From midday onwards Jackie and I were the official photographers for the most delightful wedding of our friends Karen and Barry Chislett-Bruce.
First, beginning with Barry’s son and best man, Owen, and his partner Tori, guests arrived at the Lymington Community Centre where the ceremony was to take place. As we all gathered together, partaking of Pimms or elderflower cordial, the bride and groom entered the room designated for their interview with the registrars and emerged ready for the service. Jackie and I were invited to move around as much as we liked during the ceremony.
The meal was excellent – of three courses followed by plentiful plates of cheese and biscuits. Cider, wine, tea, and coffee flowed.
Heartfelt speeches from Karen’s father and from Owen were full of emotional moments. Much convivial conversation with friends and family of the happy couple followed before we eventually took our leave.
There are several hundred photographs of our own to process, and will be many more to come from the many other cameras that were in evidence. I will print the best of these and find albums for them all. Because these pictures will belong to Mr and Mrs Chislett-Bruce, they will not appear on this post.
We did return home via Brockenhurst on order to find a pony or two for the blog.

Cattle and ponies basked on the moorland opposite
Highway Cottage, in the shade of which a group of equines sought a place to sleep. Maybe another on the verge was searching out her own refuge.
Is there no end to both your talents?
Thanks very much, Sheree. 🙂
All the best to the happy couple!
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
How wonderful to share such joy with and for your friends!
Thank you very much, Merril
Congratulations to the newlyweds! Beautiful photos as always, Derrick. ❤️
Thank you very much, John
I’m especially take with your profile photos of these ponies, Derrick. I suspect you did as well with some human profiles at the wedding.
I hope so, Linda. Thank you very much.
Sounds delightful. Congratulations to the two photographers. And a forest drive. Now if the heatwave would break…
Thanks very much, Pat. We are due the hottest days ever recorded next week.
That is what the news has been saying. We are not breaking any heat records but the humidity is wretched.
Humidity is the worst aspect of it
Bestest wishes to the newly married couple…Karen and Barry! ❤️ Much love and joy to them! 🙂
How wonderful of you and Jackie to be their photographers! I know you did a great job! 🙂
YAY for a delightful day! 🙂
(((HUGS))) ❤️
Thank you so much, Carolyn X
That should keep you busy for quite a while. This might be handy while it is too hot to go out and about.
Quite so, Tootlepedal. Thanks very much
Amazing how horses can sleep standing up or leaning against a stone wall.
Indeed. Thanks very much, John
Weddings are always beautiful. I’ve never been to one that I would say was disappointing. New beginnings are always exciting.
Yeah, that’s definitely pony or two. 🙂
Thanks very much, Chrissy
I’m sure that your photos of the wedding will be stunning 🙂
So are they – that’s what worries me 🙂 Thanks very much, Rosaliene
It sounds like a wonderful, happy, day Derrick. I have fond memories of Brockenhurst.
Thanks very much, Mike
The wedding sounds like a great time was had by all Derrick …
It was one of the loveliest ever, Ivor. Thanks very much
They made a great choice for their photographers. I’m glad you enjoyed the day along with your duties!
We did, JoAnna, but were too tired to go back to the bride’s parents in the evening 🙂 Thanks very much
I understand about being tired. One big event per day is enough for me.
A wedding and ponies. A finest kind of day, as we would say in Maine.
Thanks very much, Laurie
It sounds like you still have plenty of work to do before you can hand over your work to the happy couple. I’m sure they will appreciate all the skill and effort that you are no doubt putting into their albums.
Thank you so much, AnneMarie
It looks as if we’re close to a day when horses and ponies outnumber the people!
Thanks very much, John
What a great honour to be asked to photograph the wedding and reception.
The closeups of the ponies are lovely.
Thank you very much, Sue
Together with Jackie, you have honoured the promise you had made to the marrying couple. You have also righty decided not to post the photos on the blog. Meanwhile, ponies have posed in their characteristically unbothered mood.
Thanks very much, Uma
Oh, what a lovely day for a wedding!
It was indeed, Kim. Thank you very much
How lovely, Derrick! Congratulations to the happy couple. I’m sure you and Jackie’s photos will have captured many wonderful moments in hteir delightful day 😊
Thank you so much, Sandra.
What an honor to be asked to photograph a couple’s big day!! Glad you had fun and good eats while you were there.
Are the ponies feeling the effects of abnormal heat?
Yes – very sleepy. Thanks very much, GP
Well now theres a surprise!
So funny that you know Barry and Karen
Barry has been sweeping my chimney for years and Karen has been great helping me with some puppy training !
They are super people and I couldn’t be happier for them both !
Jealous that you got to go to the wedding.
What a perfect day for them !
Thank you very much, Jooles. We thoroughly agree.
The wedding sounds like a beautiful event, Derrick. I imagine the photos will be fabulous.
Thank you very much, Eugi
Wishing your friends Karen and Barry Chislett-Bruce a long and happy life together.
I enjoyed seeing the ponies, as always. How hot has it been in your area.
We have been around 30c. Next week we are to expect c40c for the first time ever recorded. Thanks very much, Lavinia
Lovely occasion.
Thanks very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Sounds like a great day.
Thanks very much, Andy
You’re welcome.
Another beautiful day! I’m sure the photographs are gorgeous 🤩
Thank you very much, Ribana