt with a heavy fine.

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