Early this morning Jackie continued the clearance in the Rose Garden. I carted her clippings to the compost bins and carried out more dead-heading before we shopped and the Co-op in Stopples Lane then took a drive into the forest.

Well before mid-day shadows flickering in the woodland alongside Bisterne Close manifested as clusters of fly-infested shelter-seeking ponies twitching tails, scratching with frantic hoof and friction against dappled tree trunk clinging together for comfort. Only the ferns risked the direct sun’s rays.

A pair of cyclists who wheeled along the Close were encountered at several points later, and could be

seen on Forest Road beyond a mare and foal, part of a group

disrupting traffic as they sought their own

spots of shelter beneath the spreading branches spanning the road.

Cattle preferred to shelter in the shrubbery.
Elizabeth visited us this afternoon, bringing goodies for Flo, and stayed for dinner which consisted of a selection of Papa John’s pizzas. My sister and I drank Esprit de Puisseguin Saint-Emilion 2019, and Jackie drank Hoegaarden.
That first pony shot in black and white is so striking and unusual. It almost looks like a print.
I had the same reaction, Merril.
Me too!
Thank you so much, Merril. I converted it to black and white to emphasise the hidden nature of these equine figures in the dark shaded areas of the woodland.
You’re welcome. It’s very effective.
The horses are very good at traffic flow disruption! They are beautiful though… ❤️🇬🇧
Thank you so much, John
Have you got a dividend card?
We are applying for one
I put it off for years so wish I had done it earlier now.
I can remember my mother’s 1950s dividend number. Strange how these random memories of no use whatsoever still remain.
Like car registration numbers.
Strangely, I can’t remember the family telephone number, (we used to answer the phone saying it) but I remember the one at the in-laws!
Rugby 71677!
Haha, give it a few more years 😂
You know I always love the pony pictures, but the black/white silhouettes take one’s breath away!
Thank you so much, GP. In that woodland we had to peer to see them – inviting black and white
Ah-hah, we’re looking through the eyes of a true photographer!!
Thanks again
The very first shot in this set — of the pony in the woodland — is a real stunner! Thanks you for sharing it!
Thank you very much, too, Janet
The first horse silhouette is the winner.
Thank you so much, Sherry.
A wonderful day.
Thanks very much, Andy
You’re welcome.
Lovely photos – I love the ponies in silhouette. Must come down to your neck of the woods soon – haven’t been there since the pandemic started.
You would be welcome, Kim. You may have noticed that we were in Newbury at a barbecue a few days ago. Thanks very much
I did notice! 😀
The gray mane of the pony in the header photo is quite striking.
I thought so – she reminded me of a lovely woman ageing gracefully. Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick. I can see the comparision.
Shade seeking animals – quite understandable
Yes. Thanks very much, Sheree
Even the horses are feeling the heat!
Thanks very much, Rosaliene
Ah, such beautiful animals – and your photos are magnificent, as always! Have a wonderful weekend… and stay hydrated, {{{Derrick}}}. Hugs! <3 <3
Thanks very much, Jan XX Stay on your feet 🙂
I’ll work on that! Thanks.
Animals are far more sensible than humans – so many of the latter choose to sacrifice themselves to the sun god on hot days and then glow like incandescent beetroots at night!
So true, Anne. I used to do it 🙂 Thanks very much
Stunning photos. I would happily be disrupted by those horses while on my travels.
Thank you very much, Sarah
Dappled light and heat weary horses – beautifully captured Derrick.
Thank you very much, Val
Pony in woodland is one of your nicest ever pictures in my opinion. It’s improved a lot by being just in black and white.
Thank you very much, John. I am pleased
The cattle clustered under the trees brought a smile. This is the season when I’ll often see large groups of cattle gathered under a single oak tree in a pasture. The preference for shade is cross-cultural!
Thanks very much, Linda
Poor horses! But what marvelous pictures you took, especially the first one that looks as though it’s in black and white. Moody and mysterious.
Thank you very much, Laurie. I did convert it to black and white
Seeking shade seems to be a must. The photos are fantastic today, Derrick! I always love to read that you’ve had Papa John’s for dinner. It makes it seem like you’re not that far away. 🙂
Thank you so much, Jill. We need Flo’s help in ordering sensible sizes on line
The woodland ponies are gorgeous. I’ve seen something like the wildlife tent and didn’t know that’s what it was. Good to know.
Thank you very much, JoAnna
I am so sorry it is still hot! Poor ponies. They are lovely.
Thank you so much, Cindy
The photographs as a whole tell a great story, but the first one of the horse in silhouette goes into my list of IWIHTT. (I wish I had taken that!)
Thank you very much, John. Praise, indeed
I suppose there are veterinarians that regularly check up on the horses? The heatwave was horrendous for most humans so I can imagine the animal population found it just as hard to cope with; luckily the UK has an abundance of glorious shady trees.
There is a team of agisters who look out for them all the time and if necessary ensure medical attention. Also there is an annual round up and examination https://derrickjknight.com/2016/08/30/the-drift/ Thank you very much, Suzanne
Glad they are finding some shade
So many areas have the heat wave this week
Thanks very much, Yvette
I think I would be standing in the shade wherever I could. Especially after hearing the high temperatures that are happening over there.
Thanks very much, Chrissy
The black and white photo of the horse remind me of the ink paintings I used to do when I was studying Chinese brush painting. They’re beautifully shaped creatures.
Thank you so much, Nicki
I am always amazed at the number of unfenced-in horses wandering on and beside the roads.
That have the right of way in the New Forest National Park. Thanks very much, Judy
The ponies are beautiful! So sorry they have to endure the heat. Glad they can find some sheltered shady spots.
You know I love seeing the light-n-shadows artwork nature creates for you to photograph! 🙂
And your B&W photos are especially striking…such amazing details and emotions pop out.
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you so much, Carolyn X
Those pony pictures are absolutely lovely, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Sue
The header shot is truly stunning!
Thank you very much, Eugi
Most welcome, Derrick.
The black and white photos are exceptional.
I hoped you would like them, Dolly. Thank you very much
I have, very much so. My pleasure, Derrick.
Love the pony pictures. You live in a gorgeous location.
Thank you so much, Pat
Love the pony pictures. You live in a gorgeous location.
I am glad those ponies found some shade. Now only if they could shake the flies. 🙂
Indeed. Thanks very much, Lavinia
A magical forest!
Thank you very much, Ribana